5: Human?

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*Y/N's P. O. V. *

A/N: This is a pretty long chapter with pretty long conversations but has some fluff! I hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter!!

"Did Captain Fowler really say that we can go have a rest tomorrow? As in...no work at all?" I asked Hank, still not believing that even with all these things happening around, Fowler still gave us a day off.

"It's his cheesy way of thanking us, just believe it and let's head out to a bar. I'm fucking thirsty," Hank answered.

"According to the email that we have received, it really seemed like Captain Fowler gave our team a day off due to our continued success on the investigations," Connor explained, both of us ignoring my uncle's last sentence.

"I just find it so unusual of him. I mean, there's a lot going on and...

"It may also be because of my report, Y/N," Connor stated then both my uncle and I looked at him, "I brought up to his attention that you and Lieutenant Anderson might need this short break. Due to the many cases we handled recently, your well-being is being pushed to the limits. This day off can help you regenerate enough energy again so it can return to normal," he continued.

"You...requested this day off?" Hank asked him in shock.

"I didn't technically request it, all I did was bring the idea to him," he answered.

"Oh, you're a heaven's sent, Connor!" I told him with a wide smile. We really do need to take a break too.

My uncle was still staring at Connor though, he really seemed shocked about this and honestly, I am too. I'm just waiting for Connor to say that it's for us so we can be at our best condition for our job, but that phrase didn't come up. Maybe he genuinely wants us to take a break.

"Well then, you're going to have a break with us. Fowler said our whole team is on break, so you're included," I told him. At first, it seemed like he was going to argue but after a distinct color change on his LED, he agreed with an awkward smile.

The three of us packed our things and we began to head out of the department. We could actually have a late night out today as we wouldn't have to go to work tomorrow.

"Off to a bar we go!" Hank said enthusiastically.

"No, we're not heading there," I told him.

"I believe that is not a good idea, Lieutenant," Connor also stated at the same time.

"We're all going home, we're going to have a chill night, order in some pizza and just rest. I'm not going to let you feel hangover tomorrow for your day off, Hank. We. Should. Rest," I argued. I know he's about to counter what I said. Hank isn't easily defeated when it comes to having an argument...most especially when alcohol is involved.

"Y/N is correct and I agree with her, but maybe we can compromise a little and let you have a bottle or two of beer, Lieutenant. Besides, a bar would not be a suitable place for someone like Y/N, she's still young," Connor was talking while all of us climbed into my uncle's car. Connor sat on the shotgun seat while I sat on the back and of course, my uncle is the one driving. Hank seemed to have forgotten about his argument when he heard the 'bottle of beer part'.

Wait...did Connor just called me young?

"Hey excuse me, Mr. RK800 -51. I'm 22 years old, technically, I'm an adult. You're the one who's too young in here, you're not even a year old," I said playfully.

"Eh, I do agree with Connor. I just realized that there's a lot of bastards in those places anyway and the both of you would just bug me non-stop to go home, so fine," Hank said, enjoying the exchange that Connor and I are having. He knows that I hate it when I am being called young.

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