When You're On Your Period

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When you're on your period, he KNOWS. You wake up in a pissy mood every time and Tony tries to keep his mouth under control so he doesn't say something to set you off. He gets you food and lets you laze around the whole time. As each day goes on, he realizes that you just want to cuddle with him and be the little spoon, the two of you will go to his bedroom and cuddle. You always fall asleep in his arms, with your head on his chest.

In the 40s, women didn't really talk about their periods as much, so when you're on yours he gets really embarrassed when you ask him to get you pads or snacks and painkillers from the store. The only reason he gets embarrassed is because Sam teases him about it all of the time. Behind closed doors though, Steve will make sure you're as comfortable as possible, and will watch movies with you. You don't get cramps at all, but you get a pounding headache every time.

The two of you go to the compound's gym when you're on yours. For whatever reason, working out helps relieve the cramps that you get. There have been times though, where you've had cramps that are almost unbearable so you've had to lay on your stomach or in the fetal position in the living room. For those times, Thor will get you anything you want and he'll lay down by you. Sometimes the two of you just fall asleep like that, on the carpeted floor in the living room.

You don't have a period anymore, ever since you graduated from the Red Room. When you did have your period, it was terrible. The only thing you miss about your period is not being able to have a child.

You always seem to have irregular periods each time, so you could literally have one and then two weeks later have another. Or you could skip a month after having one late in the previous month. No matter when you have a period, Bucky is always there to comfort you. You get cuddles from him 24/7 when he's not on a mission and he makes you/ buys you whatever food you want. The two of you watch movies in your bed together and he loves to watch Tangled.

Poor Clint has found out that you're on your period one too many times the hard way. His cocky morning attitude pissed you off and you've given him the silent treatment for a solid 12 hours before. So now that he has learned, he keeps a calendar in his desk drawer with it marked on a calendar when you're on it next. He's always in a less snobby mood when you're on your period and gets you whatever you need.

You have a very heavy flow and you soak through an overnight pad almost every two hours. Natasha always feels bad for you when you have to go to the bathroom almost every hour. She doesn't get periods but she knows that it sucks for you. When she's not busy, she'll massage your stomach area to try to help relieve the pain. Natasha buys you any kind of ice cream that you want for the week of hell that you have to endure.

Peter P-
You can't necessarily stay home from school for a whole week, but there have been days where you've stayed home because of your period. Sometimes the pain from your cramps is so unbearable it's practically torture for you to get up and change your pad. Peter will stop by when you stay home and he'll give you your homework and help you do it. He always brings a sweatshirt for you to wear and cuddle up next to him in. At school, he keeps a sweatshirt in his locker for you. When it's a bad day but your parents made you go to school, you'll go to every class and just put your head on the table. Every class you have with Peter, he always looks over at you to make sure that you're okay but at lunch he lets you lay on his shoulder.

Peter Q-
Peter never really got the "talk" as a kid, so when you had your first period while on his ship, he was terrified when you said you were bleeding. When you stop on Earth, you buy like 10 boxes of pads and tampons since you don't stop there constantly. Peter doesn't really know what to do for you, so he just kind of lets you be. Sometimes he'll walk to the pilot seat and see you sleeping in your chair, then he'll carry you to your shared bedroom.

Sam loves to make dirty jokes while you're on your period. It's mainly, "Well if this is so bad we could just have a great time in the bedroom instead and put you out of this misery for 9 months." Every time he says it, he gets something thrown at him by you. Other than that, he is a big teddy bear when you need him to be.

You get very emotional on your period. The smallest thing can send you into a fit of sobbing or yelling. Sometimes when T'Challa has to go out on a mission and he tells you, you burst into tears because you don't want him to get hurt. Or the way he walks just pisses you off and you say something sassy to him and it turns into an argument and then a make out session. There are days where you'll be a little too happy though, but there are some cycles where you're just your normal self. T'Challa likes the ones where you're your normal self the most.

Scott doesn't know how to act when you're on your period, even though he's had a wife before. He freaks out when you find that you've leaked on the bedsheets. The way he reacts is like you're going into labor. He's almost always in your space, making sure you're okay even though it's not that bad. He calls you while you're at work to make sure you don't need anything. It's actually quite cute to you, but sometimes it's a bit much. He cuddles you when you're going to bed and kisses your forehead.

He's always busy around the sanctum, so you basically just sleep all day when you're not working. You tend to fall asleep sitting in the windowsill and you'll wake up in your shared bed with a glass of water and painkillers on the nightstand. Stephen checks on you while you're sleeping and sometimes instead of putting you in the bed, he puts you on the couch in his workspace and covers you with a blanket so he can keep an eye on you. When he's done for the day, he'll order food or go buy stuff to cook from the grocery store and you'll help him out.

You and the speedster go on a run together. You get bloated on your period, so running helps keep the bloating down. Your period isn't bad at all and it never has been. The cramps are almost nonexistent and your flow is light. Pietro goes to the store and buys you food because you get weird cravings and some of the things aren't in the tower at all times.

Your cycles have synced up and yours is not as bad as hers, so it's usually you taking care of her and making sure she's okay. Occasionally you'll surprise her and you two will go to a spa and get a massage, manicures, and pedicures to relax. Other times though, it's mostly just you two lounging around the tower, watching movies all day.

Loki is a sweetheart when you're on your period. He will relive some of the pain by turning his hand cold and pressing it to your stomach area. You think it's sweet of him to bring out his insecurity just to make you feel better, so you find a way to make it up to him each time.

This was pretty bad not gonna lie. I'm working on a Sam Wilson Imagine right now, so expect that soon. Other than that, school is done so that means open gyms for volleyball start up😁. I saw the new Aladdin movie yesterday and I liked how it made Jasmine seem more independent than the animated movie. Also my crush was talking about someone else yesterday and it's just kinda like, "Ok🥺" but it's fine.

Edit: I realized I forgot T'Challa oops

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