Part 16-I wish I could be the one.

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Today i felt like doing double update..thanks for reading this fan fiction. 

I hope you all have a nice day..



It's so peaceful in countryside, I just want to relax my nerves...I know I am being an asshole to Forth. But I have my reasons...I am human at the end of the day...I have feelings. For him it was so sudden...I saw the smile in those the same time I know his eyes were searching for me at the dinner.....but I just decided to ignore him.

I told my mom to tell Forth that I was not going to go along with him, I know he will be going with Beam but now I have to get used to this fact that.... hence on he will be more focused on Beam rather than hanging out with us.

I know beam is not a clingy person...he is good for Forth.

Forth is willing to explain...his text says it all but...I am not ready to hear it. When he was getting all-emotional about Yo I was there...I missed the train...I should have been more honest with him. I just failed to express, I myself let go Forth with my own hands....I am the reason for my own misery.

"Stop blaming yourself...!!" Cam said in his cold voice.

"You didn't do it right, you should have allowed me to hear what Forth wanted to say. You have no right to dictate your wishes and terms on me bro. I will do it my way...I will face the facts. And what's with that look when you see Beam." I just blasted all my anger on my brother.

"I can't see you suffer like this...I just can't accept it. I want you to be with the one you Love. I want my brother to be happy, is not a should have been you instead of that Beam. The moment I met him I felt he is after your Forth" Cam said it all with the soft tone.

My brother is a big idiot, that night when Forth was constantly calling me, Cam just snatched my phone and took it along with him. That was not so cool, I should have talked with Forth...I was always there with him since childhood...he told me everything. His fears, his good times a friend I guess I will be the first person who he try to reach...sorry Beam you will never top that list..:p

But I am worried about Cam he is spoiling his friendship with Max...they are besties just like us. But my feelings with Forth has changed this equation in them as well. I really didn't like the way Cam put this stupid condition, not to bother him till he resolves things...he want Max to go against his parents wish...he wants him to tell his mom dad that he in disagreement regarding Beam.

"I really don't get it, why are you telling Max to oppose all this...he is your best friend. I will never blackmail Forth for anyone else sake...I do not like this. Do you even care for anyone else feeling."

"Yes, I admit it, I am being cruel to Max, but for whose sake." This time he raised his voice, he got irritated of me calling him names.

"Don't yell at me, I didn't ask you to meddle in my business bro. I know you like Max the way in which I like Forth, but asking him to do that was low. You guys are at the peak of your relationship, why are you ruining it for my sake."

"I am done with Max, I got nothing to do with him anymore." Cam though he is heartbroken, deep down he still cares for Max, but he is trying to be the 'man' by not showing any emotions.

I guess we both brothers have hard luck, in my case I just didn't have enough of courage, but my stupid brother is burning down his dreams with his own hands....he is an idiot.

I will talk to Forth about it once I am clear with my own insecurities.

I have to accept it, he looks good with Beam... they are actually made for each other....this is my way of telling myself that I am no good for Forth.

I wish I could call him My Forth...I wish....

After spending good time with my family, I went back to uni. I just talked with Pete, he could understand my situation well....I just can't ignore my responsibilities towards Hazing team...I have to help Forth and I have to face the situation just like a brave person.

Yes, I will be seeing Beam all smiling with Forth, that picture looks so perfect.

But to my surprise there is nothing over here at our den....all are seriously focused on planning the event. The moment I entered I saw Forth just peaking through his laptop looking at me with that friendly smile which he use to give me at till date he still gives it me.

He gestures me to sit beside me....old habit die hard....just like always I went and sit beside him. Forth just puts his hand on my should and asked me

"You still angry....I told you I really didn't knew about it."

"I know, you will not hide anything from me...we are besties. So how thing are with Beam"

"He is the best thing that happened after a long time, but you know its difficult to keep up to him....he is way too bold"

"OOhh!! So something really did happen, didn't tell me"

"You didn't pick my call" Forth said that in very unusual cold voice.

"I am sorry, I was not in my senses, I really wanted to talk to you but I was annoyed at you. Now we are cool"

At that moment, Beam enters and he just looks at me with those cold eyes....I just felt so scared, I look at the hand which was resting on my should....may be he will never like me to be this close to Forth....sometime I feel he can see through me.

I just make my attempt to say 'HI' to him, he just nods and give me that cold death glare as if giving be some sort cautionary note.... Something like 'Stay away from my man'

He is super possessive that is clear to me....I don't want to die young....I just got up and told Forth that I will talk to him later.

Before going out of the room, I just said to Beam "he is all yours, don't get bothered by my presence....but the day you decide to turn your back... you will have to face me"

"I will never give you that chance."

"Time will decide..."

"Keep dreaming dude....he is mine...don't ever forget that"

Forth is unaware of the cold war that has stared between me and Beam, he is lost in his own world of good people.....why so stupid Forth...why...!!

But this is a war for sure....!!

Though I am just your friend Forth, I have your back buddy....don't you ever worry..... I will be watching Beam closely. 

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