Part 10- I need HELP!!!

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I am sitting in this empty garden, trying to get hold of this situation. My mom and dad tricked me in getting committed to one person. Not that I am complaining, but I am still in shock...I need to clear my head. I need to calm my nerve; I was taken back by Beam's boldness. He took no time.... to take the next step, he just gave me a peck in front of bold of him.

I need a friend, I need to talk about my feelings, where the hell is Lam....I couldn't find him anywhere. I texted him, I even called him, but that asshole didn't bother to answer my call.

I am just sitting here trying to make sense, thinking what should be my reaction.... how should I feel... it's not that long I had feelings for Wayo. I was with this one sided feeling...I don't want Beam to be in the same situation, I will never wish for him to have the same turmoil that I had due my feeling towards Wayo.... but now I am going to be with Beam....this is real. I have to be clear with my feelings; I don't want to be a disappointment to him. I feel as if I have this sudden weight on my shoulders... I want to give my 100% to this relation. It's a new leaf in my life along with Beam...I am really nervous.

My brother Tin is the best person, he just noticed my restlessness...I have a strong bond with all my siblings. They just love matter what. He just sits beside me, he waits for a few min.... reason he is deeply looking at me.... slowly pats my head....

My brother said, "I know what you are thinking, don't you dare to think that mom, dad tricked you. They just want the best for know, that's right."

"This is not fair, none of you are getting committed by mom & dad's choice ...why me...I understand May is married with the person she loves.... you have a Girlfriend I am sure someday you will bring Rin.... home....and yaaa Max I am sure he... he is still playing around."

Then I got a hard smack on my head, I was holding my really was Max. This time I kicked him, he stumbled a few steps ...landed on his butt. I was seriously pissed on him...he is not helping.

Max laughs at me...I was just glaring at him....again, my other brother patted on my head and asked me to calm down.

I said "Just call Cam....ask him where the hell is Lam. That asshole is not even answering my calls...what's wrong with him" I am seriously not getting it...what did I do to make him annoyed that he is just ignoring me like this.

Meanwhile, Max tries to talk with Cam to ask about Lam...but his expression changes, there is something that is not right in this situation. Max just gets up and walks away, I am sure the situation is not ok with these friends. I just look at Tin for answers as.... always he just ruffles my hair...he said,

"Listen bunny, in life you come across a situation where you have to face them alone. You are going to start a new phase in your life, Beam is now your responsibility. You don't feel pressured... due to others, you may make some mistakes, but eventually you will learn from them. He took the first step; he openly expressed it to you by his actions. Now it's your time to match those steps, no one is perfect bunny.... I am sure you have it there, just realize it."

I said "I don't know how to start with this new found status in my life, I hope I will not disappoint him. I feel as if I have this pressure to be the best for him...for mom & dad...I hope I don't fail as a person...few days back, I was done with this crazy one-sided feeling.....I don't know where to start from...."

Suddenly Max just hugs me from back....even Tin hugs me...they could feel I am getting nervous...they could understand me.

Max said "O_o oohhoo bunny, you will be the one who will do what Beam wants, don't get nervous. I am sure Beam already likes you, I could see that in his eyes. Just prepare your heart.... just go with the flow. I am sure you will do your best." We heard our parents calling us to get inside, when mom saw she just hugged me.

She took me to my room...we both are sitting on my bed I look down... I was just playing with my fingers.

She said, "Listen dear, when we decide for this union we were sure you will feel pressured. We really don't want you to think in that way, just enjoy your time with each other. You both are young; all you have to do is believe in each other. Always talk openly with each other, be a good listener...don't you ever hide your emotions or bury what irritates you. Just look at Beam once...deep in his eyes you will find what he is for you. I have seen it in his eyes...I am sure you will figure it out soon"

When mom said 'I have to believe him'...I need to talk with him, I could recall what he asked me on Friday night when we were sitting in the club.

I could recall the way I felt close to him.... now it makes sense. Guess what I like being with him, all my confusion is gone...

I could recall that sweet strawberry fragrance coming for him. I just smiled...I looked at my Mom gave my best smile and assured her that I will do my best.

Moments like these just eases out everything...I just got freshened up getting ready to relax. My mom came in my room; she tucked me in bed...gave a kiss on my forehead.

The last thing I recalled was his mischievously smile... he told me that 'we must travel together to go back to our university and I just agreed to it.'

With that, I decided I will do my best, will call beam first ...I will take him out for breakfast. With a smile on my face I drifted into deep slumber.


The moment I saw Beam with Forth, I got this I going to loose Forth to him. I know he was never mine at first place; I never let him know about my true feelings. I am his ultimate support and no one can come between our friendship...we are buddies for life.

But it's me who have this one sided feeling with him, I know he swore in front of me that he will never ever get into anything which will be one sided...he will be carefree as he use to be. But now Beam comes into our life changes everything, lately he gave more attention to Forth.

I just greeted him, but I am emitting this nervous energy around brother Cam is very worried about me. He was trying to tell me something but I was just avoiding him.....I know it's his love and care for me that he doesn't want me to get hurt. He will do anything for me, but I don't want him to hurt anyone. So here I am at this party with my family, we waited till the party got over....

I was so tired. But when I saw uncle J (Forth's dad) was holding a glass and on the verge of making some announcement my heart started beating fast, coz I guess it was Beam dad along with him.

The world stopped for me when I heard that Forth and Beam are official.

At that moment I felt, I wish I could have acted on feelings....I wish I would have told him that 'I Love him'.

Lam you are an are too late, Forth is just a Friend now for you. You can't have feelings for him. He is just a Friend.....just a

I couldn't control it.... I had tears in my eyes...I just can't take this anymore, but I have to be here with my family....i have to be here for Forth.

I saw how my mom and dad are happy for their friends...Forth is like a son to them.... they equally adore him...It hurts to see him with someone...I am so so stupid I let him go....I missed my chance....

We all came home, I told my mom and dad that I was going to sleep....I went in my room...I saw my phone was ringing......before I couldn't do anything my phone was snatched...

Forth was trying to reach me, but before I could do anything Cam just took my phone away. He said... "no need"....I feel so lost.

I have no energy to fight my brother. I just don't want to argue with him...I let him do whatever he wants to do.... just leave me alone. 

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