(Christmas special part one)

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Hello it's me again! I just wanted to say Merry Christmas Eve.to you all!  And hope that you all have a wonderful time with your family!  This is just something I can up with sence all other books have it. Tho as you can see. It a part one. The other part with continue somewhere tomorrow on Christmas Day. Hope you enjoy!

"Hey Breakdown catch! " You just walked out to the main hanger when a ball almost hit you. "Ah! " You shrieked when you saw it coming your way. It was already to late for you to move out of the way. You closed your optics hoping that it won't do that much damage.

*bang! *

You opened one of your optics to see a large arm in front of you holding the ball inches from your face.  You looked up to see who the person was son you could thank them. Your optics widen when you saw the warlord MEGATON in front of you.

Why were the Autobots and Decepticons spending Christmas in the Autobot base you may ask? Well let's have a recape on what happened in the morning...

*morning 9: 15 *

Nothing came on the radar that we should have been worried about to day. Actually nothing really was happening. It was all quite in base. You then decided to call for Rachet.

"What is it (Y/n)? " He asked you, while he was on the main computers. "Would perhaps know where everyone is at currently? " You asked the medic. "Yes actually I do. Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead, are currently retrieving the kids to come to base. " He mumbled You Nodded  your head. " And Optimus? " You asked. "That do not know of. " He told you.

You were going to look for him when Rachet called for you. "I think you should stay here. The other bot's will be here in a minute. And Miko what's to tell us something. " You sighed and  walked over to one of the medical beds to sat on.

Few moments later the bot's finally came into base. You stood up and walked over to the center of the main hanger. Once the kids were out off there guardians they soon transformed. The kids then went to their own little space for them.

"What is it that you wanted to tell us Miko? " You asked the girl. "I'm so glad you asked! " You ran towards the railing excitement was shown in her eyes.

"What are you all doing later today? " She asked. "Nothing if the Cons don't plan on anything." Bulkhead stated. "Why? " He asked. "We should do a small get together party for Christmas! " She shouted.

"Christmas? " Arcee asked. Miko mouth shot wide open. "You don't know about Christmas?! " She yelled.
"Is it one of your friends birthday?  Miko you know we can't show anyone our forms. " You told her.

"No! " She shot her hands up and shook them. "It's a thing we celebrate each year. " She told you.  Raph then spoke up and told them about the history of this so called 'Christmas'.

"So it's a human culture thing? " Rachet asked. "Kinda it depends on how you celebrate it. " Jack told him.
"So!  Are we gonna do it?! " Miko asked.

You looked at your team and they all shrugged. Rachet in the other hand was still just working his way to the computer. "As long as you all don't disturb me and my work! " He mumbled.

You turned back to the kids to see them looking you. Miko was starting to give you what's called 'the puppy eyes'. You thought for s moment. 'Why not?  It is their culture, why not give it a try? '" Alright let's do it. " You told them. Miko jumped in the air. "Sweet!  I'm gonna go call my foster parents that I'm going to stay the night at my friends! " She said while dialing their number.

So did Raphael, and Jack. Afterwards we all hung out for a while until Optimus showed up. We told him about it and he also agreed. After that Miko wanted to decorate the base. She told us about all the things we would need. With the help of June and Fowler, we were able to get everything.

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