The Best I Had

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Note! This is very long~~~~

Me and Eunwoo had been in a relationship for 3 years now. We've been friends before he became an idol and later became a couple. Eventhough he became famous and many girls crushes on him, he never changed. He's still the old Eunwoo I met 5 years ago, until he was offered a main role in a certain drama. Being an actor and an idol at the same time is not easy, if not shooting for his drama he is on their practise with Astro. He became busy, I tried to understand him because I know he is now living the life he once dreamt before, and I just can't help but be proud of him. However, now that he has another responsibility being an actor, we seldom see, can't be in facetime or simple short calls.

One day Eunwoo asked me to fetch his bestfriend in the airport since as usual he's very busy and has many schedules. This bestfriend of his is from New York, he is actually a Korean but grew up in New York, he said they became best friends because they we're neighboors back when they are young. And because I can't say no to him, I filed a leave from work and now here in the airport waiting for the guy and I am holding a paper with his name on it "Park Chanyeol".  After almost 30 minutes, I saw a tall guy walking towards me, Eunwoo mentiones that his friend is as tall as him like 6'1" and has big ears, I have also a picture of him on my phone so I immediately looked at it and tried to compare from the guy who is now infront of me. He took off his aviator and smiled.

"Y/N, Eunwoos' girlfriend, right?" He said and damn he has a beautiful deep soothing voice. Since I'm just 5'8, I looked up at him.
"Ah yes! And you are Park Chanyeol?" I replied while I glanced at the paper I was holding then i smiled back. He just nodded then dragged his luggage.

"Nice to finally meet you."he smirked.
"Same here." I responded trying not to be rude because I don't like his aura, yes he is handsome well yeah beyond that, his looks is just godly, but I still don't like him.
"Follow me, I bet your tired so let's get in the car." I said without looking at him then walked towards my car. I entered first then waited for him since he's still putting the luggage in the trunk. Once he got in the car I started the engine and drove. I put on my aviator and earphones. Well luckily he just slept so the ride went smoothly. I dropped him in his house m, and because he is a jerk he didn't even said thankyou and just turned back after getting his things. Well I don't care, I want to go home and sleep. When I arrived home, I texted Eunwoo that I have safely fetched his bff.

1 week after~~
Today is our anniversary and we're having a dinner, finally after like decades of not seeing each other. I am all set and already waiting for him, then I heard a car honking outside. I excitedly went out then locked the doors, I opened the gate only to get disappointed. It's not eunwoos' car, then the window rolled down and I saw  Chanyeol smiling.

"Hey Y/N, Eunwoo called me to fetch you and instead be your date tonight. Unfortunately his schedules were adjusted and he can't make it." He went out from his car and approached me. Tears started to fall, I feel really sad, it's our 4th anniversary and he is not with me, he didn't even called me that he can't. Chanyeol caressed my back since I cried hard already.
"No need to accompany me tonight Chanyeol, let's just cancel the dinner. I'll be fine." I said between sobs.
"No, I promised Eunwoo to accompany you tonight, he was sad as well and can't tell you personally, so he asked me for a favor and no worries I'm free all night." He said calmly as he was trying to hush me. I looked up to him and he smiled. I went out with him in the end. We went to a restaurant. We settled in our table, I excused to go to the restroom first since I cried like shit earlier, then when I came back I saw girls near our table giggling looking at Chanyeol, which who doesn't have an idea girls are ogling around him. I sat on the chair infront of him.

"Chanyeol, aren't you aware that girls are drooling because of you?" I said to him then he raised his brow.
"Ahhh well I'm used to it." And he smiled. I rolled my eyes.
"Narcissist. Tsk" i said to myself.
"I heard that." He said but his head is still bowed down looking at the menu.
"Whatever! Let's just order." Then we ordered food, we just talked and not me knowing I became comfortable with him. He said that he came back in Seoul to breathe a fresh air and relax. He was managing their business in New York since he graduated and didn't have the chance to chill out. We exchanged our life stories and how we met Eunwoo. We finished our food then he asked me to walk around, the restaurant is near Han river, I wanted it too so I agreed with him. It's already 10pm, so there's no people around. I closed my eyes as I breathe the fresh air and let the wind mess my hair. Then I heard a clicking sound from a camera next to it is a flash of light. I looked at chanyeol, he took a picture not me knowing.

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