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Flying through the nemesis I flew past a lot of some vehicons I didn't have time for any of them. I had to find your brother. Though on the way there I seemed to have grown to much frustration with all the things around me  that a few of the vehicons had to face my wrath. "GET OUT MY WAY!" I growled out transforming and slicing through the first one that was shooting at me. Easily taking him down I fought the other two that were near ripping them apart. Shooting the last one I transformed and flew once again. 

Upon flying out I saw some of my teammate already shooting fire at the decepticons. Seeing them I flew down transforming and almost getting shot by Wheeljack in the process. "Watch it!" I told him he deactivated his gun looking at me in surprise. "(y/n)?! Good to see you back in business!" eh Told me before activating his blasters and shoot in front of him. Looking around I couldn't help but not see my brother. 

Looking around the flying deck I saw him flying through the air shooting at the weapons that were shooting back at him. " Hey Wheeljack cover me while I fly over to Optimus would ya?" Before even letting the mech speak back I transformed and flew as fast as I could to where My brother was. Almost reaching towards him I saw Megatron make a wave of dark energon towards him and ended landing a hit on one of his jet wing. 

"Optimus!" I shouted seeing that he had no control on where he was going. Flying as fast as I could to reach he I shouted. " Grab on to me" As I got close. Feeling weight on my left wing I flew towards one of the Omega locks holders. Transforming next I took a look towards my brother. "Are you alright?" I asked him. He nodded and looked around before hearing an opening.

Looking up I saw Rachet and Shockwave. " He's going to Activate the Omega Lock if we don't do something!" Taking Aim Optimus the stated to shoot towards Shockwave trying to get a it to get him away from the Control panel. Just as he was shooting you saw Megatron flying towards you both. "Optimus watch out!" Trying to warn him only for Megatron to shoot and tackle Optimus to the ground while getting  a hold on to him making you also fall with them.

While falling I somehow managed to hit my face the pain was so unbearable that I screamed. This catching the attention of the two mechs fighting. "(y/n)!"  They both shouted out. lifting my hand that help where the pain was I looked and saw engergon. 'I guess I got hit pretty hard then' Lifting my head up too look at the two. Seeing as I was injured and my face was leaking of energon they both looked a one another growling. Optimus decided make the first move and punched Megatron in the chest. The strength of the hit making Megatron fly backwards.

"(y/n)! Are you alright?!" I heard my brother shout at me. Standing on mt feet I nodded. " Yes I am going to be fine. What do you want me to do?" I asked. Just then then the both of you heard yelling up from above where Rachet was at. Looking up I saw that it was Smokescreen with the startsaber? 'They had that on bored still?" I thought then realizing why he grabbed it. 

"Optimus! (y/n) catch!" He yelled before getting shot at by shockwave. Seeing as Everyone was now running towards where the startsaber fell. I Quickly Transformed and flew up there as well. Seeing how Shockwave was getting a bit to close to it I transformed and tackled him to the ground. "Your not getting your hands on it this time con!" I growled pushing away his blaster and punching his face I saw Bee close to it. 

"Bumblebee give the starsaber to Optimus!" I shouted to the scout. Nodding in understanding he ran towards the sword. Lifting it up he ran as quick as he could to through it to Optimus. Seeing as he was climbing down the beams you saw that Bee was going to jump towards Optimus. " Optimus you have to destroy the Omega lock! That is the only way to save earth!" I heard Rachet tell him. Looking at Megatron and Optimus did make me worry. Mostly with everything that just happened moments ago. 

If this was going to be it as much as you didn't want it to come to this. Optimus...I knew he had to take Megatron down. Seeing as Bumblebee was so close you saw Megatron lift up his blaster and charge it and also pointing it towards Bee everything seemed like it wen't in slow motion. Seeing the baster shoot towards the scout I jumped to where Bumblebee was at. Going to move him out of the way. 

I Was Made For Loving You TFP Megatron x Autobot PRIME! reader!Where stories live. Discover now