8: Hold Me Tight

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*2nd Person view*

“Your systems have been showing a lot of errors more and more recently, Connor. What have you been doing?” Amanda asked Connor the moment his consciousness went to the Zen Garden. Amanda was sitting next to the wall of orchids while staring directly at Connor.

“Those errors are simply caused by the injuries to my bio-component body, Amanda. Capturing deviants comes with a huge physical risk, it is beyond my control, but I assure you I am doing my best to limit these errors,” Connor answered.

By now he knows that he has to deny all of these errors to Amanda. It’s not that he has become a deviant now, he just knows that she and CyberLife wouldn’t appreciate it if his systems are failing. He doesn’t fully understand it either, so it’s better to just keep it on a low profile for now. All he wants to do is continue his investigations to learn more about deviants.

“Connor, errors in your systems appears even if you’re not on a chase to capture a deviant. It’s becoming more and more frequent which alarms me. Are you becoming a deviant yourself, Connor?” Amanda asked in a very serious tone which made Connor tense up.

For some reason, being called a ‘deviant’ brought an uneasy presence in Connor’s systems. Of course, he wouldn’t appreciate it, he’s a state of the art android and being called a deviant should not be an option. It felt like an insult to him.

“No, of course not, Amanda. I’d never be,” Connor said, but again, these words are getting harder and harder for him to say out loud.

“Good, but I want to remind you are running tight in schedule, Connor. CyberLife wants information, if you are unable to deliver that, you will be sent back to the tower and be deactivated,” she stated. Connor was noticing Amanda’s growing distance from him, it was like the more he get closer to you and Hank, it makes him go further away from Amanda but for some reason, he prefers it that way.

“Yes, Amanda. I understand the consequences if I am unable to accomplish my mission, but I believe that I still have enough time. I will locate Jericho and understand where and how this deviancy occurs. I know I can do it,” Connor said firmly, making Amanda smile a little.

Connor is genuinely determined to accomplish his mission, but he knows that he’s not fully doing this because of CyberLife anymore, it’s because he himself wants to know everything too.

Before any of them can speak again, Connor realized that he’s not in the Zen Garden anymore but he’s now back in his own bio-component body which is currently standing in front of Hank’s apartment door. Hank had instructed him to go back and stay in the apartment to look after you since you still can’t go back to the station considering what had happened yesterday. Connor really shouldn’t be agreeing on this since he’s an android made to be in a police department and helping officers, not looking after somebody who’s sick, but Connor wanted this too. This is the least he could do to thank you for saving him.

“Con? Why are you back already?” you asked him the moment he entered the apartment. You were just staying at the living room playing with Sumo that moment. You really still couldn’t move much but you feel better compared to yesterday, for some reason, your action moments yesterday made you feel better even if it gave you a couple of wounds and bruises around your body.

“I decided to stay here and look after you, Y/N. It was not a busy day in the station anyway, but I told Lieutenant if there a case, he should call me,” Connor answered.

“What? Connor, I’m not a baby. I can handle myself, didn’t you see me yesterday? I was already dying because of the flu, but I still managed to jump in to go to you and Hank. I appreciate it, but I’m fine. Besides, your programs are not for this,” you told him while smiling. Sumo just left your side to go towards Connor, the dog really seemed to like him too.

Deviate {DBH Connor x Reader} [Detroit Become Human Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now