How you met- Part 1

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Quick Note- Preferences will be  unrelated to the imagines that came before this or that will come after, unless said otherwise. And there are a few characters I will not be doing unless requested frequently or if I have an idea to start them.

(Iron Man)
Tony- You were sitting at a table during a masquerade ball, when a man approached you. "What's a pretty lady like you doing without a date?" The man asked. You shrugged your shoulders and took a sip of the champagne in your glass. "Can I interest you in a dance?" he asked, holding his hand out to you. "Sure, why not," you replied, taking his hand. He led you to the dance floor, your long, (f/c) dress trailing behind, and the two of you started waltzing. "So, what are you doing here?" asked the man. "I was looking for Tony Stark. I'm going to ask him if he got my resume, and if he would hire me," "Well it seems you came to the right person," he answered, flashing you a smile. "Wait, you're Tony Stark?" you asked in disbelief, as you couldn't see under the mask he was wearing. "Yes, I am. And as it so happens, I was actually going to hire you, Ms. L/N," Tony said, with a smile that told you he knew who you were. "Thank you so much, sir," you replied with excitement, as the song ended. "I'll see you Monday, 8:00 am, sharp," he said, walking away.

(Captain America: Winter Soldier)
Steve- You were walking into your apartment complex after work, when a blonde, handsome, and muscular man walked straight into you on his way out the door. The impact knocked you over onto your bottom. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Miss," The man said, holding a hand out to help you up. "It's okay, sir," you replied, dusting yourself off. "Are you sure? Could I interest you in going out for a drink sometime?" he asked. "I think I would like that," you answered. You both stared into each others eyes, until he broke the silence. "Excuse me for asking, but what's your name?" "Y/N. Y/N L/N. What's yours?" you asked. "Steve. Steve Rogers," "Well, nice to meet you Steve," "Back at you," "Well I should get to my apartment and change into my pajamas-I'm sorry you didn't need to know that," you blushed, backing away, and running into the wall. "Oops, well, bye," you said, speeding around the corner and out of sight. Steve chuckled at your nervousness as he heard a door slam shut, assuming it was yours. "She's cute and a bit clumsy," he whispered to himself, before walking out of the complex.

(Avengers: Age of Ultron)
Thor- Being a woman walking alone at night was hard enough with all of the creeps and drunks. This night specifically, there was a car that was following you no matter which way you turned. You had just lost your apartment because your landlady is an asshole, she didn't even let you take your stuff out. You also lost your job to an intern that had just started. Needless to say, you were in no mood for this guy. You were just trying to find a hotel room that you could use for the night.  The car got closer to you by the second, and you started to cross the street quickly. The car sped up, almost hitting you, but someone pulled you out of the way fast enough. It was a man. A muscular man, with icy blue eyes and longer blonde hair. He pulled you along the sidewalk, far enough in the opposite direction of the car. "Umm, thank you for helping me back there," you said. "It's no problem Lady-?" he stopped. "Y/N, just Y/N," you replied. "Well it's no problem, 'Just Y/N'," he teased. "What's your name?" you asked. "Thor, son of Odin," he answered. "Oh," "Might I ask what you were doing all by yourself walking at night?" "I was trying to find a hotel to rent for the night because I lost my apartment and my job today so that's why I was out by myself," "I could offer you a place to stay, and a job," he said. "Really? You don't have to. I could jus-" Thor cut you off, saying, "I insist," "Okay," You walked to the Avengers tower, and you stopped. "What are we doing here?" you asked. "I'm taking you to the place for you to stay and get a job," he said. "I'm not an Avenger! I don't have any special talents!" you exclaimed. "You are a doctor, right?" Thor asked. "How'd you know that?" you asked. "You're still in your uniform," "Oh, right," you said, embarrassed. "Well you could work in our medical lab, if you'd like," "That'd be great,"

