10: Divided

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*Y/N's P. O. V. *

Finally, I'm here...an old and abandoned container ship called Jericho. This is where the tracker sent me and because of the obvious name of the ship, I know that I'm at the right place.

Everything is quiet and no one would really think that someone is staying here, but I know better. Deviants are intelligent, they would do everything to remain this safe haven hidden. I honestly feel bad that I'm just coming in unannounced, but I really wanted to do this...I want to assist them so I had to take a leap of faith - quite literally.

I'm at the top deck of the ship and it seemed that I need to go down to see them. Thankfully, the jumps that I have to take isn't a long way down and I was fortunately fit to do this, so without any hesitation, I started to descent.

I was moving as quiet and cautious as I can because I don't want to alarm them. I also made sure that I have no weapon with me - no guns, no knife, absolutely nothing to defend myself with. This is really something risky to do but I'm up for it, besides I trust that they won't just kill me...but come to think of it they have all the reason to kill me because I'm technically trespassing.

I decided to keep all those thoughts away as I don't want to scare myself, I'm here anyways now, there's no turning back. I continued to search this ship and as I go deeper, the more darker it gets around me. I saw another hole on the floor and made my jump. I didn't expect it to be that high, but thankfully my bones are still intact. I slowly stood up and the moment I got a good look around me, my heart started to beat fast.

Four... Five... Six... No, a lot of androids began to circle around me. I stood frozen there as I carefully lift up my arms, telling them I mean no harm.

"She's not an android! A human found us!" one of the male androids shouted in panic and I suddenly felt a sharp object against my neck.

"They found us..."

"We're all going to be terminated..."

"They're going to kill all of us..."

I heard panic murmurs in that area which broke my heart. I really didn't want this to happen, but I guess it can't be helped. For them, I am a threat. I tried to speak but somehow my fear is eating me right now.

"Everyone! Calm down! If the humans have really found us this place would already be a mess. North, could you please step back from her a little? I scanned her and she's unarmed and she has no tracker. There might be a reason why she's here," their leader...Markus, as I have remembered, stated loudly and I was amazed at how he was able to command everyone with his words. The sharp object against my neck also disappeared on his command, "I know you," I finally saw him and I guess he finally was able to see me fully too.

"Y-Yes, I'm that person who bumped into you that day. I saw you and two others jumping from the roof of the network tower, I knew it was you who did the broadcast so I tagged you and located Jericho, but you have my word, I'm the only human who knows where this is exactly," I said and thankfully, my voice came back, "I'm Y/N, and yes I'm a human, but I'm here because I want to help deviants. You have started a revolution, Markus, you'll need every help you can get and I volunteer to assist you," I continued.

Before he could answer, I heard a mocking laugh behind me, "A human? Who wants to help deviants? Yeah, right. So far, your people have done nothing but to make us suffer, look down on us, and destroy us like we are nothing. Do you really think we can believe you?" I heard a female's voice behind me and really I couldn't blame her for thinking about this.

"It seems impossible, but some of us really do exists - humans that wants to help androids. I-I've been like this for a long time, going out of my way just to help androids as much as I can. I even risk my badge and name for it because I just know it's the right thing to do," I explained. The female android behind me began to move in front and I finally was able to see her and realize that she's an WR600 model - a Traci.

Deviate {DBH Connor x Reader} [Detroit Become Human Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now