13: Decision

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A/N: Enjoy the fluff from the last chapter...this will get serious now ;) Enjoy!

*Y/N's P. O. V. *

"You're both good now. You and Anderson are off the case. You made a lot of progress and you both really didn't disappoint me, but the FBI is now taking this over. You're going back to usual cases," Captain Fowler said the moment Hank and I arrived inside his office. My uncle and I exchanged shocked looks, this may be the reason why Connor is nowhere to be seen since this morning.

"What?" we both asked the same time.

"It's going to get messy, let the FBI and SWAT team handle this. Apparently, they already found the location of Jericho, as they call it. You can both go now, I need to do a lot of reports about this, but good job," he answered and that really made my heart skip a beat.

"Connor, where is he? Did he already know and was he already reassigned?" I asked the Captain.

"I have no idea where he is now, Detective Y/L/N. But your case if off now, who knows? Maybe he was requested to go back to the CyberLife Tower," he stated and after that Hank and I walked out of his office.

Silence fell between me and my uncle until we reach our desks, "He knows. I'm sure Connor knows the location of Jericho now. He would have asked Kamski. Besides, I can tell that he was lying to me last night when I asked him about it," Hank stated and I absolutely agree with him.

"He wouldn't just go back to CyberLife...no, that wasn't it, not after last night. If he was requested to go back to the tower, he would have told us," I said, thinking out loud.

"Last night? Why is that? What happened last night?" my uncle asked but I chose to ignore that for now. That's not the right topic to give attention to at this moment.

"He must have gotten the code from Kamski, I'm sure he'll go there today...I need to warn them, I need to tell Markus." I jumped down from the desk and began to walk back and forth.

This is it, the moment that I never wanted to happen. If Connor really has the code, he'll find the place without difficulty and once he did, I'm sure CyberLife would know...and if that's the case, all deviants in that place will be in danger. I would never want to go against Connor, but I couldn't let this happen. I need to help them.

"I'm going there now --" I said firmly, already about to grab my jacket and leave the station when suddenly, Hank's phone began to ring. I got a glimpse of the screen and saw that it was Connor who was calling. We both exchanged looks before he picks it up. My uncle answered it and putting it on speaker, adjusting the volume so it would just be enough for the both of us to hear.

"Connor, where the fuck are you?" Hank asked. He wanted to sound angry, but all that came out of him was worry.

"Lieutenant, is Y/N with you right now?" he asked. I looked at my uncle and shook my head no. I'm sure if Hank would say yes, Connor wouldn't say whatever he's going to say.

"No, she's out of the station at the moment. Wait, why are you asking? Where the hell are you?" Hank asked.

"I found it, Hank. Jericho. I'm going there later, I just need to prepare a little bit," he said silently over the phone. My heart is beating so fast right now, "I just heard that we're off the case now, but I can't let this pass. I already have the information –

"Connor, why don't you just go back here and give the information to Fowler. Besides, Y/N and I can help you –

"No! They will not let me continue if I go back there, I need to do this...I want to see their leader myself. And also, I did not go back because I don't want the two of you to be involved in this anymore. Their decision to let the FBI and SWAT take over is acceptable, I just had to do this first before I let them fully take over," Connor explained.

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