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Bumblebee voise is in bold


After we all were done catching up we heard an engine come into base. I of course didn't know who it was so I activatied my guns and pointed at the viechle that came toward us. "Woah woah WOAH! it's OK it's just bulkhead. " Bee replied. I decativated my wepond when three sparklings(kids) came out. Then bulkhead transformed. Bulkhaed wlaked up to me and said. "Hey (Y/N) long time no see." I gave him a delightful smile in return.  I then looked at the three "humans" that the bots where talking about. There where two mechs and one femme(girl). The older one wore lond gray whiteish sleeves. And had bark hair. The femmem had dark hair as well only had a Pink strip in it. The younger one had brown hair that was spikey. He also wore a gasses  over his optics(eyes).

The youngest one walked up to me and spike. "Hi my names Raphael but you can call me Raph." He then pointed to the other two who were quiet. (For miko being quiet... Surprising) He then pointed to the oldest one. "That's Jack and the other one is Miko."
The femmem names Miko said (more like yelled). "Woah a new bot! Sweet! " she then went on and asked me so many questions that I thought my helm was going to exploed. " what's your name, what kind of weponds do you have? Did you pick a vichle yet woah are you a jet! Sence you have wings on your back?!  Have you ever heard of slash monkey before? How long have you been here? Why are you wearing a visor over your eyes? "

Yep I was corrected my helm is about to exploed. Rachet then spoke up. " yep yep yep now, Miko she let me ckeck her to see if she had any damage then you may bother her." Miko the pouted and signed a fine.  After that Rachet tookbmy to the Medbay and checked to see if I was alright. "So... How's it been Rach? " I asked I wasn't really a one so like the silence. "It's been very hard.  We are trying to find some energon for us. " I could tell he was apset so I made a small smile. " hey if sure everything's going to be alright just you wait Rachet. " he gave me a small smile that I could some what see. After he was done checking me he told me that I was free to walk around, and to just be careful. Ah same old Rachet.

I walked out of the Medbay to see what my teammates where doing. I found Arcee and Jache talking. Bumblebee was watching Raph play his game. Bulkhead was listening to Miko doing something with a odd shaped figure in her hands. That had wires comected to it. Miko then looked up and saw me. She stoped what she was doing and yeld. "Hey your back!  So came you answer my questions now? " I sighed knowing there where no excaoe in this. I then smile and nodded. " I have two blades that are connected to both my wrists." I activated them to show the three. And then I switch my servos to guns. "I could also turn my servos into guns as well. No I have not chosen a vichle yet.  I am actually both jet and veichle." The kids looked so amazed at that."No I haven't heard of this "slash monkey"I just arivved here this morning. And I rather not say why I wear this visor thats a story for another time. "I said calming. " and my names (Y/n)-    (Y/n)  prime. All of them went quite.

Jack then asked me. "But I thought Optimus was the only prime?" " Well he was but now I'm here so not anymore. " I smiled. "Like Optimus he's has the matrix of leader ship I on the other hand have the matrix of LIFE." I told them. "So we have another prime! Wicked! " Miko exclaimed. "Wait what's the diffrense? " Raph asked. Then replied "well for the matrix of life I can have the ebilitty to heal and save lives of other bot how are bamange enuff that they are close to offline." I explained. " so that means we don't need Doc Bot anymore right? "  I chuckled when I heard Rachet talking about how he could still hear her. "No I can make them live if they are dieing. But if they are just injuered I can heal them to the pont when they may be OK then the doctors can do the rest of the work. " I explained more.

*Time skip to miko asking a whole lot of questions. *

After we where done talking about one another. My brother came in the room. He was looking around the room for something. Then his optics landed on my form. He then walked up to me and asked. "(Y/n)  may I have a word with you? “ I then got up from the spot I sat on.  "Sure you can Optimus " I replied,  I then waited for him to say anything. "Alone. "

The end of this chapter see you guys later bye.

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