14: Broken

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A/N: BUCKLE UP! Long action-packed chapter! Enjooooy!

*Y/N's P. O. V. *

He opened his eyes, he woke up and didn't remain as a machine. Connor is now a deviant...he broke through his programming and I couldn't be happier for him. I would have celebrated more if we're not in this mess of a situation. Now we just have to focus on how we'll escape.

Connor and I have been running and fighting off humans that are killing deviants once they are on sight. I never want to go this violent against my own kind, but we also have to fight back. All this time we are trying to tell them that we want a peaceful revolution, it's them that got violent first...and somehow, we need to fight back.

Even though I wanted them to know that I'm a part of the deviants' group, Hank and Markus have advised me to keep my involvement a secret. I know their reason as to why they said that and I do agree somehow, that's why I'm all hooded up and wearing a mouth mask now.

We continued to make our way around the ship, helping other deviants go straight to our escape route while holding off the SWAT team. Fortunately, I'm still alive and it's all because of Connor. He's really an android made for a scenario like this. He perfectly calculates the bullets and never fails to warn me or pull me out of danger. I think I would have been shot a couple of times already if it wasn't for him.

Finally, we saw Markus again, now he's with Josh and an injured North. Both other androids stared at Connor, but they remained silent.

"Take care of North, I need to detonate the bombs of the ship to destroy everything ---

"I'll do it. Just tell me where the controls are. You should stay with her," Connor suggested. Markus has North on his shoulder, almost carrying her fully.

"I'll guide you there. Markus, you can go now, we'll be right behind you," I told him and he nodded.

"Thank you. Be careful," Markus stated and with that, we separated again.

The two of us immediately found the controls and activated all the bombs inside the ship. Without wasting any time, we ran again as we make sure that no android was left behind, before jumping off of the ship and down to the ice-cold water. The explosions happened a little after, completely destroying the ship.

Connor was constantly holding my hand and I'm sure it's because he didn't want me to go further from him. I guided him and I followed the escape route that we have made and after minutes of swimming in this icy cold water, we finally reached the shore.

"Cold, cold, cold, cold,..." I said again and again like a mantra as I drag myself to my feet. Of course, every piece of clothing in my body right now is wet and the cold wind and snow aren't really helping.

"We need to get you warm as soon as possible. Your temperature is getting dangerously low," Connor murmured as he scooped me on his arms because I've lost the ability to walk because I was shivering so much.

It was snowing right now too which made my current condition really worse. I pointed the new small hideout to Connor and he ran to go there. I can't believe that I'm on the brink of collapsing now, coldness is really one of my worst enemies.

"C-Connor, tell H-Hank we're o-okay," I managed to say even with a shaking chin. He nodded at me and I saw that as a sign. I finally gave in and collapsed on his arms.


*Connor's P.O.V.*

"Fire, she needs warmth..." I said in panic the moment I walked inside this new hideout. It was an abandoned church in a remote area and it looks worse than what they have in Jericho, but it's enough now.

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