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(One shall rise part 1)


You ran through the portal and kicked Megatron in the chest. "Keep your servos off of him! " Bulkhead and I were trying to fight Megatron. Ratchet and Argue came out to get Optimus. "Hurry get him outta here! " You shouted. Bulkhead was getting dizzy with the dark energon. 'I guess it's up to me... ' you and Megatron stood your ground.

"My my (Y/n), you sure did change over the years. " He told you. "Guess you were right. War does change people. " You yelled at him. While trying to strike at him. Over time you grew stronger, and faster. The matrix of LIFE helped you a lot as well. It made you taller. So now you were the same hight as your brother. And that's tall for a femme.

As you fighting him you failed to notice your autobot logo (I know it's not what it's called just forgot.) Started to glow a light shade of purple. Which Megatron took fully notice of.

Megatrons POV
As I was fighting (Y/n). I noticed a faint light shade of purple. 'No... It couldn't be. ' I thought. As I looked up at her I also noticed that you could see a purple light showing through her visor. 'Is that. ' I was lost in thought when she punched me, I fell and took notice that she was running with one of her teammates. 'Bulkhead' running through the ground bridge.

'No! ' I Quickley got up and ran at them. But when I striker they were all ready gone. The thought of (Y/n) made me clench my teeth.
'No, there's no way possible that... ' I shook my head and looked at the 'valcanoe' that was erupting. 'Dark energon. '

*Back you you*

Once through the ground bridge Bulkhead and Rachel came and helped Optimus down on the medical bed next to Raph. We both gave him a small. Until June Jackets mother glared at us. "He's luck he's alive. " I frowned and helped heal Optimus shoulder. "Ok now I want you to go easy... Please? " He gave me a nodd.

"So Megatron founfd more of the dark stuff? " Jack asked. "A volcano full. " "The question is how. " "No... " Ratchet cut in. "The question is what, as in what is the blood of Unicron doing here on earth. "

"The Cons killed a Unicorn? " We all looked at her confused. She then told us the meaning of this so called 'Unicorn. ' (in all honestly I loved Optimus face.) Was. "No, Unicron
Is an acent evil who's Focilized blood that compized the matter we call 'dark energon. ' Ratchet explained to them. They then had another conversation about this being called a 'bogeyman. '

You were getting bored. You already knew about the story of Unicron. You stood and left to your room. 'I could feel all the energy in me getting g higher..this is not good. ' you thought. So in the mean time you layed on down with datapad in hand. And read more about the history if Unicron to senior you could help. Afterward you started to calm down so you went to the hang to see everyone there. Well nite including June Raphael and Bee.

Jus then you heard engines coming to see Bees car. You saw June and Raphael come out. " We're back. " I gave him a confused look. "Where did you go? " No one answered so you shrugged it off.

Just then Fowler came in and started to yell until he saw June. He kindly greeted her and came back to us. He asked us for some reports wich Rachet gives him. "We have learned this, as with the so called magma. These earthquakes Reganated far below the earth's core. " Ratchet told him.

Later as he was talking you started to feel dizzy for who knows how many times. You stumbled back little. If it weren't for Bumblebee caching you, you would have fallen. ["(Y/n) are you alright? "] He asked. You only managed to do a nod. Ratchet then started playing something. It sounded like a heart beat.

Your head grew in more pain. Until you couldn't take it anymore. " AAA HHH!!! " You screamed, holding your head. Everyone stared at you scared. "" Rachet! P-please TURN IT OFF! " At that you started to cry. But instead of it being blue. It's was more of a purple color.

Optimus was quickly at your side a you fell to your knees." (Y/n). " He shouted. "Rachet! " Argue yelled. He immediately turned it off. The kids ran to your side. "(Y/n) oh my gosh are you ok?! " Micki asked. "Are you hurt?! " Raphael also asked. All you did was shake in your brothers hold. Still the dark sundtence not leaving.

Time skip

after the little Inslcedent everyone wanted answers. All that you couldnt answer. You were asleep in your brothers arms. Your head dug into his chest.

"Why was she crying DARK ENERGON?! " "If she has dark energon, why is she a prime? " "How did she even get hold of dark energon? " Everyone asked. It was up to Optimus and Rachet to tell them.

Rachet yelled at them. "They will be answered when we are done with the matter at hand we need to find a way to keep Unicron from fully awaking. " The team was silent. Rachet was right. They need to find a way... And fast.

Afterward once you woke up you. You and Optimus had to go to a certain location. As you were searching Optimus informed Rachel that in the canyon we were in was indeed a part of Unicron. 'That would explain the earthquakes. " (Y/n) mumbled. Just then rocks started to fall. Both Optimus and (Y/n) looked at where the sudden noise was from. That's where you saw an out line of a figure with dark purple eyes. "Do you know how I am followers of Primus. " He growled. "Unicron the chaos bringer. " Optimus and (Y/n), growled. "Good." Unicron the walked through the wall to see his form. "Now, know me as Unicron, your destroyer! " He yelled.

At that he swung at you and Optimus. You both fought hard. Each time backing up and dogging hitting.
Then you had to jump down off the brock you stood on. Once Unicorn was with you guy, (Y/n) shouted. "We humbley request for your ears Lord Unicron! " At that be stopped what he was about to do. " And what would the primes be so compelead to say to me? " He asked. (Y/n) gave Optimus the 'go'look. "We make a appeal not for the sake of our selves, but for this planet which you consitude. " Optimus told him. (Y/n) then spoke.

"And, the beings that live upon you. Humankind realise upon you sir. For life! " (Y/n) shouted. "For substance, your Reserexction will only result in the dense destruction of the species, which eexculed from the seeds of your greatness. " Optimus finished.

" So this human kind of which you speak of consider them prodigy? " He asked them. (Y/n) gave him a firm nod. " Paristies! They too shall parish. " He shouted. "Once I am finished you! " He then shot to both Optimus, and (Y/n). With somekind of lightning. They flew backwards and fell. "The line of Primus has grown weak without my absence. And thus you shall fall! "

He was about to shoot at you again. But you acted quickly and shot at his chest. Optimus. Us soon helped you. Then the version of Unicron fell. "I-is that it? " You asked. Well that was the wrong choice of words. There were more versions of Unicron forming around us. "Yes deciples of Primus, on this very day for Unicron may be one. But we all are Unicron! "

To be continued

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