guess who this chapter is about

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you guessed it. 

okay, let's start before school. I was walking through bs's first-hour class to go fill up my water bottle and my friend that I don't see a lot, we'll call her A, was standing in there. She knows about my crush on him so I casually said: "yeah so he's in here."

She then started asking the group of people in there with her what his name was. I d i d n o t want to be in there when she did whatever she was going to do so I zoomed outta there. When I walked back in she was still there and he was looking at us. I tried to get her to tell me what she did and all she would say was nothing. 

oh god I think he knows. 

evidence to support my statement: He's kinda gone out of his way to sit or be nearish me kinda, I think I noticed him looking at me once or twice,  there might be other stuff I can't remember.

AND THEN he was walking next to me while we were going to the gym and I b r e i f l y looked at him and I noticed that he has very subtle freckles and it's the cutest thing. 

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