16: Replacement

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~~~1 and a Half Year Later~~~

*Y/N P.O.V*

"Y/N, I swear to fucking god, if we failed to catch even just one of them like the last time, I am done listening to your shit!" Gavin whispered shout at me while we were hiding behind in a dark alleyway. We were out in the field tasked to catch these red ice users who are having a session out here in the open. He's been insisting that we attack now before it's too late, but I know it's still too risky.

"If you want to die, then be my fucking guest," I replied with the same manner. I kept glancing at those users, making sure that they are not moving away an inch.

This has been my life for the past year and a half, cases and field work are the only things that really distracts me from my troubled thoughts...even if it means that I had to be with an asshole because yes, Gavin is now my partner.

"Detroit Police! Put your hands where we can see them!" suddenly, we heard someone shouted. The back-up that I called minutes ago has arrived and went straight to arrest the group. Of course, they panicked like ants and scattered all around the area, running like their lives depend on it. Gavin and I were at the opposite side and we were able to see where they all went.

I reported all their movement over the earpiece and the remaining officers around made their move to follow each one of them. Gavin was already nowhere to be seen near me since he ran after one of the users too. I followed him after making sure that the other officers know where all of them are. The moment I caught up with him, I found that he is already dragging someone back to the police car.

"Told you it's wise for us to wait for the back-up," I told him with a sarcastic tone. He just glared at me as he pulled the user behind him who is still trying to get away.

"Well, this could have been over a lot earlier if we didn't wait," he said with his cocky attitude.

"Like as if you could handle six of them at the same time. The only thing that would have been over a lot earlier if you did that is your life, dumbass," I replied.

We finally arrived by the car where an android officer is waiting. Gavin handed the user over and the android took him inside.

"Great work as always, Detective Y/N and Detective Reed," he said.

Yes, androids are back again. CyberLife took a year of hiatus, claiming to upgrade their programs and systems to avoid a revolution happening again, but honestly, they can never stop that. I tried my best to learn what they are doing over this year but to no avail. The remained in silence for twelve months, but I just know that they aren't done yet and what d you know, here they are again.

CyberLife just popped out of nowhere again and began releasing these newly upgraded androids. They started with the release of androids made to assist government and public relation industries. I'm sure that's their strategy to gain the public's trust once more and surprise surprise, just a month after that, people are starting to buy androids again for their own personal reason even if these upgraded ones now cost thrice their original price. Honestly, I think this has bee CyberLife's plan from the start.

"Are you going to stare at it creepily all day or are we gonna go back to the station?" Gavin's annoying voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I gave the android a quick smile before turning to Gavin and giving him a meh face before walking towards our own car. I immediately climbed inside and sat on the passenger's seat and soon after Gavin climbed to the driver's seat.

Honestly, we're like bickering siblings. We're always at each other's necks, the mean remarks never end, and we're both salty at each other...but somehow, for some reason our partnership works. We're not dead, cases given to us are easily closed, and we haven't killed each other. Now that we've been working every day for more than 12 months, I actually learned to tolerate the annoying guy and even if I didn't want to say it, this is something like how Hank and I treat each other...but of course, Gavin's still an ass.

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