15: Start The End

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~One Week Later~

It's been just a week.

One week.

7 days after what had happened, but it already felt like a year to me... This is excruciating.

I'm actually impressed that I'm still here...that I haven't done things to myself. Things that would end this misery, this pain, and the never-ending nightmares.

This first week was already hell for me, I couldn't even imagine going forward with this kind of condition. My nightmares every time my body shuts off were horrible. It kept repeating that scenario in my vision - Hank...Connor...gunshots and it just doesn't end there. The impact of the revolution failing has taken a lot of toll on me too and it manifests in my nightmares vividly. We failed to wake those androids at the tower and Markus and the group outside did not fight back, standing firm that we only wanted equality and peace, all of it didn't end well.

The moment I was able to calm down and understand things again a few days ago, I found out that Markus had sacrificed himself to let most androids of Jericho escape. Their own situation outside that time didn't go as planned and humans have commenced a full on attack against the deviants. Markus just distracted them and forced the other deviants to escape. I know they didn't want to do it and leave him there but they had no choice and knowing Markus, he would really do something like that for his kind.

Miraculously, his act didn't go in vain. Everyone saw what he did - the way he literally burned from the inside out after proclaiming that androids deserved to be free, that soon it'll happen they just had to hold on a little longer. It was too late, but the president called off any kind of assault against them and the activities at those horrible camps were also stopped. But even if the president did that, they are still having none of the deviants' message, they just stopped killing them, and now all remaining androids, deviant or non-deviant, in Detroit are being sent to CyberLife to be "fixed"...and truth be told? I don't know which is worse.

I know the remaining members of Jericho are still around but I haven't seen them since then because...well, I couldn't even get a hold of myself for the past 7 days and honestly, I don't know if I can face them again. It's partly my fault. They have all the reason to hate me, they lost their leader because I failed. But I promised to myself that once I can...I'll find them again.

Honestly, up until now, it's unclear to me how I got out of that tower after what I did to Connor. All I can remember is that I just became a broken mess, crying near Hank and Connor and then the next thing I knew is that I'm at the hospital with Captain Fowler trying his best to calm me down. According to them, Gavin was the first one who found me in that area while having a breakdown. They rescued me and took Hank's body, leaving Connor's and the rest of the android there. 

Since my involvement with the deviants have remained a secret and everyone who saw me fighting for them is now dead, they didn't accuse me of anything. They assumed that Hank and I were there to stop the deviant Connor for waking those androids up and it's Connor who killed my uncle. I honestly hated hearing that assumption, Connor wouldn't do such a thing but I remained silent...if I tried to defend him, they'll be suspicious and I can't let that happen. I just created a story that would make them further believe that their assumptions are correct.

The moment I was free to go and got home to Hank's apartment, I became a mess again. I slumped on the floor crying my eyes are again like a kid having a tantrum. I was lucky that Sumo was there and he was active enough to come to my side, trying his best to distract me. I know what I'm doing is kind of immature but who can blame me though?

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