2: My Name is...

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A/N: AAAHHH!! Hope you guys are enjoying!


*Y/N's P.O.V.*

I pushed the doors open as I have the criminal on my grasp. I was dragging him inside and all officer, even android officer, turned their attention to me. I finally reach the area where criminals are held for an interrogation and I immediately shove the guy into the seat there.

"Now behave, buddy," I told him and the moment I looked down the hallway I finally saw a familiar face.

"For fuck's sake, Y/N. What in the hell is this? You just got off a plane and you're already bringing someone in?!" Hank stated as loud as he can as he walks towards me.

"Yeah, Uncle Hank, I missed you too," I said with sarcasm, I couldn't believe that that would be his first greeting to me after not meeting for five years. I was about to make another sarcastic comment, but my attention was caught by someone who was following him. 

He's a tall guy having a black and curly hair that sits perfectly on his head as if no wind can rearrange it. His posture is near perfect and honestly, so as his very symmetrical face. He's wearing a semi-formal uniform - dark jeans, white under polo shirt, dark blue tie and a black jacket which has a model name, number and CyberLife logo on it.

"Well, I must say you have really grown, Y/N. It's good to see you again," my attention went back to Hank and I realized he's now standing in front of me. I gave him a smirk before we hugged, which honestly shocked me. Hank isn't this type of a person.

"I'm guessing that you're in a good mood," I said. Hank scoffed and turned his attention to the criminal that I just brought in, "He damaged an android..," I started and I already saw Hank rolling his eyes, I also could feel he's now scolding me inside his head, "Also a drug user," I retaliated so the argument would be over before it even starts.

"He is a user of Red Ice. We are all well aware of the crisis that this drug is bringing here in Detroit, it is a big help that one user is caught, Lieutenant," the guy or the android behind Hank stated. His voice really indicates that he is not a human - it's firm, having a monotone sound to it, but somehow, it's pleasant to listen to, "My name is Connor, I'm the android sent by CyberLife. I am tasked to assist Lieutenant Hank Anderson in his investigations regarding the increasing number of deviants in Detroit and also assist in capturing them. It is an honor to finally meet you, Detective Y/N Y/L/N," he added while looking at me.

"Oh my god, you are so formal but at the same time adorable," I said with a smile, wow, I didn't even hold back on saying that, "Yeah, it's nice meeting you too, Connor. Hank didn't even tell me that he now has a partner," I said in a teasing manner. Connor tilted his head looked over to Hank.

"Lieutenant Anderson is still uneasy with my presence. I understand why he doesn't proclaim it to other humans," Connor stated and Hank is already walking away.

Before I followed them, I made sure that someone is looking over the guy that I just took in so I'm sure he wouldn't cause any trouble. Once an android officer is keeping an eye on him, I followed Hank and Connor.

The department hasn't changed that much, maybe just a couple of upgrades in the system and technology, also some added desks and chairs, but other than that, it's the same as the last time I remembered it.

"Captain Fowler is now waiting for you, Y/N. We'll talk when you're done," Hank said without even looking at me as he was busy on his computer. I nodded and walked towards Captain Fowler's office. Knocking softly on the glass door, I finally grabbed his attention. He looked up and smiled, gesturing that I should come in.

Deviate {DBH Connor x Reader} [Detroit Become Human Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now