Your First Kiss- Pt. 1

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You were in the kitchen making dinner for the team, and Wanda was helping you. You guys were making two different soups, chicken noodle and broccoli cheddar. You are both good at making each soup, but Wanda has the best chicken noodle, and you have the best broccoli cheddar soup. While you were cutting up pieces of baguette, Wanda finished her soup, and she went to go train while you finished up. Tony came into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. "Smells amazing in here babe," he said. "Thanks Tony," you said, accidentally cutting your finger with the knife. "Shit," you whispered, as Tony grabbed your hand and took you to the sink to clean the cut off. Thankfully, the cut wasn't too deep, and it wouldn't need stitches. It stung when he rinsed it off, and he gave you a paper towel to hold on it while he went to grab a bandage. Tony took the paper towel off, and wrapped your finger in the bandage, kissing it when he was done. "You should be more careful next time," he said, then kissing you on the lips, leaving you flustered. He finished up cutting the baguette for you, after grabbing a new knife And cutting board. You walked over to him, and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss. This kiss was longer, and Rhodey whistled, after walking in the kitchen to get a drink of water. Your face got all red, and you went to get everyone else for dinner.

The team had the day off, and you and Steve spent it watching movies in his bedroom. You two were cuddled in the middle of his bed, covered by blankets, as it was cold out. Your head was against his chest, and your right hand was resting on it too. Steve had his arm around your waist, and one behind his head. Your legs were intertwined as you watched the movie  that was being played in the screen. You ended up falling asleep in Steve's arms while laying there, and he looked down at you, only to find you fast asleep. Steve leaned down, and pressed his lips to your forehead. He slowly tried getting out of the bed, and you wrapped your arms around him, saying, "No, Steve don't go," "Alright princess, I'm right here," he said, laying back down. Both of you guys fell asleep for about 3 hours, and Clint pulled the short straw and had to check on you guys to make sure you didn't die. You woke up before Steve, and you ended up playing with his hair. His eyes slowly opened, and he tilted his head up to kiss you. His lips fit yours perfectly, and it wasn't a sloppy kiss at all. "I wouldn't mind you waking up like that everyday Steven," you said, smirking. Steve's lips met yours again, and this time it was short and sweet.

Thor took you out to an aquarium, and you had to tell him many times not to hit the glass, or climb into the fish tanks. He seemed amazed by all of the fish, sharks, etc. A few times, he pointed out fish that looked like the ones on Asgard. He would yell as a shark swam over your heads in the tank, causing you to get kicked out. So instead, you guys went to a small little café for lunch, and went to go visit sick children in the hospital. When you arrived there, the children were all excited that they get to see Thor, but asked who you were. "This is Dr. L/N, she works on science stuff with Iron Man and Dr. Banner," he said, introducing you. A little girl came up to you, and she reached her arms out, signaling she wanted to be held. You picked her up and her arms wrapped around you tightly. "I think you're the coolest Avenger," she whispered. That statement brought tears to your eyes, and you thanked the little girl. She brought a children's book about being a doctor that you had written to you so you could sign it. You gladly took the pen and signed a little message and your name in there. After a few hours, you guys decided to go home. You said goodbye to all of the kids, and walked out, holding hands. You stopped outside of the hospital, because Thor pulled you aside. "You were amazing with those children back there," he said, pulling you in for a gentle kiss. You kissed back, and slid your arms around his neck, as his slid around your waist. You stopped, because you were in a very public place but continued when you got back to his room in the facility.

You two went to a New York Jets football game, and it was a close game against the Chicago Bears. It was pretty cold, so you had brought a blanket with, and the two of you were cuddled underneath it, holding cups of hot chocolate. The score was 24-21, and the Bears had the lead. You told Bruce you were going to go get something to eat, and asked if he wanted anything. He said no, so you got up to go get a slice of pizza. Upon returning, the Bears had scored another touchdown, and made their extra point. The quarter ended, and it was onto the fourth quarter. In between the quarters, the cameras were going around, showing couples on the kiss cam. While laughing at the couples, you didn't realize that the camera landed on you and Bruce. When you did realize, Bruce turned and planted a light kiss on your lips. The people around you 'awww'd and your face turned bright red. The game ended, and the Jets lost. Once you got back to the facility, Bruce couldn't keep his mouth off of yours. Even though the Jets lost, it was a win for you and Bruce.

