Part 7- Best Family ever...part -1

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I thought I would make this chapter in 2 parts, we all love our I wanted Forth to have a really awesome family in this Fanfic. I feel nothing is mentioned about Forth family in the novel, so here is my version of Forth's Family. I hope you like it.


Max and Cam were taking turns while driving, at back seat Forth and Lam were just having a sound sleep. There was an awkward silence in the car, Max so badly wanted to spend some time with Cam...they hardly get time to spend with each other due to the job commitment. They miss the old days; they promised as friends that they would give max attention to each other. Cam had a feeling; his brother is going to have a really bad heartache...

He can't stand the thought of his kid brother heartbroken...but he can't blame anyone for this.

On other hand Max was happy to see his little brother getting attention from all the direction, he still remembers the old days. Never in his life he felt envious of his younger sibling.

The drive almost nearing to an end, Max dropped Cam off to his mom and dad's place. Well, they talked little as planned to meet the next day.

Max drove for a few minutes before entering a huge gate. He saw his mom and dad standing near main door; he was kind of surprised to see them awake at this odd hour. Since it was a weekend it was ok for them.... It has been a while.... they have not visited their parents.

Max just got off the car and greeted and hugged his parents, they just headed towards the back seat where Forth was comfortably sleeping. They just waited for a while enjoying the view of sleeping Forth.

When Forth was a baby, his parents use to love to watch him sleep...well, not much has changed. They didn't have the heart to wake him up, Forth's mom just opened the door and kissed his forehead. She asked Max and his dad to carry him like a kid to his room, well Max can never say no to his mom....he just did what his mom told him to do.

Forth was sleeping comfortably in his room, well his other brother Tin helped Max get him changed into a pair of clean cloths. Well, it was evident that Forth was indeed the most pampered kid in the house.


Well, something was odd, I just open my eyes...I was not in my dorm room. I was in my childhood bedroom. I guess my brothers changed me into pair of fresh cloths. I must thank them, but I am feeling so lazy.... Let's sleep for some more time Forth...because its weekend.

After some time I heard a small knock on my door, they next moment my duvet cover was being pulled. On my bed I saw my older brother Tin was hitting me with a pillow...yelling it's a war...and my other idiot brother Max was trying to get me off from the bed. I was just whining like a small kid, dad just entered in my room, I went running behind him and asked him to scold my brothers.

I know I sound like a spoiled kid asked his parents to scold his elder sibling, I was showing my tongue out to them.

You know what my dad really did scold my brothers...I was so happy....hhmm what to say....I am really spoiled....

The entire house was lively again....well I am lucky to be part at of this awesome family.

The only person missing is my sister May....I am sure she is going to meet us along with Posh...her husband.

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