Part 18- The Engineering Event- Part 1

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Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing good....its been a long time i have not updated this story.

I hope you like this chapter...please don't hate me...there are few surprises... :P


Finally the day has come, Forth being the next head hazer in making, gave his every bit of his time to do his duties, attending meetings and making all the arrangements. He is the person who knows his priorities, after a lot of scrutiny the sports day proposal was accepted; it was well detailed by the second year hazing team. But the biggest task for Forth was to manage his time, at the same time he didn't want Beam to feel that he is not important or not in his priority list. In between classes, in between lunch breaks, in between events one text or a call to Beam was enough to keep him sane from all this one time craziness.

Guess what, Beam was a very supportive in this case, though he was also busy with his assignments he use to drop by to meet Forth. Well, they may be arranged to be together by their family, but Forth never officially asked Beam to be his was an unspoken agreement between them, Forth never wanted to rush, but wanted to take it slow, where as Beam has a different plan.

At the Sports Event in Engineering Faculty.

At the start of the event, students from other faculty were allowed to cheer for their favorite group of Boys.... it was between different streams like....Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and many more, between different years right from second to final year. The environment was electric; it was pure competition, who is best at what, right from football to basketball every event was equally cheered. Beam was there to see his man and to let people know whom he belongs to. He was also excited to see how Forth is competing with others, who all are his teammates.

This was basketball event, where Forth was sporting this awesome look anyone can drool over him...he was looking so jaw-droopingly hot. Beam was looking at the combination and made few mental notes so that what all he can do with Forth. Forth was wearing this white jersey that has his name as Jaturaphoom, with the number 08 written in bold black ink. He was wearing the black shorts and athletic shoes to complete the look. Before the start of the game Beam wanted to meet his man. Apparently Forth is the Team Captain, he was explaining his strategy for the game, they were playing against the fourth year. The lot of them in the opposing team was, well built and tall. Where as Forth's team was a combination. He was briefing the team to focus on a few things like man-to-man defense, team rebounding and half court offense. He was motivating the team in the best possible way...Beam himself was one of them, yes he played basketball in his school days with his crazy doc gang. Looking at Forth so focused turned him on, lately he is going crazy, every time he want to do something with Forth, pull in close to him and do crazy things, his mind was full of naughty thoughts and shit things.

Just before the game Beam sneaked in the dressing room, pulled Forth by his wrist and pulled him into a passionate kiss, though he was stunned by this sudden attack on his lips, after gaining some sense he responded to those lip biting from beam. They ran out of breath, it was indeed a passionate kiss just to motivate his boyfriend... "That was Hot, what took over you" Forth said with his ragged breathing....Beam just sucked out his breath...they just touched each others forehead. "You like this in a white jersey and shorts, giving all motivational speech and just made me crazy. The more I know about you, the more I am falling for are so perfect in all aspects....this is driving me are making me feel insane....I am loosing my sanity....!! Do something....I want you baby...just be with me." Beam just blurted out what was there in his mind...without thinking what Forth will say...or what will he think of him...They just stayed like that for a few minutes, till ...both of them turned to the sudden sound from the doorway. It was Lam and Pete both were standing with their hands on their waist and raised eyebrow. Beam just chuckled and Forth has no other choice but to shake his head for the superb timing by his friends.

Beam gave a good luck kiss to Forth and told him to give his best. Beam just looked towards Lam and told him to watch out for Forth, it was the first time Beam trusted him. Lam just gave him that assured nod and moved along with the rest of the team.

At the Basketball Arena.

Beam joined his friends to cheer and to support his favorite team... all were pumped up to watch a game between second year and fourth year Mechanical students. Everyone was cheering for Forth's team as they were quite popular due to their earlier games. This was a very interesting game, things started quite well, Forth playing in the Centre position has its own advantage. He was the tallest among them, he was able to get up as high as possible for rebounds. He was physically domineering with more physical strength and overall athleticism. The game went fine with Forth's team leading as they walked into the second round of sections with a 17-4 victory over their Forth year seniors. Pace of the play and stingy defense were the story of the game. It was a clear from the start that who will be victories as the seniors were unable to complete any interior passes, with each of them were knocked away or intercepted and pushed back down the court.

The Beam was enjoying each and ever moment, after the final whistle everyone was cheering for the winning team. He felt so overwhelmed with the amount of cheers for Forth, it just made his heart happy. For a change he didn't feel jealous, he had come to realize that this won't yield anything he will just get distanced from Forth, though it will never happen but he can't imagine his life without him.

All were surrounding the winning team and congratulating them as it was the last event of the day. From nowhere there was a group of girls stood in front of Forth, one girl just came forward and handed Forth a red rose. Forth just took it as he didn't get the intention, but thought that she just appreciated the teams win...but it was not so.

Beam felt amused by this entire scenario he had never seen such an audacious girl, he just wanted to see how Forth was going to react. Forth has been never rude to girls, he is not that kind of person...but he can be cold if he decides to. Beam could remember how they face a similar situation when they went to have their dinner in a restaurant. When they were ordering their food, there was this one girl who was taking the order kept on giving suggestion, trying her best to get Forth's attention...though he knew that girl was not given sensible suggestion he didn't talk back or didn't utter a single word rudely. Finally Beam has to act all sassy and told straight on to her, "Thanks, but no thanks your suggestions are not to our liking. So write down our order and be fast, I might just starve to death due to this delay."

Again back to the current situation, here Forth gave a thin smile and thanked her.

That girl just came forward and gave a kiss on his cheeks, she said " Thank you for accepting my rose. I will take it as a yes."

Forth was confused a 'yes' for what good reason.

"I didn't get you"

"My name is Nin and I am here to tell you something Forth" She just had that bright smile on her face. Forth was getting more and more confused.

At that moment Lam just stands besides Forth, he was keen to know what this girl is talking about. The entire Basketball court was getting empty as people were moving out to celebrate, but few stayed back meanwhile, Beam stood besides Forth. He didn't say anything; he was equally confused like Forth and Lam.

Nin just took a few steps ahead gave another peck on Forth's right cheek, before he could say anything she said

"I like you Forth, be my boyfriend"

Every single person was stunned.... they didn't anticipate this sudden confession.

Forth just looked at Beam and he swallowed hard.... was embracing himself for the worst.

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