I'm dying

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I had a few anxiety attacks over the weekend. My friend and their crush are now dating. 

I think I might have three crushes now. Idk for sure. 

I couldn't finish my homework yesterday because I'm really sleep deprived and anxious. So I came in early for algebra help.

Then I chugged my whole coffee and now my breath is bad and the gum I brought is expired even though I just got a whole new pack but I'm pretty sure my sister stole it. 

Probably gonna have an anxiety sometime throughout the day because I feel sick. 

Also, I think that my crush on bs is fading and being replaced with idk we're gonna call him S. But I also don't really know much about him. Then there's this other person that we'll call Tofu because I want to. A lot of my friends don't like them and they're figuring out their gender and they think they might be gender queer and I think that I'm full on gay so yeah. I might like them but if they are then I think the maybe feelings would go away? 

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