V-E Day

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Steve's POV:
May 8th, V-E Day. It's a day that has been celebrated among veterans and friends for decades. Since I was under the ice for the past 70 years, I've never celebrated it. Bucky hasn't celebrated it either. Earlier in the week, I had asked Bucky if he wanted to go out for drinks to celebrate, and he agreed. So that's what we're doing right now. We reminisced on all of the good times we had, before leaving the bar around 8 pm. Once we had gotten back to the compound, something was up. The lights on the floor with the living room were all off.

"FRIDAY, turn on the lights." Bucky commanded. When the lights turned on, the whole team jumped out and shouted, "SURPRISE!" Bucky and I stood in shock.

"We know it's V-E Day today and we wanted to make it the most special anniversary for you guys, so we decided to throw you a small party with just us!" Tony said, clapping his hand on Steve's shoulder.

"You guys, this is amazing. Thank you for doing this. It means a lot to us." I said, smiling.

The rest of the night was spent hanging out in the compound and the team asking us to tell about exciting war stories. Other than the original V-E Day, this one was the best. Tony turned the T.V. on, to a news channel, where they had mentioned me.

"Captain Steven Rogers was one of the main reasons we celebrate this day. His sacrifice was one of the biggest during World War 2, and it wouldn't be the same without that sacrifice. Thank you, Captain America." The news anchor said.

"To Steve!" The group cheered.

"To Bucky!" The group cheered.

"Really guys, we know that you haven't been able to celebrate this day in many years, and you were such a big part in making this day." Natasha said, raising her glass.

"You know, I never got to celebrate this day. I didn't even know they made it a thing until I stopped being brainwashed." Bucky said. "It's kind of sad to have a monumental part of your service be a holiday and not even know about it."

"Given the circumstances, I'd say you have a pass on that one." Sam joked.

We kept drinking and having fun until it was 1 am and everyone was passed out in the common room.

I know it's really short but this was requested by @IslaBookLover and it's also a day late so I'm sorry about that! I hope you enjoyed this short little imagine! Goodnight and stay safe!

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