While cleaning your room in the Avengers facility, everyone except Wanda and Bruce were on a mission. Wanda had gotten you away from those gross men at that bar, and started training you in hand to hand combat, so that one day you could maybe become an Avenger. She saw something in you that nobody else did. Normally, you trained with Natasha or Steve, but since they were on a mission, you were training with Wanda. She was training you to expel the thoughts she put in your head, and it was very intense. All of the sudden, your head started hurting really bad. You clutched your head, and Wanda rushes to you, stopping the training. "Y/N, are you okay?" she asked. You could only groan in response, and you heard a voice in your head that wasn't yours. 'Oh my god I did this, I messed up. I hope she's okay.' 'What?' you said back. Wanda jumped back in surprise. "Y/N, was that you that just asked, 'What?'" "I said that in my head, how did you hear that?" "No, you said it back to me in my head," she stated, looking at you with wide eyes. "I KNEW IT!" Wanda yelled, hugging you. "You knew what?" You asked. "I knew you were special," she said, her hands still on your shoulders. "Oh my gosh...I can read minds," you breathed out. "You should go tell Bucky when he gets back," Wanda said. You modded, and when they got back, they all went straight to their rooms. You ran up the stairs and into your shared room with Bucky. "BUCKY GUESS WHAT!" You exclaimed. "What? What's wrong?" he asked, walking out of the bathroom, shirtless, with a few bruises and cuts on his arms. "I can um- read minds now," you said, gulping as he got closer to you. "Really?" he asked, resting his hands on your forearms. "Yeah," you said, looking up at him. 'She looks so cute right now, I could just kiss her,' you heard Bucky say. You slowly leaned in to press your lips against his, and he leaned down, softly pressing his lips to yours. When you pulled away, Bucky said, "You read my mind didn't you?" You nodded, smiling sheepishly. "I should probably get that under control," you said, wrapping your arms around his waist and putting your head on his chest. "Yeah, maybe you should," he said, kissing the top of your head.

Minding your own business, you were taking a shower at the Avengers facility. You were sort of singing to yourself, like you normally do. Once you finished, you got out, and wrapped a towel around your body. All of the sudden you heard a crash and bits of rubble fell down in front of you. Coughing, you waved the dust away, and looked up to the ceiling. "Clint?! What the fuck is going on?" You yelled. "Haha, well you see, I was crawling through the vents, and I happened upon a weak spot in the ceiling and this happened," he said. Clint was dangling from the ceiling, upside down, and his pant leg was caught on a piece of metal. "Jesus Christ Clint. Let me get dressed and I'll call Tony up here," you said, pinching the bridge of your nose. "Thanks babe," he said, smiling. You walked out of the bathroom, and opened a drawer in the dresser to grab underwear, a sports bra, a tank top, and a pair of shorts. Your towel fell down against your will, and Clint whistled. You moved out of Clint's view, to his dismay, and got dressed. You then went downstairs to Tony's lab. "Hey uh, Tony, could you maybe help me get Clint down from the ceiling?" you asked. "What? Did you ask if I could help get Clint down from the..ceiling?" Tony questioned. "Yes," "Um...sure?" He called Thor over, and they followed you upstairs and into your bathroom, seeing Clint hanging upside down from the ceiling. "Alright bird boy, time to get down," Tony said, standing on a ladder, and unhooking Clint's pants. Clint fell from the ceiling, and Thor caught him before he could hit the ground. "I'll fix the ceiling later, alright?" Tony suggested. "Yep, fine," Clint said after being set down by Thor. The two men left, and it was just you and Clint in his bedroom. "Did you enjoy the view while I was in the shower, Katniss?" you asked, wrapping your arms around his neck. "You know I did babe," he said, wrapping his arms around you and leaning down, pressing his lips to yours. You kissed back, and he slipped his tongue into your mouth, lifting you up, his hands holding you up by your thighs. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, and you guys pulled away for air. "Maybe you should shower Clint," you suggested as he was covered in dust and pieces of the ceiling. "Yep," he said, pushing you out the door and shutting it.

I'm sorry it took so long to publish another chapter😂I was trying to put all of the characters together but couldn't think of anything for some so I had to separate it into two chapters😂😂I'm sorry if any of these suck🤠Anyways, I'll try to finish the other characters before the weekend this week but no promises there.

Edited: 3/26/19

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