3: Deductions

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*Y/N's P. O. V. *

I have no idea how I got inside of my uncle's apartment and how I am on a bed now, but I'm just thankful that I managed to get in here before my body collapsed completely.

I have just opened my heavy eyelids, but I must say that I already feel a lot better, and in all honesty, I feel like a newborn person now. Sleep has always been the thing that 'heals' me and now that I got a decent amount of that, I'm sure I can take some cases again.

I finally decided to sit up straight and gaze at the window to realize that it's still dark outside. As far as I can remember, Connor drove me to this apartment around 5 in the afternoon, I must have only been asleep for a few hours. To confirm my guess, I pulled out my phone from my pocket and looked at the time, that's when I realized that I have been sleeping way...waaaaay too long than a few hours.

"Fucking hell, I've been asleep for almost a day?!" I said out loud as I realized that it was the following day since my arrival and it's already night again.

My message notification has been bombarded too, all of them are from my uncle who's obviously very pissed that I've been sleeping the whole day than working with them. I sighed, feeling a bit guilty since I also promised him yesterday that I'll join him and Connor today.

Pushing all my thoughts aside, I decided to give him a call...already waiting for his loud voice, "About fucking time, Y/N. I'm beginning to believe that you've completely fallen into a comatose state!" that was his 'hello' to me. Very classic from him.

"Well, you live in this apartment, right? You probably went home last night and wake up earlier and you didn't even bother to wake me up?" I asked out of frustration and curiosity.

Hank and I have always been like this, this is our uncle-niece relationship and truth be told? I love it this way. It's always like we have each other's throats and that we hate each other, but in truth, that's just how our family relationship goes. There's always a lot of shouting and swearing, it would also seem that I disrespect him and he verbally and mentally abuses me, but that wasn't the case. I'm actually very thankful to Hank, he was the one who took care of me when I had no one else and I grew up to become someone who can stand on my their own even at an early age because of him. Being a grumpy old guy is just his way of showing  'care'.

"Not my fault, Connor said not to," Hank answered.

"Connor? Why?" I asked.

"Your brain waves earlier this morning were still very slow, Y/N. It would be a bad idea to disrupt your sleep then because if someone was to wake you up, you would only feel vertigo again until you are on the edge of collapsing once more. I told Lieutenant to leave you be and give you the whole day to rest as it is more advisable for you to wake up on your own," Connor explained which made a lot of sense.

"Well, you're definitely right because I feel completely better now. I just woke up and I feel like a new person," I said as I get off of the bed.

"That's good to know, Dete--

"Yeah, yeah. Good for you, kid," my uncle said with obvious sarcasm, "Now get up from that bed and come here. We've been called up for a case. I'll send you the location on your phone and also, the motorcycle that you requested has arrived. It's in the garage, get moving we'll wait for you," Hank stated and with that, he dropped the call.

I wasted no time and I immediately went out of the room, only to be greeted by a huge white and brown dog that I definitely missed, "Sumo! Buddy! Remember me?" I said excitedly and Sumo wagged his tail wildly.

I knelt down and the dog tackled me. He's obviously excited to see me too, even licking me all over my face. Giggles escaped my mouth with every lick to my face and I honestly could stay here for hours, but I have work to attend to. I steadied Sumo and pet him for a while, "Sorry, buddy. I have to leave again but don't worry, I'll be back soon, mmkay? Be a good boy," I said and just like someone who understands english, he obeyed me and went back to his spot in the living room.

Deviate {DBH Connor x Reader} [Detroit Become Human Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now