Part 15-Telling our friends.

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Beam is bold and I just had my share of experience with it... how can he be so confident.

Our first kiss was so amazing....he tasted sweet....I still remember that strawberry smell of him when we met at bar...that close moment it felt so sweet ... it's like a dream. Now my mind is full of him, his smile..... I can't believe it, I will see it every time from now on.

I am really lucky to have him in my life, I will cherish him throughout my life...that's a promise. I felt I need to share about my first kiss with Lam, so what I did while heading towards my dorm I called him, though I know he was going to be at his grandparent's house. I just dialed him anyways, first ring.... second...third...I continued, but still no answer.

Did I do something wrong, did he assumed that I was aware about what my parents were planning for me. I seriously need to clear this if he thinks in this way, he is really an started to type in our chat, I wrote a long message trying my best to explain my side. I hope he at least reads it, I was thinking to myself....I wish we can have our old times back as a kid...where we don't have misunderstanding like adults...pure heart.....I use to share all my feelings with him...he has always been there ....good or bad times he was always present around me. Now why is he running away from me....I am confused. I seriously need to take my mind off from all these disappointing thoughts.

I just called my mom to inform here that I reached my dorm safely, once I was done, I got a text from him... my sunshine. The name just flashed on my notification just made me smile.

'Beam:you know I accept something, I have a dirty mind and right now you're running through it...can't wait to be with you. You are the most hot kisser...period!!!'

After reading this message, I really never thought Beam would be this naughty. I have to prove something with my action, I guess the time has come for me to step up in this front....he is way too bold. Till I could think of anything else, I received a second message from him....

'Beam: being a med student has its perks...I will keep on posting you about few facts

#1. Kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute.

Wanna workout?

Lets test this fact...I am sure we can have a full page report on this. In our case the number might vary'

I just chuckled, this is too much for me to handle.... I never thought Beam would be this cheesy, god...I thought we engineers are this super cheesy one, but he can really get a masters degree in this....I know our hazing gang can be more worse than this, but now I am getting a others might feel about all this..

'Forth: You know what bunny....

You're the only thing better than Morning Coffee'

'Beam: Done will pick you up, what say....

I know we both are moving too fast, but trust me....I can't wait too long...

You make me smile... and super cheesy.'

'Forth: In the world full of wrong, you're the thing that is right'

With that beam just sent me that blushing smile.... Yes... finally I could floor him....make him blush. I went to sleep with a smile on my face, I could only run that kiss in my mind.... made a mental not to make him tilt his face a little... so that I can access to his neck.... next time beam bunny you are getting a hickey to make my claim.... you are mine.

I have to first break this news to my gang, this will definitely save from their array of questions. The moment I reached everyone was giving me this suspicious look, Pex, Guy, Pete and Loam they just surrounded me...

Guy said "Bro... we saw your brothers Max profile, what's with the great 'Beam Baramee'...what's the connection.." I knew I have to tell them sooner..... break this new is bit awkward....they all are like 'what the F***' look to me , but I need to tell them in a very subtle way.

"Beam is not a stranger to my family, now that we are guys better get used to the fact he will be seen quite often over here." I said this in a very cold voice so that no one can dare to tease Beam and cross their limits. It's time for me to show his authorities tone to the rest of his juniors...they have to go by the rules I sets for them.

Pete is the next best friend after Lam, just dragged me aside and asked what's the real deal, at such time I really miss Lam. So I tell him how my parents know Beam's family and us being official. He looks a bit confused while listening to me, but later he got the point. Pete looked at me "Hey where is Lam, he went with you...did you forget to get him...You are really a shit friend..!!"

I just smacked his head and told him that Lam has gone to his meet his grandparents.

"Guys lets just get started with the rest of the activates before the sports event...we also need to plan about our gear giving ceremony. This year it has to be grand, no one should get disappointed with us, this being the year we have to prove to our seniors that we are worth their trust and this legacy is in good hands. We all need to communicate on a regular basis till every event is over" everyone nodded in agreement. As we all were discussing the ideas, we decided that we need to make this event more memorable. I was thinking, I might get some ideas from Beam since he is equally cheesy and creative just like me...but lately I am not in the groove so I need fresh brain. I could imagine my brain just going on a vacation.


The first thing in the morning, I heard a loud bang on my dorm door. I decided to ignore it...I was getting all hot to go to uni....I just winked at myself for looking so good. The thought of Forth just bought a mischievous smile on my face. That kiss was really something, next time it will be a make out better be prepared for this attack hulky... :D

I moment I opened the door, I saw Kit with Pha, both had there questionable look....Kit as usual...being frisky and Pha was with that raise eyebrow...both were just glaring at me.

"Care to explain, what I saw last night at his F*** place." Kit just barked at me.... sometime I really feel like kicking him, but I can't, they are my best buddy's.

"Sooner or later you could have heard my loud banging and moaning sound. It was good that you know its Forth" I just gave my answer to them....Pha gave me that no amused look. Kit was just getting more annoyed...

"Asshole just tell us, what's your deal with Forth, why were you asulting his mouth on the middle of this corridor. What's your status with him....wait, you went to meet your parents..... !!"

"You are so smart kitty, yes I went to meet my parents." I took a deep breath then continued...

" Well, I got introduced to Forth's family and I met the rest of his be honest, I never thought in my wildest dream that I am going to be Official with Forth."

"I don't have to worry anymore...!! I know pha you are not ok with all this...

I get it....he use to like Yo...but now he has me all for himself. So get used to seeing me with he."

Kit was smiling at me, he knew well how I was trying to get close to Forth...he just came and hugged me...its so not him...but I guess being with Ming had changed him.

"We both have chosen to be with the most terrifying group of people....the Engineering gangs...!! Yours is the Leader...mine is in god save us!!" Kitty just prayed to god.

Phana just rolled his eyes, he knew that both his friends are with the most feared, group in uni, he just need not to worry about them anymore. But deep down he was happy for Beam...he got what he wished for....he always liked Forth...he knew that.

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