Part 24-Taking care of Forth.

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Double update, just to make up for lost time.


Beam was smiling dearly at Forth, he slowly creased Forth cheeks...he was thinking how come this person can still look handsome with those bandages. He was thanking all the gods in his heart....just to see him fine, now he has to play a major part in the recovery of Forth. He has made up his mind; he will take care of Forth just like a good husband. Just the thought of seeing him hurt makes him weak... this was not ok with Beam, he just sighed and shook away those negative thoughts.

"Does it hurt." Beam asked softly, still creasing his cheeks.

"No, but my Lip hurts....aahh.... it feels as if someone was trying to rip them apart....oohhssshhh." He was barely able to speak, still managed to tell Beam so that he won't worry.

"How about your head, does it hurt"

"No, not much, it feels like I am having a really worst hangover of my life." Forth said this in a low voice.

"Ya...I are intoxicated with the love people have for you." Beam said that with a wicked smile

Forth gave a confused look, what he didn't get was...he was referring to someone.

"Don't get bothered with what I am saying, will explain it to you later. But you have to tell me everything...promise me that...I need to know...what.... why and how."

"Hmmm" Forth nodded and tries to get up, but Beam asked him not to, he was feeling all sour. It was all new for Forth, as he was never ever hospitalized in his life, though he uses to get in a lot of fights, but still never ever got it this bad.

Forth started to get bit restless, he felt as if he is being chained up to that bed....then he told Beam what he was feeling...Beam just smiled and told him since it his first time being bed ridden, he is bound to get restless.

Just then Pha's Dad entered to check on Forth, he asked few questions and told him that he has to stay here for a few days, they want to be sure everything is fine.

Beam is exhausted being around and taking care of a grown-up guy like Forth is not easy, especially when he is sick and injured. He is more like a kid who needs attention every now and then.

Forth is not allowed to talk much, but he loves the attention, especially when his mom and brothers are around. Then all his hazing gang comes to meet him with Lam...they all are making fun of him in a lighter tone, they all are teasing him regarding the extent of the craziness around him, how people are going on revenge mode, everyone is behind Nam, Nim and his stupid brother.

One such incident was, when the doctor was changing Forth's bandages there was this one particular nurse, she was smitten by Forth's looks...this has been just the beginning for Beam to get jealous over this. She was the most famous person in her special ways of taking care of her patients...her way of touching it was noticeable. She use to make extra rounds in Forth's room and the sponge bath time was extra special for one, two instances Beam let it go, but the moment he realizes the true intentions of her he has to confront her.

"Lady I told you he is already taken" this was said in a stern voice by Beam.

"I am just taking care of the patient in here, I just need to check if everything is working fine before he get discharge." She said it by smiling.

She was every male patient's fantasy, but in case of Forth he was very much at discomfort due to her presence. Beam somehow sensed it and made it a point to tell her that it was not ok with them to have her around.

Beam was just getting more and more annoyed by the amount of letters and get well soon cards and flowers Forth was getting every hour. It was too much to handle for him.

Finally the day of discharge arrived, everyone was happy, but little did they know, thing are going to change. Forth will be not be staying in his dorm anymore, to avoid travelling his and Beams parents bought an apartment with three bedrooms so that their friends can crash whenever they have a booze party. Both of them were not aware of this sudden change, so when Forth was walking out of the room with Beam, both of their figures intertwined happy to have each other as a company.

Both of their parents decided to blindfold them, they both thought it would be some kind of get together or any surprise party, little did they know they are going to be in their own apartment and their parents are ok with them being together.... Rather, they want them to stay together.

"Where are we going mom, my dorm has so many steps.... why are we climbing so least number of steps?" Forth asked his mom who was holding him and guiding him towards their new apartment. They were seeing all this funny walk from both Forth and Beam, never once they left each other hand. It was such a fun to watch them getting dragged for a good old style surprise. The moment they entered all of them screamed "Surprise" in a low tone, not to startle the boys.

"This place is new, why my stuff is here and whose stuff is this, hey Beam your stuff is also here." Forth said to Beam, he just looked at his parents with a questionable look.

"We want you to stay in your own Apartment, this will give you some personal time with each other. And prepare yourself for the next level in your relationship." Beam mom said that, whereas they all agreed to it.

"But why do we have such a huge apartment, me and Forth will stay in one bedroom in one we might keep our stuff or he will make it as his studio, what about the other one." Beam just looked at Forth and he just winked at him....Forth gave that stupid smile...he knows very well what Beam was trying to ask.

"We want your friends to have a close eye on you so it will be a makeshift arrangement for them." Forth mom made it clear to them.

"Lam will you like to be with us at times, even Kit or Pha can come and stay with us. What say guys." Beam was happy to hear about it, he was ok with his friends being around.

"Right now we both moms are planning to be here to take care of one particular person. So we will be here for both of you, Forth needs care and both of you will have lots of studies to catch up. So you have to live with it." Beam mom said that to them.

All were laughing at this sudden change in plans from the parents. They all had a good time talking and planning for the engagement party, dates were finalized so that they all can do the preparations. The evening went fine, it was time for everyone to leave giving Forth and Beam their much-needed alone time. Parents planned to shift at the end of the weekend, with that everyone started to leave.

Forth just kept smiling at the thought of them staying together, the first thing that Beam wanted to do was claim those lips, but he didn't want Forth to be in pain....though the stitches were removed the swelling had gone down considerably. They weren't talking much in hospital, but now they have the entire night for them to talk about, discuss about their life.

Forth always had a question, he wanted to ask him about his earlier relationships, did he ever had any...he was just curious how was Beam in his school days. With this still being a question, suddenly they heard a knock on their door.

Beam said "I guess we got neighbors; we won't be staying alone out here."

With that smile on his face, he opened the door, what he saw was a really beautiful girl standing with a cake in her hand.

"Hi, my name is Namtan, this is a welcome cake from all of my friends, we welcome you here." She just lifted her head to show her cute smile.

Beam stood there holding that cake in his hand, with wide eyes, moments later Namtan had the same expression.

Forth just notice Beam was still standing like a statue, so he walked towards the door, he looks at both at them and shook Beam, called his name twice.... all he could notice was the same expression on Beam and that girl's face.

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