The more you hate, The more you love.

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"Urghh! I really hate that big eared, giant errrrr that annoying Chanyeol urghhhhh!!!" I shouted in frustration. Me and my best friend are now in our university soccer field. But Gabi didn't even reacted to my dilemma, she just continued texting on her phone.

"Hey Gabi, are you even my best friend?"
"Of course, why?" she answered but still her eyes on her phone.
"Can't you see I'm frustrated here, you should make me feel better. Arghh duh whatever!" I annoyingly laid on the green grass. She looked at me and grinned.
"What's new Y/N?, it's almost everyday, no everytime you are always making fuss to that Chanyeol. But are you familiar with the saying?"
"The more you hate the more you love!" she replied while flickering her eyelashes,and I just want to pull all those lashes.
"What? No! Are you insane? No way! No f'cking way, even if he'll be the only man alive, I would rather die!" I threw my accounting book to her and it hit her head, I laughed at her annoyed face.
"Ouch! Y/N! you're not supposed to do that!" she scratched her attacked head.

~~I am alone here at the library because Gabi is in their cheer dance practise. I am currently doing my accounting assignment when suddenly a book landed on the desk in front of me. I was really shocked in terror. I looked up and saw the last man I wished to see, It's Chanyeol who can't stop laughing at me.

"Hahahaha, you should see your face Y/N! So funny!! Hahahaha" He continued laughing while holding his stomach.
"F*ck You Chanyeol! I hate you so much!" I glared at him and because I am too annoyed and irritated now, I cried. He stopped laughing when he saw me crying. I picked my belongings and put it all in my bag. I walked fast away from him while I roughly wiped my tears.

"Y/N-ah, I'm sorry." He softened his voice and followed me.
"Please, leave me alone Chanyeol! I don't really have an idea why you keep on pestering me everyday! Please, I surrender, you win!" I pushed him and ran.

~~Next morning.
I am slowly walking inside the premise of our university while on my headphones, enjoying the music. Then Gabi appeared.

"Y/N, why are you wearing glasses today?" she asked and removed it at the same time. i just rolled my eyes.
"Woah, what happened to your eyes? Your eyebags are no a joke!"
"Whatever Gabi." I grabbed the eyeglass, wear it again and walked passed by her.
"Y/N-ah, wait!" I just continued walking.

I didn't cried that bad but I don't know why these eyebags grew big. I moved on from what happened yesterday, I don't want to be stressed because of him. What i planned is to ignore and just ignore him.

I reached our room, I busied myself reading my notes because we will have our exam today. Then he arrived, unlucky he is my seatmate. He kept calling my name and as planned I ignore him. It's hard to ignore him because he is persistent, really persistent that he kept calling me the entire class. I really wanted to shout at him but I stopped myself.

The class has ended and I walked out from the class room and unsurprisingly he followed me. I totally ignored him.

"Y/N-ah, please I'm sorry! Please.. please..." I went to the canteen where Gabi's waiting for me.

"Chanyeoll-ah, You haven't made Y/N-ah say yes yet but you're having a lover's quarrel already?" I rolled my eyes at Baekhyun, one of his band mate.

"Yeah. That's a bad sign yeol." Added Chen.
And all 11 of them laughed.

Because I don't want any headaches, I ignored them and continued walking towards Gabis' table. And thankfully Chanyeol joined his friends.

"Did you two had a fight? Was that the reason of your swollen eyes?" Gabi
"Let's just order our lunch." I disregard her question and stood up.

Days passed and I heard Chanyeol was hospitalized because he had a motorcycle accident. He was 1 week absent already and somehow I'm missing him, wait what? erase! there's no way I'm gonna miss that jerk!

"You're gloomy these past few days Y/N. Why?" Gabi asked.
"Huh? No, I'm just tired with all the projects." I reasoned.
"Hmm If I know you missed him and you want to visit him in the hospital right?"
"Why would I? No way!"
"Hmm you're so obvious, I wasn't even giving you a name who I am referring to."
"Please Gabi.."
"C'mon, I'll accompany you." I rejected but agreed thereafter.

~~I'm having thoughts of coming inside or not but Gabi grabbed me. We're arguing because she dragged me. They stopped talking then Chanyeol glanced at me. I saw him smiled and he seemed so delighted. All of his band mates teased us, then they left us alone including Gabi.

"Wait, where are you going Gab?"
"You'll thank me, after this hahaha. We'll wait outside." Gabi just replied, I tried follow them but they closed the door then Chanyeol spoke.

"Y/N-ah!" I turned my back to face him.
"Oh Hi! Ahmm.. You know, I'm not that bad to not at least visit you and Gabi just forced me to be here." I stuttered.I heard him chuckled.
"Why I'm feeling that you're being so defensive?" I looked at him confused.
"Ah! Nevermind. Thank you for coming here Y/N-ah, I've been waiting for you to come here. Hahaha, I'm supposedly be discharged yesterday but I want to stay till you visit me here." I sat down on the chair near his bed.
"What? So you're totally fine now and just acting there?"
"Hahahah no, well I'm fine but the bruises still hurts."
"Hmp!" then there was a long silence. I was looking around when he held my hand, then he seated on the bed then kissed me on the lips. I wasn't able to move and my eyes widened. My mind says to slap him but my heart says I like it.
"Why did you so that?"
"Y/N-ah, I've been keeping this since forever Y/N, I love you." I was speechless for a while with his confession.
"Huh? Don't try to pull a prank on me Chanyeol-ah!"
"No, I swear I'm serious." he chuckled
"Hmp! But you are always bullying me."
"It's because I'm too coward to confess to you. I don't have the courage to say that I've been loving you since I met you in our soccer field and accidentally hit your face with the ball. So to be close to you I always make you annoyed." He chuckled and scratch the back of his head. He drew his face closer to mine that made me gulped. I wss staring back to his eyes.
"Y/N, I love you so much and please say that you feel the same way too." I was hypnotized by him.
"I love you too Chanyeol." I know my whole face turns red already. His lips went closer to mine, I closed my eyes but..

"Hey just checking what's going on here, We're already bored waiting outside!"

"Eww hyung! Get a room!" His band mates ruined our moment. Chanyeol let out a deep sigh annoyed. I just laughed and held his hand, I intertwined it with his. He looked up and smiled. I admit I must've loved this yoda since he hit my head with a soccer ball, I'm just too annoyed at him to admit that to myself.

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