Bruce Banner- The doorbell to the convenience store you were shopping in rang, indicating there was another customer entering. You grabbed another box of maxi pads, and went to the snacks aisle to get some things. There was another man in the aisle with you, looking at the snacks. You moved to grab the last bag of salted popcorn, and another hand reached for the same bag. The man had let go of the bag and left you holding it. "Oh, I'm sorry. You can have it," you said, handing the bag to him. "No, no it's fine," he said, shaking his head. "Okay...Uh, What's your name?" you asked. "Bruce Banner," he replied, turning his head to you. "Wait, you're Dr. Bruce Banner?" you asked in amazement. "Yep, that's me," he said, smiling at you. "I-I'm a huge fan of your work, sir," "Why thank you. Um, what's your name?" he asked. "Oh, my name is Y/N L/N," you said, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "Wait, I think I've heard about you as well. Are you an ex-assassin?" he asked. "Yeah, I am," you nervously laughed. "Would you happen to know who Natasha Romanov is?" he asked. "Yeah she was my best friend, before we went our separate ways," You and Bruce had a long conversation over a cup of coffee a few days later, and he asked you on another date that same day, you of course said yes.

(Post-Captain America: Civil War)
Bucky- You worked at a bar, making drinks and sometimes waiting tables. Around 9:00 pm, this group of people came in, consisting of 2 girls and 7 guys. They sat at a section of the counter, and I asked, "Can I get you anything to drink?" "Um yes, can we get 4 Millers, 3 Cokes with cherry vodka, 1 Strawberry margarita, and a water?" One of them with amazing facial hair asked. "Sure thing," I replied, going to get their drinks ready. I got all of the drinks ready and set them on the counter top."Here you go," I said, sliding them towards the guy that ordered them. He distributed the drinks, to each of his friends. The strawberry margarita went to the toughest looking one there and I couldn't help but giggle. "Is something funny?" he asked. "Oh no, I just thought it was funny how you look like the toughest guy here, and you're the one drinking the margarita. That's normally known as a girly drink," I said, trying not to laugh while talking. The group had their fun, and kept ordering more until half of them were drunk off their asses. The two women and the man with the long brown hair decided it was time to get the other men out out of there. The women escorted the drunk ones out and the brown haired one, who you learned was named Bucky, stayed to pay for the drinks. Another group of men in the bar called me over so you told Bucky to hold on for a second. "Yes?" you asked, a fake smile on your face. "Hey babe, how would you like to go out with me?" One of them asked, his hand trailing up your leg. "Um no thanks. Do you need anything else?" you asked, brushing his hand away. "Just you babe," The man said, his hand once again on your leg, going higher this time. "I'm really not interested," you said, turning to walk away, but the man had a grip on your wrist. "Sir, let go of me," you said, trying to pry his hand off. "Hey, she said she's not interested in you," Bucky said, pulling the mans hand off of your wrist, and pulling you behind him. "Bucky, it's okay," you said, putting a hand on his arm. "Yeah go to your boyfriend for help," One of the other men sneered. "Get out. Now," you said. "Fine! Let's go guys, this bar sucks anyways," The first man said, shoving past you and Bucky. "Here's the money for the drinks," Bucky said, handing you the money. "Thanks Bucky. For helping me, and for the money," you said. "No problem, Doll," he said, walking out the door, leaving you flustered and confused. There was a small piece of paper hidden in the money he gave you, with a phone number on it.
(Let's pretend everyone was okay with each other after this)

Clint- You were at the grocery store, getting food for you to survive off of, when you had met him. You were trying to reach something that was pushed back on the top shelf, and someone came around and grabbed it for you. "Here you go, Miss," he said, handing it to you. "Thank you," you said, smiling at him. "Your smile is pretty, you should do it more often. I'm Clint," The man said holding his hand out for you to shake. "I'm Y/N," you told him, shaking his hand. "You wanna go out on a date sometime?" he bluntly asked. "I-uh, what?" you asked, getting flustered. "Do you want to go on a date with me?" Clint asked again. "Sure. Should we exchange numbers?" you asked. "Oh right," he said taking his phone out. You guys exchanged numbers, and said goodbye as you went to go check out.

Yes I know I'm terrible at updating consistently but I had been working on this and I've been busy everyday of the week with volleyball whether it's practice or a game. This is a hella long chapter, because it has 1,780 words. I also have no clue why Thor's is really long and all of them are cheesy so I'm sorry.

Edited: 3/26/19

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