Part 9-It's just the beginning

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Hi everyone, just couldn't hold myself from writing Beams point of view.  I hope you like it..... enjoy :)



You have no idea how happy I am right now; this is the best day of my life. Of all the people my dad has to be friend with Forth family. I seriously fell in love with them; they are some warm just like my family. It all started with a sudden call from my parents.

My dad called me to come home on Saturday morning....I wish I could spend some time lazing around. When dad said it's important, I have to take it seriously before giving any kind of excuses.

I drove on Saturday morning, enjoying the scenery with the rising sun, this morning felt special. I just had that gut feeling, something good is going to happen. I reached home after driving for 3 hrs....the moment I entered I was welcomed to the delicious aroma of mom made food. Oohh god I miss it so so much, I am not complaining, but I equally love my freedom... I miss my parents.

As a kid, I use to get upset with one crude reality, Why didn't they get me any sibling, I use to complain of being left alone, though Pha and Kit have been always there for me no matter what but you still miss having that amazing bond that you share with your siblings.

It was my parent's choice at the end, but things turned out pretty good. Mom was so happy to see me home; she understands the pressure I go through as a medical student. They both made me sit and had a serious face, my Dad said

"we never forced you to do anything in your life, we gave you full freedom to do as your heart wish. This time we want you to listen to us, just for once meet this person. You may end up liking that person; it's like a complete package. You will soon find out who I am talking about. This evening just come along with us."

All my happy thoughts and feeling went out of the window, my expression changed...I was kind of feeling nervous. This my mom noticed, she said " Beam baby, do you want to say something. Please don't hide your feeling from us. Are you worried about something..??"

I just shake my head, gave my genuine smile, I said " Mom and Dad, I am not worried about anything, in my life I got everything. You never said no to me, you gave me everything I asked for. I was not expecting this, so I need some time to get use to this fact that I am going to meet some person..... that too today evening." In my mind, I was panicking....I was like 'are you kidding me guys....seriously....aaaahhhhggghhh I feel like screaming.'

Mom noticed the uncertainty in my tone and I was fiddling with my snack. I just wanted to tell them that I already like someone, but how can I break their heart.

Mom just gestured to Dad, that she will talk to me alone; they have a fantastic code language. I just wish I should share the same bond with, you know who....I want Forth to be in my life, I just like him so much....but I am not sure about his feelings. I was lost in my thoughts when my mom poked on my nose with her finger.

Mom said, " Is something bothering you baby... you know you can always trust me."

" I am not prepared for this mom, it's just that I am to tell you about....I don't know if its right or it a good time aahhmm... I just."

"Ohh common sweetie, just tell me what is bothering you."

I take a deep breath, "I like someone from my university and I really really like him. He is the most handsome guy you can ever meet, he is fierce, but at the same time gentle. His gang worships him, he will do anything to fight for these guys. He is way too Hot, he is the definition of sexiness....I really want him to know what I feel for him..!!"

"Beam, you like a you realized that."

My eyes widened, I never told my mom & dad about my preference...well, I do want to tell my mom that these all feelings are only for him. I am ready to be gay for him...because he makes my heart flutter.

I just sigh, looked in my mom's eyes with determination to tell her the truth...

"It's just that I like this particular guy....I am ready to face anything for him. Mom when you meet him, you will love him...I am sure you will also like him. Please mom, don't hate me...."

"Are you kidding me dear, we will never get disappointed with that. We are proud of you & it doesn't matter if you have fallen so deep for a guy. I am sure he is worth, coz you have all your attention to Him. But dear, I want you to meet this person, please for one day dear...just meet him. I will make your dad understand, just for today, please come with us. Just meet this family for once...please nnaaa dear."

How can I say no to my mom, she will know if I am comfortable or not with this meeting. It's just a matter of one day. With that I agreed to go with my mom dad for this party.

I was wearing these amazing khaki pants with solid light blue shirt, I look like a cute baby that's what my mom said....I believe her...coz I love my mom so much.

We just entered the house, we were welcomed by few people, I just felt warm by the presence of all of them. They were so sweet, I was being hugged by Mrs J she has that smile...feels like... do I know this person with the same smile. We were taken to the living room, there I was looking around as I am always curious by nature. There I saw him....OMG I can't believe's Forth house...its his family that I am meeting. I was thanking god for making me the happiest person on this earth.

I gave the best smile to my mom after looking at the portrait, she knew right away, it's the same person...and I already like him so so much....I was doing the happy dance ...I could imagine jumping with joy...doing that crazy dance.

Then here comes forth, he looks so freaking hot.... how dare he could put himself on display for people to drool over him....I so badly wanted to tell him that stop being so HOT.

He was equally surprised to see me, but he took me around...I so wanted to play games in his gaming room, but...we are at a party mom & dad will not appreciate it. So we went out on the main party, I saw was so clear he was not happy to see me. But his brother gave me those felt as if he hates me. I just decided not to get bothered by all this, went ahead and started enjoying the party.

I felt so good, just how forth is the most spoiled kid...the real baby of his family. It feels so good to see him happy.

After all the celebrations and food, we all were siting...I notice that Lam's family is also close with Forth's family. I was so distracted thinking about each and everyone that I forgot to notice that my dad was standing besides Mr. J and what surprised me was what was announced.

Then the unexpected happen, well happy thoughts beam don't think negative at this have to react normally no matter what it is. Just this part I could remember as.. his dad said ".....I here announce that we wish to have my youngest son Forth officially committed with Beam.... You are officially engaged with our blessings. With this I would like to make a toast to celebrate this union."

I saw how forth reacted, he was surprised....but in a good way...I know that. And then I couldn't stop smiling.

I just did one thing, I went ahead and hold his hand. I just gave this sweet smile to calm his nerves. I just leaned forward to whisper " you are not happy...are you upset with this"

Forth just snapped out of his thoughts and just squeezed my hand in assurance that he was ok... he just shake his head to tell me that I was wrong....then he gave his can't believe what I did.... I just gave a small peck on his cheeks...with that I went to my mom dad.

He was a bit surprised with my bold move....but I saw his ears getting all red.

O_O....oohhh, can he really blush due to this....he can be cute at this moment, I still gave my teasing smile to him....I am so in Love with feeling escalated to the next level the moment they announce our engagement.

I told him that we must travel together to go back to our university...he just agreed to it.

Life will be better with him ...I know I didn't choose you. I just took one look at you and then- there was no turning back.

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