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A/N: Again, Story wise, this will be a mixture of a canon-base (I'll get some stuff from the game and maybe add in something from my own idea). There'll be a lot of mix and match, but don't worry I'll try to explain everything as I can to avoid confusion. Let's start!


*Y/N's P.O.V.*

It was just a 2-hour plane ride, but I feel like I've been up there for a day. I really hate plane rides - if this wasn't just urgent I would have chosen to be on a road trip for a day to reach Detroit than to torture myself for two hours. Now my head is just a freaking mess.

I'm now trying my best to keep myself together and not drop dead in this crowded airport - I just need to get to the station, report to Captain Fowler and my uncle, then head to his apartment in which where I will stay and I'll get some precious sleep by then.

I kept walking through this crowded place trying to get out as fast as I can, once I got to the immigration checkpoint area I surrendered my passport and documents hoping that I won't be held off long here. I'm sure that I'll not be able to answer things if ever they question me or anything. Well, it's not like I'm a criminal on the run, I just experienced that the last time I came here.

"All cleared, Ms. Y/L/N. Welcome back to Detroit, Detective," the android inside the cubicle, which I honestly didn't notice as an android at first, said. She gave me back my documents with a small smile and I smiled back at her.

"Thank you, and yeah, it feels great to be back," I said and moved along.

Humans and Androids are almost bumping to each other in this busy airport and all I wanted to do is get out. I need some fresh air or else I might throw up on someone. Heading straight to the waiting area, I immediately saw a familiar face. He smiled and waved at me while holding a sign with 'Detective Y/N Y/L/N,' written on it. I smiled even if I was still too far, but I quickly made my way towards him.

"Officer Wilson, it's been a while!" I said enthusiastically and gave him a hug the moment I let go of my luggage.

"It really has been, Y/N. I'm glad that the youngest detective of the nation is here again," he said with a proud smile which made my face burn up. I'm still not used to compliments like these, but I guess I can never avoid them.

Yes, me, the youngest detective, a 22-year-old Detective in Detroit. A lot have questioned my credibility, but over the short year of my service, I've proved their doubts wrong. I have no idea how I got this skill, but it awakened a few years ago and up until now, it's the thing that fuels me. I'm just glad that the division that I was in was accepting college degrees as a year of service, that's why I was promoted fast and I mean really fast. Back when I was 15 to 18 years old, I've done nothing but to study and within those three years, I've gained four degrees. Most people called me an android that time because no sane human could have done that, but I did. That's how I love this job and since then, I'm known as one of the best but definitely the youngest detective here in Detroit, and actually in the whole nation.

"Come on now, Officer, no need for that kind of talk," I replied with a small smile. He offered to help me with my luggage and a few moments later, we're walking towards his car in the parking area, "Sorry to have bothered you with picking me up, I told my uncle that I'll be good with a rented car," I stated.

"No worries, Y/N. I'm glad that Hank picked me to pick you up, I honestly thought he'll request his android partner to do this," he replied which made my eyes wide and jolted me to stare at him.

"My uncle has an android? An android...as his partner?! Oh my god, is he or she still intact?" I asked in all honest worry. I know my uncle, I know Hank, he doesn't like androids...not after what had happened before, "I mean, I worry about Hank too and his state, but when that old man be is pissed...

Deviate {DBH Connor x Reader} [Detroit Become Human Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now