I wanna song lyrics as the title but a song from mama mia is stick in my head

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I couldn't go to sleep until like 2 last night. Now I'm craving coffee. So I'm drinking coffee. No food really sounds good right now. I have to maintain or stay around the weight that I'm at right now because I have a doctors appointment coming up. If I weigh like 5 pounds less than what I'm at right now my dad would freak out. Even though it's still a healthy weight. 

I'm gonna get shots at the appointment too. Then right after I have to go to the orientation for school. Blehhh. But I'm also probably getting my braces off before the dr so that's good. They always give out a ton of candy when you get your braces off but I can't eat any of it so hmu if you want some free candy. 

That's the song that's stuck in my head. I wanna see the new one as well. I also wanna see blind spotting but it's rated R and my dad doesn't want to see it so no one can take me. Maybe I'll see it when it's rentable but my dad doesn't like the whole 'racism in America is still a huge problem and it needs to be fixed' genre. Like, don't get me wrong I'm so pale but I get p i s s e d at anything durogatory. 

Okay sorry rant over. On the same note though, there's a book called The Hate U Give and it's so good. It's one of my favorites. It's being made into a move and I'm P u m p e d.

Sorry this is a weird chapter I'm hyped on no sleep and caffeine bye.

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