Part 12- Is it a Date...

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Hi everyone, just thought to update one more chapter....i hope you all like it. 



In Forth Bedroom: I am literally staring at Forth's face, it is indeed soothing....but I don't want him to be sleeping that long. So I thought this is my chance...I searched for some stuff like a marker or some pens but I failed. Then something just clicked...I just sneak into his bathroom, took that bottle of shaving foam and draw funny stuff on Forth's face... (This is me being might be thinking...but I prefer to keep it to myself... :P... you all can have all sorts of wild guess). For first few min Forth didn't realize what was on his face. But I felt to make it more funny, so I just extended my adventure.... slowly start moving the duvet from him.... and what I saw was enough to make my cheeks turn red all of a sudden it felt so Hot in here...I started to fan my hands to make it easy, I must not get distracted... 'Beam you need to focus'.

I saw forth was not wearing his T-shirt, he was bare thing is for sure ...he is HOT. I suddenly felt this urge to touch him...just feel the firmness of his abs. I know it well how strong forth is.... Hmmm... never doubted that...... I saw those well-formed muscles evenly distributed across his frame. I was really getting tempted to touch them, but I didn't notice that he was awake and somehow he knew what I was about to do something. So he just holds both my wrist with his hands, while slowly getting up.

"I saw you, you just licked your if on the verge to do something. Beam you are caught red handed....drop the damn bottle."

"No, I won't....just let me go Forth, or else I will call your mom"

"Beam just drop it....don't you dare do that. You are such a baby.... going to complain to my mom.." with that forth was giggling. It really annoyed me, I started to pull my wrist with full force...but somehow I body flat on his strong body. The next thing that happened is just another ...close moment, I was just inches away from Forth face, I could see deep into those eyes...they are really beautiful...his Lip are so plump. I so badly wanted to touch them.... damn... my hands are on his firm chest...its such a good feeling to be close to him.

What Forth did really shock me...not in a bad way...but definitely.... in a good way.... he just spreads the same shaving foam on my handsome face with his own cheeks and then...this guy is smiling like an idiot. The next thing that happened was quite unexpected...I couldn't hold it anymore....I leaned forward gave a small peck on Forth's Lips....he didn't feel it odd...he didn't give a weird expression which I was so fearing of.....but thank god....

It's going to be my thing, hence on...I have decided whenever I will be this close to Forth, will give a small peck every time.... 'our first kiss has to be special...I just can't wait for it'. Forth gave me... 'I am impressed' kind of smirk....tho he knows deep down, its difficult to resist me....such a gentleman.

But, that precious moment didn't last for long; Forth's brothers interrupted it...they were standing, leaning on the doorframe with a smirk on their face. Forth just let go of me, he went to get a slightly wet towel to give it to me...with that he went to get clean. I was left alone to deal with Max & Tin they really didn't find it awkward seeing both of us like fact....there was this funny bond that has started to built-up among all of us....I feel welcomed in this family :D

"You know what Beam....I really like you. We can plan our next prank together...what say..?" Max asked me by wiggling his eyebrow...and showing his bro which I agreed and reciprocated it with my fist. We went downstairs to wait for my idiot...he is so oblivious that worries me.


I better get myself cleaned, when I talked with mom last night....I decided to give my 100% for this relationship. So let me spend some time with this cute guy. Once I come out from the shower, I couldn't see I dresses up fast to go downstairs. I was greeted by my sweet parents, I am so lucky to be part of this amazing family...I love them all. So I told my mom about my plan, she didn't stop me rather she was smiling....

She is really happy in this relationship...not that I hate it...but it was so sudden, I might require time to recover from this shocking news, but I am sure with my resolve I will be able to make Beam happy and both of our parents. My mom asked me to do certain thing before I head out to spend some time with my Mr. Cute. I took his car keys told him that I will drive his car...I am surprised he is ok with that, so far no argument from this guy...I must thank my luck. J

I was planning to take him to the most famous place where he can have his favorite food, before taking him there its better to ask his preference. I could see some kind of mischief in his tone...

"What will you like to have for your breakfast Beam. Anything that you crave or are in the mood to eat."

"You"....Beam said that in a very low tone....enough for me to understand....I grand salute this guys boldness. He is really something. I never met anyone so bold....for god sake, even I was not that bold .... but maybe I can learn the trick of the trade. We go to this fancy restaurant , it's the same place where we use to go as a family when mom you to feel lazy enough to prepare breakfast for us. Those were the best days of my life...such a golden memory its time to make it with Beam.

"You know as a kid, my family use to come here to have our Lazy day Breakfast....I have been always the attention seeker...even from some strangers.....being the youngest had its own perks J"

"So you were famous in here as a kid" "You know what, I really want to know you Forth. I feel this is the right time I start telling you all about me, about my good and bad memories. I am so excited to know your part...they will be more fun than mine. But now to forget I am quite demanding, high maintenance person. You have to deal with it"

"Nothing as such, but yeah, I must say those were the best day...will keep on telling you about them"

"Forth if you don't mind, can I ask you something"

"Yaa, sure, I won't mind"

" may sound annoying, but....can't hold myself from never have your privacy when you are at your parents home"

I just laughed, his question is a serious one, " The fact is, my mom has a spare key to my room. As a kid there has been a few instances that I needed some attention. So I never lock my door, even if I do Mom has a spare key to my room. So I am all ok with it. But now that you, we will be spending more of our time together, I guess I need to tell my family to stop.."

"You can't be this rude....are you stupid....your mom will feel bad."

"Ok then I will not tell them anything. So you are fine if we both are caught in the will be cool right"

"Are you seriously dumb, how can just keep the dman door unlock and do stuff with are seriously annoying Forth" with that he hit me on my head, I couldn't stop laughing straight on his will I keep the door open when we will be intimate with each other...

We just continued with our discussion question kept on coming and answers were given. It feels so good to have a friendly discussion...but one thing is sure this is the beginning of happy moments in our life....

Suddenly I saw someone familiar...I couldn't understand why did he ignore me...I got lost in my own thoughts....

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