ch 6.

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(Rock bottom)

Miko's POV
"We're suppose to be at a rock concert! " I yelled "but all I see is ROCK'S! "
I pouted. " relax Miko, the show doesn't start in two hours. "Jake tried to clam me down. Well it sure wasn't working! I spun around to look at him hiving him a glare. "Do you know how long I waited to see slash monkey! " I shouted.  He was going to answer when I inturupted him. " FOREVER!  And it's their only U. S date! " I was already getting furated... And bored.

(Y/n) POV
"By the appearances the mines have been stirped. " Arcee said as they we we're all walking out of the now emptied energon mine. "But I'm getting a signal... It's faint but it's defentaly energon." Bulkhead told us. "Doesn't make any sense. This is operation has been abandoned for, mabey 5 years." Arcee then said agian. That's when Jake call
ed for us. "Uh... Guys!?" We looked at where he was. Pointing onlybtonsee Miko running througjtbthe mine.  "She went in. Unbelievable!" I shook my head agreeing. 'That girl is going get hurt on day. ' I thought I then look at Bulkhead. "Uhg... MIKO!  Get back here! "He shouted while chasing after her. "It would be kinda interesting to see. Ya know... If it we're-" "Safe? " Arcee finished his sentence. " the sick minds could be unstable Jake. " I stayed silent the whole time. " I promise to step lightly" Jake tried to presway her. She looked at me for permission.  Which I looked at Jake that he was almost in a begging position. I sighed and nodded at Arcee.  "Fine you can come... Just... Don't tell your mom" with that he stood up and followed us. 'I mean what could go wrong he has us to protect him. Miko had Bulkhead. 'I thought as of that we headed into the mine. Oh how wrong I was.

Megatron POV
But stars cream and I landed to where our designation was. "Uh...  Lord Megatron forgive me to question your intention. But I do not understand why returned to this after all this time?... Alone. "He questioned me. I ignored his question while walking forward. Then he continued to speak. "Every last energon was extracted from this mine. " I stopped walking at that time. I slowly turned to face him. "Endulge me starscream won't you?"
I said rather calming. Oh the fright in him optics almost made me laugh. So then I continued to walk into the mine.

(Y/n)  POV
We were now somewhere in the mine. Both Arcee and I got commend from Bulkhead. "Bulkhead. " Arcee asked nothing. She looked at me shaking a her head.  So then I tried "Bulkhead.  Bulkhead to you read? " all I heard was static. I then got an idea. "Hold on let me try to find his signal. " my visor pulled up where we where but I couldn't see his netheir Arcee and my life signal.  And in was right next to her. "Doest show where he is same thing for us. "Arcee started to think. "The mitreal must be causing an interferences. "Arcee suggested. "Then let's keep moving and find the others. "

Megatron POV
Once we were at the spot where I wanted it to be. I saw 3 of my drills in the back corner. "How interesting... "I said with a low growl. The look he gave me knowing he was cought. He growled. "Uhg... Imcompated fools. " he continued "these mining acimpment was suppose to be relocated! Why is it still here?! "He shouted "the most valated question. "I said. "Hehe-my apologize master. I believe soundwave was in charge of cordanetes transport.

I growled hearing this. "But in fairness. During your interstar travles we all had to us some dishunate responsibility. "He said walking away back Ward. "Clearly mistakes we're made. "He quietly said. "Yes clearly. "One I said that I rammed my fist into one of the walls. "Only to pull it a chunck of energon. "Every last energon extracted?! "I shouted "Lord Megatron I can explain! " "EXPLAIN WHAT! " that you've been hourdering live energon for your personal use?! " I yelled. "NO! not exactly you see I didn't-" I stomped on the energon having snuff from him. "Do not take me as a fool starscream. I have been wise that your trangretion from the beginning! Not only did you pluck the darkenergon from my chest in a fail atempt to snuff my spark. But you tried to make your own undead warrior with it! " I continued with venom wit each word. While stepping Toward him. "It's no secret that you lost your arm in he prizes which you since have removed. "I said.

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