12: Everything Looks Different

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*Connor's P. O. V.*

I immediately climbed off the taxi the moment we have arrived at the entrance of cabin area. It was a 23-minute and 14-second drive from Hank's apartment. It is now around 9 in the evening and thankfully, the snowfall was not as strong as earlier, but the temperature is still reaching negative three celcius.

I started walking towards the exact location that Hank sent me. Looking around, I realized that this cabin area has been turned into a small forest park with a number of gazeboos around the place. I did a quick research about this area and found out that it was renovated a year after what happened to Y/N's parents. It also lost visitors after that and only few people comes to visit this place. Unfortunately, it has become infamous with that horrible event.

I continued walking, only hearing the branches and leaves swaying because of the wind and my foot steps on the snow on the ground. It was quiet in here, it must be the reason why Y/N wants to be here. Finally, I reached the pinned location, seeing Y/N sitting in a small and open gazebo all alone.

"Y/N?" I called her. My voice was louder than I expected it to be, making Y/N flinch. She has her back on me and my loud voice may have startled her.

"Geez, Connor! You scared me!" she said the moment she looked at me. A quick diagnostic scan determined that her heart beat suddenly went faster that it should normally be.

"My apologies, detective. Hank told me that you might be here. I came by to fetch you, it's getting a bit late," I explained to her. Y/N looked at her wrist watch.

"Oh, wow. I didn't even realize it's this late already. Sorry for making you both worry," she murmured. I stood by the entrance of the gazebo and realized that she was also listening to her music player. It was on speaker, but the volume was just enough to be only heard inside.

"It's my fault why you decided to go here. Again, I didn't intend to ---

"I know, Connor and really, I'm not mad or anything. Just like I said, it's a human flaw. We can't do anything about it, so it's fine," she answered me with that attracting smile of hers. Sometimes, I can't comprehend how forgiving and understanding she is. It is unusual for humans to have this kind of attitude for all I know, "Come here, sit with me. Let's stay just a little longer. I don't want to go yet," she invited.

I walked inside and sat beside her. The silence around the area is something very obvious, but I know that this kind of silence can be relaxing to humans...but then again, this place should be a nightmare to her. The horrible event she suffered through happened here.

"Can I ask you a question, Y/N?" I asked while staring at her. She simply hummed and looked directly at me, attentively listening, "Isn't it a little ironic that you come here to relax after having a panic attack? This place should be a nightmare for you...yet you are choosing to go here," I continued because I was truly clueless as to why she's here.

"I'm actually asking myself the same thing, honestly, but I think it's because this was the last place where I was happily with them? Maybe those happy moments weighted more than the horrible one. Also, it's better to get used to it. It's been years, I should completely accept it. Having a panic attack sucks anyways," Y/N answered truthfully. I was nodding as she explained, letting her know that I am completely listening, "Besides, look at this place, it's beautiful. I don't want to ruin it by associating it to that moment," she added.

I looked around again and I agree with what she just stated, this area is what humans would call beautiful. Huge trees were perfectly placed throughout the place and their spaces were enough to let the moonlight to go through. It wasn't dark and it doesn't seem dangerous here, it was just solemn and silent. The night skies, together with the moon and stars can also be clearly seen from here.

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