17: Again

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*Y/N's P. O. V. *

"You know, Hank, I'm beginning to be thankful that you're not here anymore. I'm sure you would have fucking dismantled this new android after a day or two. Machine Connor is nothing compared to Conan, he's really just an android doing his job. No emotion, he's not adapting, and don't get me started about how he points everything wrong with your life. Connor does that too, but goddamn, RK900 really upped his game. He's a fucking perfectionist," I stated while laying down on the grass near Hank's grave. I finally was able to get here after two weeks of heavy workload at the station.

I must say it went a little better than I expected it to be. After just a few days, I was able to make myself a little comfortable towards him because honestly, he's so different to Connor and I can obviously see that now. Conan, Gavin, and I  are like siblings and Conan is the eldest perfectionist brother, he's not afraid to call us out on our mistakes and he really makes sure you hear him. I'm actually impressed how Gavin is able to tolerate him, but I know he would have fucking tear Conan apart if he had the chance.

"But he's very remarkable though. He's the absolute upgraded version of Connor, I feel like he can run the whole DPD by himself," I added.

Conan is a very scary android, he freaking owns every mission that is given to him in the most badass manner. He could deduce a scene with a snap of a finger, discuss cases in full detail within minutes, break a human bone without even trying, could run fast as twice, could calculate best and most badass set of movements to counter attacks - in short he's stronger, faster, and tougher than Connor....but that doesn't make him better than him. Conan might have those upgrades but he lacks the most important skill - adapting to humans.

"If it wasn't for those skills, almost everyone in the station would have destroyed him already. He acts like a supervisor going around the station and pointing everything wrong about everyone. I know he means well, but he's dense. He has no idea that that's not acceptable all the time, " I continued. I know I'm talking to the wind right now, but doing this really calms me down.

My therapist says it's a good coping mechanism, but I shouldn't overdo it of course. I've actually learned to accept it slowly too over the past few months and this really did help me. I do believe that Hank is still listening too, together with Cole.

I decided to let the silence take over and enjoy the calm wind around me. The breeze and sudden silence actually made me sleepy. My eyes were involuntarily closing now, but my whole self jolted back to reality when I heard my work phone ring.

"I sent you a location. Come here as soon as you can, we have a hostage situation here. It's connected to our case last week," I heard Gavin's voice and it's obvious that he's in a hurry too.

"On my way," I answered and ended the call, "Sorry, Hank. I need to run. I'll come visit you again," I murmured before running back to my motorcycle.

I immediately hopped in and headed towards the location that Gavin sent to me. We've been doing more field work like this the last few days. I know our work shouldn't be anything like this because this is an officers' job, not a detective's, but Captain Fowler had been relaying on my team, most especially now that Conan is with us. I honestly don't mind, I love the adrenaline anyways.

Using my wireless earpiece, I tuned in to a news report about the incident. The hostage taking just started 15 minutes ago and the culprit is a 38-year-old male and he's holding an 8-year-old girl. We actually know who the culprit is because we've been searching for him for weeks. He's one of the biggest sellers of Red Ice in Detroit and now that he is cornered, he did the worse thing that he could do.

After five minutes, I arrived at the location. It was a 30-floor condominium building and the situation is happening on the roof top which is in no shape or form a good thing. Police cars are everywhere and civilians were not allowed to enter a certain radius.

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