Part 3-It's me....Beam

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Notes: Sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to introduce Beam.


Little did Ming knew what was waiting for him....He was hoping that after winning the Moon & Star competition he thought he will be spared or given a leeway from the hazing activities. But he was wrong; Forth was not making it easy for the fresher's.

He made them do all the physical activities and the engineering chants till to the satisfaction.... of the 'to be next' Head Hazer. Even the third year senior didn't get in between when Forth is hazing. All the juniors were left with so little time for themselves; it was same for Ming as well.

Since Ming was not able to give much of attention to his beloved Kit. Kit started to get worried about this, so one day he planned to drop by the Engineering Faculty to see how things are.

Since they needed volunteers for medical emergencies during the Hazing activities, they needed a temporary replacement for a few days. Kit didn't want to let go this opportunity, so he just tag Beam along with him to volunteer.

Both Kit & Beam walked near the field, they made themselves comfortable at medical booth. Few of the juniors started getting distracted by the presence of Beam. Who doesn't know beam, ask the girls....he is the most handsome among the crazy doctor gang. Handsome was an understatement, that enigmatic smile which makes a girls heart flutter..... even a few guys find Beam intimidating. But there was some kind of hidden mischief in that smile when Beam entered the Engineering Facility.

He was eyeing only one person, he saw those broad shoulders....well toned body and tanned complexion. Beam has been always curious about Forth, and this was the way to find more about him.Kit saw how tough forth was with his juniors; he was just feeling bad for Ming.

Kit just poked Beam to get his attention " Beam why don't you become a distraction for Forth. You need to distract him so that he can have mercy on those juniors"

Beam just gave a confused looked to Kit "Are you kidding me??? Why will I distract Forth....are you so much smitten by Ming that you want to save him from the wrath of their Head Hazer" giving a dramatic look so that Kit will get further annoyed.

Kit seriously got annoyed... " I thought you are a good person...kind hearted angel...... helpful towards your friend. But I was wrong, you are such an least I can expect help from Pha not from you"

Beam showed his tongue to doesn't matter to Beam if Kit was using such harsh words towards him. He just wanted to enjoy the view, after lot of puppy eyes and pleading from Kit, Beam finally agreed to cast a spell on the Head Hazer....

Beam need to get to know Forth, so when he saw that the hazing activity was over and all the juniors were dismissed, he took this chance to talk to the head hazer.

"You should not let your frustration out on those juniors ...that's does not go well with your image" Beam said that with a smirk on his face. Forth just turned and looked in Beam eyes, he didn't anticipate this crazy doctor would be so bold.

Forth gave a very unamused look and said "And what makes you think that way." meanwhile all the hazing team and the Third year Hazing Team were dumbfounded by the courage of this med student.

"Who the hell do u think you are to judge me..." Forth said it in a very cold voice.

Beam showed his dazzling smile to Forth and said " It's me...Beam" 

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