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(Y/n) POV
You forgot how many days you've been on dark mount, I guess it's been long enough for you to stop keeping track. You always tried to find ways to offline of boredom. Megatron didn't let you do anything while you were there.

Later you were so bored you walked around dark mount and walked right into Knockout. You were so bored that you ended up having a conversation work the medic. Which ended up you somehow getting your body a new upgrade. Though instead of calling it an upgrade. Knockout found out it could also have been called a 'make over'. At least that's what some of human called it.

You weren't gonna lie you did kind of liked it!

Though Megatron didn't like the fact that you did it without informing him about it before. Though you didn't really care less. You also did check just to make sure that there was no chip that can show your location, or what you were doing.

Now you just stood near Megatron in dark mount. You didn't know what to do exactly. Though you did take your time to look around so that if anything you can know your way around the place. It could help a lot when you got the chance to escape.

Speaking of escaping. It's Been a few days now, and you still couldn't find a way to contact the others! You were still nervous, are they ok? You new they were alive from the video you saw. But we're any of them hurt. Mostly the kids, considering that nurse Darby isn't there to help them.

And what about Optimus? Was he ok? You had tried so hard to contact him though the bond. But no matter what you would only feel pain. So you would always had to cut it off. Though it did make you feel more nervous and slightly glad. Nervous because you new that Optimus was in pain, mostly likely injured. Who knows how bad he is injured and how long he has until he might offline. That hurt you just thinking about it.

You couldn't live to the fact that you could have had lost yet another family member. Let alone your last one.knowing you had the chance to save him with the matrix of life. On the other hand you were glad, as long as you felt something, you knew he was still alive.

You closed your eyes yet again and reopened your bond. You were prepared this time to feel pain again. It's been happening for so long that you grew used to the pain. Though something was different. You didn't feel any pain at all. Your eyes widen. Was he fixed? Did the rest of the Autobots find him and bought him to Ratchet?

You were lost in though when you heard Megatron shout out. "STARSCREAM! Explain why my forces are being scattered across this globe! " You wanted to roll your eyes so badly, though you couldn't sence you STILL, Haven't been given your visor, even though you asked multiple of times to Knockout to make you one. Other than that you weren't surprised that Starscream did something dumb again that would anger Megatron.

"Renegade Autobot mischief Lord Megatron. I am in the process of Deducting how they are infiltrating our communication system without a base of--" He shortly cut off by Soundwave visor beeping and then showing the harvenger. Wait... The HARVENGER! how in Primus did you nkt think of the sooner! The Autobots but have been there the whole entire time!?

You looked back to see a not so pleasant face on Megatron. "You left abandoned Decepticon technology fully operational and UNSECURED?! " he shouted louder, it was so loud that it even made you flinch. You saw that Starscream clearly saw his mistake and was now trying to fix it. "Allow me to correct my over sight immediately! " He asked.

Starscream then turned to the computer screen. Pressing on a button he called his Armada and told them to go to the harvenger and destroy it. Your eyes widened. ' no! I just found our that their ok! I can't let this happen! ' you turned to look at Megatron. "You can't be serious! " You told him. Megatron looked down at you raising his metal brow.

I Was Made For Loving You TFP Megatron x Autobot PRIME! reader!Where stories live. Discover now