How you met- Pt. 2

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(Spiderman: Homecoming)
Peter Parker- You had known Peter ever since you were born. Your moms were really close, and when Peter's parents died, you were there for him through the whole thing. Aunt May was close to your mom too, so she welcomed you whenever you and Peter were hanging out. Peter had been acting really strange lately, and you started walking over to his place. Aunt May let you go into his room, and you found that Peter wasn't there, so you just sat on the bed and waited for him. You must've fallen asleep while waiting because you woke up to the sound of a window sliding open. Sitting up in the bed, you saw the Spiderman crawling on the ceiling, then he hopped down onto the ground. "Um..Hello?" you asked. He jumped back, and turned towards you. "Y/N?" he asked. You recognized the voice and asked, "Peter? You're the Spiderman?" "Um no, it's just a costume," he said, panicking and pressing a button that loosened the suit. The suit dropped to the ground and left Peter in just his underwear. "Okay, Peter, you're a terrible liar. First, put some clothes on, and second, explain why you're crawling on the ceiling in a suit exactly like Spiderman's,"

(Post-GotG: Vol 1)
Peter Quill- The Guardians were out partying, and you happened to be at the same bar with some of your alien friends. After about an hour of being there, your friends ran off with some guys, leaving you there by yourself. The infamous Peter Quill then came up to you speaking in a rushed voice. "Could you help me make my ex girlfriend jealous please?" "Um, sure?" He put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer into him. You put your hands on his chest to stop him from pulling you any closer, and you just swayed to the slow music that was on. "So I take it this girl was important to you?" You asked him, looking into his blue eyes. "No, not really, she just told me I wouldn't be able to get any other nice, pretty girls after her," Peter said, looking back at you. "You must think I'm pretty then?" "100%." "Hmmm, well you don't even know my name," you said, smirking. "Of course I do, you're Y/N L/N. You know, we used to be friends back in Missouri," he said, smirking back. "How? Oh my god Peter?!" You shrieked, hugging him tight. "Yes it's me," he said, hugging back. "I can't believe you still put yourself in dangerous situations!" "You used to be a part of those! So what do you say? Join me again?" Peter asked. "Of course Star-Lord,"

Scott Lang- The bell to your shop rung, and in walked a man, mid- 30's, with his daughter. The man was holding the small girls hand as they walked up to the counter. "Hi welcome to (Y/N)'s Ice Cream Shop! How may I help you?" "Daddy I want this one," she said, pointing at the Superman ice cream in the cooler. "Okay Cassie," the man said, pulling his wallet out of his pocket and smiling at you. "Um, she'll have a one scoop of the Superman in a sugar cone, and I'll have a two scoop of cookies and cream in a waffle cone, please," the man said politely. "That'll be 6.58 as your total," he pulled a ten out of his wallet and handed it to you. You took his change out of the register and handed it to him, then going to go get their orders ready. The two of them sat at a table, sitting across from each other. The man must've said something to make his daughter laugh because she let out a cute little giggle. You brought their ice cream over to their table, and the man thanked you. A few more customers were at the counter, so I got their orders taken and the blender decided to break after making one milkshake. You went to go let the family know, the child became upset and threw a tantrum, and the mother dumped her milkshake on the top of your head. The family walked out of the store, leaving you and your uniform covered in strawberry milkshake. The man came up to you with some napkins, and handed them to you so you could wipe the milkshake off of your face. "Are you okay, m'am?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay," you replied. "Cassie can you get more napkins?" he asked his daughter, and she gleefully got out of her seat to help. "Thank you guys, you didn't have to do that," you told them, after most of the milkshake was gone. "It's no problem at a-" he was cut off by his daughter saying, "My daddy thinks you're really pretty!" "Cassie!" the man exclaimed, his face turning red with embarrassment. "It's fine, anyways, what's your name?" you asked him. "My name is Scott Lang, and this is my daughter Cassie," Scott responded. "Well my name is Y/N, and I'd love to go out with you sometime," you told him, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "That'd be great," Scott scribbled down his number on a napkin, and handed it to you. "Call me sometime," he said, waving to you as he and his daughter walked out the door.

(Doctor Strange)
Stephen Strange-
You had just gotten a job working as Doctor Stephen Strange's assistant at the hospital. You walked into the building wearing scrubs and a pair of tennis shoes. Your hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and you had worn your contacts instead of glasses. Walking to the front desk, you had said, "Hello, I'm here to start working for Doctor Strange," "Oh yes, Y/N, right?" She asked. "Yes, that would be me," You said, smiling. "His office is down the hall and the third door on the left," You thanked her, then turned to go down the hallway she indicated. You knocked on the door, and heard a voice say, "Come in," You opened the door, and said, "Hello, I'm Y/N, the new nurse that's going to help with procedures," "Ah yes, I hope you know that I am a highly trained surgeon and I do not tolerate misdiagnosis at all. Today we have a patient that was in a car accident with very severe internal bleeding in the brain. I will have to relieve the pressure in the brain and you are to help me with that, do you understand?" he said, looking up at you with his piercing blue eyes. "Yes, sir," you said. "Perfect, now I suggest you go prep the patient with help from the other staff," he said, shooing you out of the room. You walked out of the room and into the locker room, putting your jacket in there, and then locking it. There were already a ton of nurses in the room prepping the patient, so you helped a little bit. Putting your mask on, you stepped towards the operating table, standing near Doctor Strange. The operation began and you helped monitor the patients vitals and clear any blood that was in the way of Doctor Strange getting his job done. The operation was successful and you helped him inform the family of the success, but he never once called you "Y/N". He called you, "Jessie, Hannah, Gabby, and my assistant." (Sorry if those are your names)
Later, you approached him. "Um Doctor Strange, my name is Y/N, not Jessie, Hannah, Gabby, or my assistant. It's Y/N," you said, turning and leaving the building. "Y/N.." he said, before hurrying into his office.

Edited: 3/26/19

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