11: Choose A Side

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*Y/N's P. O. V. *

I feel like I'm going on a field trip.

We're about to meet Elijah Kamski, creator of androids, past CEO of CyberLife. I've always admired his intelligence and work, he really did bring a change in this world. He had been deemed as the 'Man of the Century' and I think he really did deserve it. He created a new intelligent life form, if that doesn't get you to be the 'Man of the Century', I don't know what will.

Another thing I'm excited about is that I know that the remaining RT600 models are with him and assisting him as he lives far from the city. I haven't seen a model like that in years and I'm just excited to see her again...even if I know that it's not Mia, their image would be enough to bring me back.

"Y/N, remember that we're going there to get information, nothing more. You look like a kid who's about to go to an amusement park," Hank stated as we drive towards Kamski's exclusive house.

"What else do you think I'll do there?" I asked curiously. Hank's been worried because of the fact that I'll be seeing RT600 models again, he thinks that I might go crazy once I saw them, "It's been years, my dear uncle, if I wanted someone like her again, I would have asked already. Don't worry, I'm fine," I stated.

"Why didn't you request to have her back, Y/N? CyberLife would have repaired or replaced her bio-component body with the same memories. She would have been ---

"CyberLife said she's beyond repair and her memories are gone. Suspicious, isn't it? It's like they know that she deviated and they just disposed her memories. They offered a new one but I refused," I explained.

"That's possible, but androids can also receive damage beyond repair which can also result in their memories being wiped clean. CyberLife could try to restore those memories, but maybe they did not want to do it to Mia because of a certain error she showed before she got deactivated," Connor stated.

"Exactly. That's why I know that there's no way I could get her back. I'm just happy that I'll see RT600 models again and of course, Kamski. Come on, he's the creator of your kind, Connor. It'll be an honor to meet him!" I exclaimed excitedly.

Connor gave me a quick smile before looking in front again. He was sitting on the passenger's seat while Hank was driving and I'm at the backseat. Silence emerged after that and I decided to take in the scenery outside of the car. It's already snowing here in Detroit - it's like the weather is getting colder and colder as the revolution gets warmer.

In all honesty, this is the kind of weather that I love the most even if I have a low tolerance to cold weather. I just find the calm falling snowflakes really beautiful.

Finally, our car stopped in front of this huge isolated house in the middle of nowhere. Kamski really wanted nothing to do with the civilization anymore, it's very obvious now. We all climbed off the car and proceeded towards the entrance of the house. Hank was the one who pushed the bell and one blink away, the doors opened.

"Hi, I'm Lieutenant Anderson, this is Connor and Detective Y/L/N. Elijah Kamski invited us. We just want to ask him some questions regarding androids," Hank stated.

A beautiful RT600 wearing a blue dress opened the door for us and it's like I fangirled there. I stood frozen, just staring at her. I wanted to hug her, I feel like someone who just saw her older sister after a long time, but I held back. It just warms my heart that I was able to see someone like her again.

"Elijah has mentioned your arrival, please come in," she said and we all went inside. I thought we'd be inside his proper house already, but this room is just like a huge but empty lobby, "I will notify him about your presence now. Please wait here," she said with a small smile before walking towards the other door.

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