You Get Into a Car Accident

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Trigger Warning~ I know some people are sensitive about car crashes and accidents, so I'm just putting a warning.

You were on your way back from Target, and at a four way stop, it was your turn to go but some jackass decided to go and T-boned you on the driver side. The car you were driving had a dash cam and when you got hit, the car immediately called emergency services. You were taken to the hospital with a broken elbow and cuts on your arms that didn't need stitches. Tony was furious and sued the person for it and he never lets you drive by yourself now, since that's how his parents died. Someone else is always in the car with you.

You were driving home from work after a bad day and someone swerved from the other side of the road and ran into your car from the front. Before impact, you slammed on the brakes but the other driver kept going. You ended up with a concussion and a huge cut on your forehead that needed stitches. The other guy was drunk and walked away with no injuries. Steve was furious about it, and he didn't let you anywhere out of his sight. Tony had the ambulance just bring you back to the tower instead of having you pay an insane amount of money for your injuries to be treated.

Tony had let you borrow one of his older cars to run to Walgreens for pads. You were sitting at the stoplight and the person behind you was looking at their cellphone and rear ended you. The car called emergency services immediately and Tony saw that from his lab and called you to see what had happened. You started to explain the situation, but you blacked out from the shock. He and Thor headed out to find you talking to the EMTs while sitting in the ambulance. You were fine, but you apologized to Tony about the car, to which he said it didn't matter. Thor was deadass ready to beat up the guy that put his princess in danger, but he didn't when you told him not to.

You and Natasha were in a getaway car, driving away from a Hydra Base you two had just taken out, and a car came out of nowhere and hit the back end of your car, sending you guys spiraling out of control. The car knocked the highway barrier out and you two went tumbling down a hill. The car landed on its side, and within minutes there was fire and rescue attending to the two of you, and took you guys to the hospital. The rest of the team was waiting for you guys at the hospital, and were relieved when you two only came out with a few broken bones and scratches. Natasha had a broken arm and a broken pinkie, and you had a broken shoulder socket and a gash across your forehead. Bruce never let you do anything by yourself until you were fully healed, because he didn't want you to injure yourself more.

You were riding a motorcycle because of the nice weather when this idiot next to you tried moving over in his big ass truck, and he clipped the front of your motorcycle. That sent you sliding off to the right side and you were pinned under the motorcycle. You have always had a camera recording on your helmet, so you caught the whole thing. Since you're smart, you dress for the slide and not for the ride, so you were wearing jeans and a light jacket. Your right leg went numb immediately as you hit the ground and you reached for your phone to call 911. Two other cars pulled over and helped you get out from under your motorcycle and your leg was almost in a complete 180. The sight made you want to barf, but you didn't look at it that much. It took months to heal, because your kneecap was broken and so was your femur. When the cast was being put on after surgery, it hurt like hell, since they had to put your leg into place and you had just gotten out of surgery. Bucky only left your side while you were in the hospital to go get food and use the bathroom. He sat on your right side because you like to hold his metal hand.

You were in the driver side of a car after you were picked as the designated driver. Your three friends were in the car with you, and they were all being loud and obnoxious. As it turns out, a drunk driver rear ended you guys at a stoplight, and the rear end of your car got smashed in, killing one of your friends on impact. You came out of the accident with a few broken ribs, but nothing too serious. The man that hit you got arrested for involuntary manslaughter and drunk driving, and was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

Peter P-
After a late night workout at the gym, you were driving home and it was mostly quiet on the streets. Except for a pair of street racers that came out of nowhere. One of them stopped in time, but the other just kept going and slammed right into the side of your car. Peter was making his Spider-Man rounds, and saw the accident and his heart dropped when he saw your car flipped upside down. He swung down and pulled you out of the car, and sat with your unconscious body until the ambulance came. The EMTs has to hold Peter back so he didn't beat the other guy up. You were mostly unconscious during your hospital stay, and lost some of your memories. Thanks to Wanda, however, she helped bring them back.

Peter Q-
Since you guys live in space, you can't really get into a car accident, but when you had just become 16 years old you started driving while you were still on Earth. You were cruising with the windows down and the music all the way up, and you had looked up to see a car swerving from the other side of the road after being hit, come sailing towards you. It broke both of your wrist bones, and because of that you can do weird tricks with it. The only one that thinks it's cool is Rocket, everyone else hates when you do it.

You were driving home after a party for one of your friends, but Scott stayed home to spend time with Cassie since it was an adult only party. You stayed away from the alcohol, so you weren't intoxicated, but along a pretty empty road, someone had hit you while trying to pass you, and you had spun off the road and hit a tree at the start of a forest. You ended up with a broken collarbone, and were taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Both Scott and Cassie got to the hospital after you were put into a room in the ER. Scott has told you Cassie was begging to get you a stuffed bear from the gift shop and Cassie brought it out and had given it to you.

Ever since Stephen got into his car accident, he's always been cautious in the car. You've always been cautious, but some people apparently have not ever learned to be careful. It was early in the morning and you had been on your way home from a shift you were covering at the hospital. Someone full on read ended you and the front of your car went straight into a telephone pole. It tipped over and fell on the top of the car, and crushed your leg under it. The car that hit you just kept going, but others stopped and tried to help. Someone called 911 and the ambulance and fire truck came to help get you out. When you arrived at the hospital Stephen was already waiting in the ER for you, in normal clothes, and he gasped at the sight of your unconscious body, with the bone popping out of your leg. You had passed out in the ambulance in shock when you saw your leg, but woke up in the hospital room, with an IV in your hand and Stephen holding your hand. You had to go into surgery for your leg and Stephen didn't let you do anything around the Sanctum yourself until you healed.

School is almost over and I'm so happy. Also feel free to leave requests if you would like, and thank you for 900 reads!

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