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Amari reached for her towel in the darkness, drying off her now clammy skin from her shower. She held it over her before pushing the curtains back to step on the tile floor, which had seemed to be pretty slippery.

Her life flashes before her eyes as she looses her footing, trying to hold onto something to catch her fall. Gladly, she grabs the towel rack, gripping onto it with her dry hands. She huffs before searching the ground for her robe to throw it back on.

Amari figures out where the door is just because of the light that shined under it. She slowly cracked open the door to see Zion again, fast asleep.

With some relief, she opens the door all the way, closing it softly behind her. She ties the belt of her robe as she sneaks around his bed. Her still clammy feet suction to the wooden floors as she passed by without making a sound. She almost made it to the door.

"So when were you going to ask me?" Zion's voice croaked from sleep, shifting in his bed.

Amari stopped dead in her tracks, dropping her liquid soap bottle on the ground. She turned to see his dark figure now sitting up in the bed in the dim room, now looking over at her.

"Oh.  You're awake." She said with surprise in her voice. "I thought you were sleeping so I didn't want to bother you," She responded honestly picking up her soap.

"What if I didn't want you to use it?" He asked.

She rolled her eyes, even if he couldn't see them clearly. "Still would've used it. My shower isn't working."

"Stop lying, you used it because the pressure is better in mine," He says, getting defensive.

She only shook her head. "Trust me, mine was probably better. Come check," She lightly jerked her head in the direction.

For some reason, Zion saw this as a challenge. "Bet," He said, jumping out of the comfort of his bed in quickness.

He got in the room before she even could take her first four steps. He sped into her room, almost tripping over her pile of clothing right by the bathroom. Z didn't mind it, only going straight to the shower to turn it on to no avail.

He waited till Amari strolled in, a smug look on her face with somewhat of a proudness to her walk. She leaned against the doorframe. "So what did you find?"

"I thought you were lying. Shit, my bad," He got up from how he awkward sat down on the ground. "I don't know when I'ma be able to get it fixed, though."

"Probably tomorrow, but you to lazy so you'll say like next month." She did the math. They only officially lived together here about three months and he was so predicable. It was too easy for her.

He rolled his eyes, walking past her. "I could but nah." He definitely looked to her up and down somehow, in the process.

"Exactly. Goodnight Caleb." She said, smiling. She just loved it when she was right.

"Zion," He corrected her with a soft voice before softly closing her door to her bedroom.




"Eddie! No!" Amari cried, showing sympathy to her very close friend. She sat on her bed, very emotionally involved into the words that he was telling her.

"Yea. How about we continue this at your place?" He was very soft spoken over the phone this afternoon, which made this girl's heart shatter to pieces for him. This wasn't like him at all.

She nodded before answering, forgetting that he couldn't see her through a normal phone call. "For sure. See ya," With pursed lips she replied.

"Mhm." He hummed before hanging up the phone.

She threw her phone on the bed before walking out of her room for the fourth time today.  She slammed her hand on the granite countertops, grabbing Zion's attention. He turned to look at her with an alarmed expression, but then got back to making his pancakes accompanied with bacon. He didn't ask, because he just knew sometimes it wasn't the best thing to go 'the hell is wrong with you?' to a woman in distress. That's triggering sometimes. 

Though she didn't announce anything, and just sat quietly. She looked off into the distance, her brown eyes boring into something. She softly mumbles, "Stank ass bitch." A loud grunt was followed after with a twitch of her lip.

"I feel like you want me to ask you, what's wrong." The dread head boy speaks up, placing the second pancake on his plate, before turning it off.  "Maybe I'm— correct me if I'm wrong. Please," He turned around, cautiously leaning on the counter besides the stove to look at his roommate.

It was only his instinct to browse her. Her snug pink tank top, with a pair of grey bicycle shorts that hugged her small but plump thighs, almost made him smirk. Simple, yet effective. His eyes laid back on her pretty facial features.

"You'll find out when Ed gets here," She waves it off. He raises an eyebrow at Amari, who stands up to walk around the island counter to examine his brunch.  "I want some bacon."

His eyes widen, picking up his plate and turning away from her, who was charging at it. "No ma'am, make your own."

She grunted, slapping her hands down to her side. She walked away, sitting back down in the chair. "If I tell you why, can I have some?"

Zion looked at her and laughed heartily. His facial expression drifted quickly before glaring. "No." He walked into the living room with his plate.

"Clean up after yourself this time. Last time I had to vacuum extra hard because of your messy eating ass." Amari complained, crossing her arms as her roommate sat down, turning on the tv to watch something.

"Vacuuming extra hard isn't a thing but okay." He mumbles under his breath.

Amari stands up and walks behind the couch, quietly enough that he would have no idea she's behind him. She quickly pecks her hand at his plate, grabbing the bacon, putting it in her mouth.

Zion put his plate down on the coffee table before standing up and pulling the bacon that hung out of Amari's mouth.

"Why are you so annoying?" He asked, sitting back down taking the next bite of the piece a bacon that was kidnapped for a second.

"Because you are. You should've just gave me one," She shrugged.

"I think you just want to bother me." He suggest, finally eating his breakfast.

"Then this is even." Amari says, walking back into her room, now choosing to wait inside her quarters till her best friend shows.

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