Guys I got my life threatened again. Two year streak bb

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This time is different though.

Now that I think o it they aren't that different but this year they sure tried their hardest.

Anyways I got a text a while ago that was like "you done messed with the wrong person! You hurt my friend, you hurt me!" And stuff like that.

I didn't know the number so I asked who it was but they never responded so I defeated it.

They just responded with "your worst nightmare" 

I just love the grunge.

I told them they had the wrong number because I didn't know but they're talking about.

Thhheennn they did a name drop. So they know who I am and they have my number. I just blocked them though because I didn't feel like telling them that I had proof that they threatened me and I could easily report it and track their number. 

But of course, what I 'did' was actually just to protect the person that I hurt. So like, how am I in the wrong?

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