Part 27-Love Gear

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Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing this is it....the final chapter for this fanfic. This fanfic gave me courage to express the way i look at Forth Beam, I must say....all thanks to you all lovely readers, i could reach 27 chapters....this kept me going. 

Thanks a lot for your views, It was good to know that few of you really liked my writing....thanks to all of them....and thanks to those lovely comments....though i never replied to them....but i really took them seriously and tried my best to shape this story. 

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. :)


Third Person POV

Forth was walking with a blank mind, nothing can make him feel makes more sense to go back and take some rest....he has the most important event to be taken care doesn't matter if he is hurting inside out....all he has to do is be the best senior for his juniors. He just empty minded dragged his feet to nowhere... not sure whom to trust, hurt was evident in his eyes. He is strong not a looser, but right now he felt like draining out all those emotions, which were clogging his mind, he really didn't wanted to keep that image of Beam being consumed into that moment, though deep down he wished it was him, he has come to a realization, he seriously has to let go Beam if he wants to. With all those thoughts, he walked his way towards their shared apartment, but little did he know he was being watched by his friends. They didn't want Forth to get more emotional, it's up to him to decide and think all by himself. They don't want him to suffer alone, so what they did is....they decided to go and camp themselves in that spare bedroom, so that they all can be together to discuss last min details ....they all have an important task in hand.

Lam has always been the strongest supporter of Forth no matter what, this time he will not let his friend suffer or even think about it. He requested Kit and Phana to take care of Beam so that he can clear his mind and calm down. He also mentioned the Location where they are going to conduct the gear giving's a big even in every engineer's life and for Forth, it's a way of acceptance by his seniors to pass on the baton.

It was true the gear signifies deep values, but Forth looks at it in a different way and this year he is going to give a new meaning to it. He was talking a lot about it with his gang and they all agreed to it. This will be their way of acknowledging their juniors...Lam was super thrilled by this thought, but all the excitement went down the drain when they saw Forth being so upset about what happened earlier.

Forth calmed his mind and re-evaluated the situation, he was anyways going to give Beam a chance to figure out this situation with Namtan, so why is he feeling so broken just struck's not right on his behalf to be so damn teenagers....all of a sudden his mood changed and he was all back to focus on task in hand....he just looked at Lam and gave that wide assuring gummy smile to his buddy ...... simply letting him know that he is back in the groove...and all set to make it a memorable event.

They all took some rest and picked their bags and walked out of the apartment, before leaving Forth left a note for Beam.... and he simply smiled while keeping it on the night lamp of their bedroom. They all started their journey towards the beach for a fun filled event.

After constant nagging from Pha and Kit, they left the bar, on the way back Beam was drained asking the same question about Forth, he really didn't get the answer. No one was ready to tell him, it's clear that he need to cool off his mind before he even utter a single word to him.

So he was with Kit and Phana, they both accompanied Beam...they were doing as they were told. Where as Pha was not at all ok with this situation with Beam and Forth. He felt Beam was wrong and he needs to man-up and face this situation rather than blaming alcohol for his actions.

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