7: Emotions

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*2nd Person View*

"Anderson, I'm sending you and your team out in the field today. We received a report that an AX400 android kidnapped a female child last night. A witness came out and said that the android reached the end station of the bus and got off there. The weather was pretty bad last night, they might still be around that area. Search the place and bring that deviant in," Captain Fowler told Hank and Connor while they were in front their desks, "Where's Y/N?" he asked the moment he noticed your absence.

"Detective Y/N had caught a flu, Captain. Lieutenant and I advised her to stay at the apartment so she can rest properly and feel better soon. Nonetheless, with or without her, Lieutenant and I will try our best to track the android around that area," Connor answered and Fowler nodded at him.

"Another thing that you need to know is that unfortunately, there's already an order for a 'shoot to kill'. I'm just going to hope that you find it first. We could get a lot of information from it if it's still functioning. Good luck for today," he added before walking away from them.

Connor wasn't shocked with the 'shoot to kill' order because he understood the weight of the situation. Kidnapping is really not a usual crime done by a deviant but if the android went that way...he knows that it's something more serious to the humans. He already handled one case like this few months ago, and fortunately, he accomplished that mission and saved the kid from the deviant. He aims to get the same result again, but this time, he wants to save both the child and the deviant.

"Let's go, Lieutenant," he addressed Hank and they made their way towards the car.

"Captain Fowler has sent me the full report about this case. The deviant is an AX400 android, she is a housemaid android serving in the household of a man named Todd Williams. She is also taking care of Alice Williams, Todd's only daughter. This is the child that she took with her last night," Connor explained the moment they were inside the car. He began to transfer the report on the small monitor beside the steering wheel so Hank could see the pictures of the people he was talking about.

"Damn, I don't like that man's face at all. Did the android really kidnapped the kid or is it an act of escape from this guy?" Hank asked the moment he saw the picture.

"According to the initial report made by Todd Williams, it is a kidnapping. Taking a child out of the household was never given to her as a task, AX400 did that on her own," Connor answered.

"So, do you think the deviant really went rogue?" Hank asked as he started to drive towards the location that was given to them.

"No. Being a deviant is not equal to becoming rogue, lieutenant," Connor stated immediately which Hank didn't expect, "Your other theory might be correct though, it could have been an act of escape. Todd Williams is a user of red ice, AX400 might have been abused there and the moment she went full deviant, she took the child with her to escape," he continued. As he was saying his theory out loud, he can remember the story you told him a few days ago - that androids could have the capability of thinking on their own in case of a desperate situation.

Hank looked at Connor with a small smile and decided to keep his thoughts to himself as he doesn't want to alarm him that he's beginning to think differently about deviants and androids in general. You and Hank have also talked about that already too, if Connor is really becoming more aware of what's happening, you both want him to discover it on his own...not force your own beliefs to him. And so far, Connor is really beginning to understand better at his own pace.

"Lieutenant? I am receiving a call from Y/N. Should I answer it?" Connor suddenly asked, his LED is now blinking yellow.

"What? Why the hell is she calling? She should be sleeping," Hank said.

Deviate {DBH Connor x Reader} [Detroit Become Human Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now