6: Machine?

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*Y/N's P. O. V. *

Cases found their way towards us again, but I can say that we've upped our game after we had our short break. The three of us are at the peak of our careers again, even Captain Fowler was shocked to see at how Hank was able to level up again and how I managed to almost be equal to Connor. I can say that he's really proud of this team and honestly, I am too.

Of course, my urge to help deviants didn't disappear, in fact, it even increases as days pass. I know we're getting closer and closer to finding out what really is happening, we just need to search a little more. All I know at the moment is that androids are opening their eyes - getting out of the human's grasps that controls and enslaves them so they could tell us that they too are alive.

But as my urge to help them increases, Connor's deviant hunting skills increases too. Since the day after the break, he was doing his job twice as fast and efficient as before. It's like something pressured him to do better and now he's here to comply to that request. He's also been leaning towards to the bad cop approach now, but Hank and I try to keep him at bay. We didn't want him to harm other androids and himself.

I also started to wonder too if Connor could understand some of the deviants' motivation?

We've been hearing their individual stories non-stop and almost every one of them escaped a type of cruelty from us, humans. He would have understood some of them. I saw how he understood my blaberring last week, so he probably can see some of the deviants' motivation too, he just calls it errors. I'm just assuming that he understands because of what my uncle has told me before - he has let some of them escape because he couldn't hurt them.

"It seems like we are so close but there is still a huge chunk of information missing. The department receives an average of 82 calls per day reporting that their androids have turned deviant and we are not even coming close to that number. On average, we are only able to take in 3 to 4 per day, with that number difference the only question that appears is...

"...where are they going? Where are they hiding? Once they escaped their owners, no more reports are being made, it's like they just vanish," Hank continued Connor's statement. Both of them nodding as they let themselves drown with their thoughts.

"They might have a safe haven. Their number is increasing anyway, they're now a big group leaning towards the same direction. They might have a place already," I murmured as I think out loud too.

Connor suddenly stood up from his seat and both Hank and I looked up, "Where are you going?" Hank asked.

"There are still some deviants here at the station, I'm going to try to interrogate them again and check if our deductions are right," Connor answered before walking towards the other android officers, he's probably gonna ask them to bring one deviant in the interrogation room again.

Both and Hank and I stayed put at our space. I trust Connor enough so I decided to just let him do what he wants, this could really help us too.

"Connor's been on edge these past few days. It's like he's always itching for new information about the deviants. He's also getting a little physical against them," Hank stated and I can clearly hear his worry.

"Do you think it's CyberLife? You know, probably pressuring his systems," I told my uncle. "Well, as long as we're here, we won't let him fully go that way,"

"It's possible, but it could also be just...him. Besides, Connor is made to serve this role. Maybe he's just getting better and better at it," he answered and in all honesty, I just want to stick to my reasoning instead of thinking that it's just Connor.

Deviate {DBH Connor x Reader} [Detroit Become Human Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now