Easy, huh? | Steve Rogers x Reader

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5:00 AM
Thank god the gym had sound proof walls. I mean, I can't work out without music and I didn't want to wake anyone else up. I had started to get into CrossFit workouts a lot more and currently I was doing 50-40-30-20-10 of squat cleans and burpees(That's 50 squat cleans then 50 burpees and so on btw). I was working on building up my endurance with the burpees and the strength of my legs with the squat cleans. While in the middle of my 30 burpees, I heard the doors to the gym open. I ignored it and kept going because I just wanted to be done with the workout.

"Having fun?" Steve asked.

"Shut up and let me focus." I growled.

About 10 minutes later I finished the workout and laid down on the ground, breathing heavily and sweating. I heard the sound of fists hitting the punching bag behind me, and I said, "Oh the big man doesn't need to work on his endurance at all because he was made to be like a machine, huh?" I sassed.

"Y/N, just because I have endurance doesn't mean I don't need to work on it." Steve said, panting.

"Oh, sure, then that's why you're punching the punching bag, isn't it?" I asked, while walking around and lightly touching his back as I walked past.

"Y/N, knock it off." he said.

"No, I don't think I will." I smirked. In a flash, Steve had me pinned against the wall.

"What's your problem?" he asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all." I said, looking at him innocently.

"Do you want to fight?" he asked.

"Not particularly, no. I want to challenge you to beat me in a CrossFit workout."

"You're on." he said, backing away.

"Tomorrow, here 12 PM and I'll make sure there are witnesses to this." I said, walking out of the room after grabbing the tank top I had taken off.

~Time Skip~

"Ready for me to kick your ass, Rogers?" I asked, while stretching my legs out.

"You wish, L/N. This'll be easy." Steve said, stretching his arms.

"Okay just to make sure we're on the same page, workout is 2 mile run, 150 wall ball shots but every time you drop the wall ball or rest, it's another lap around the track/400 meters. Then it's 100 pushups, then 50 sit ups. Fastest time wins and the winner gets bragging rights and the loser has to do whatever the winner wants. Ready?" I asked.


"Nat start the timer with a 10 second countdown, please."

"Kick his ass Y/N!" Tony yelled. Tony, Bucky, Thor, and Sam were all betting to see who would win. Tony and Sam were betting on Y/N while the other two were betting on Cap.

The timer started and Steve and I ran around the track 8 times and then started on the wall ball shots. I flew through the wall ball shots like they were nothing, whereas the ball slipped out of Steve's hands, which made him have to run another lap. It didn't take him long to get back on track.

When it came down to the sit ups, I was only 10 reps ahead of Steve. I finished with a total time of 45:53 and Steve finished with a 46:01.

"I win! I win! I win!" I shouted dancing around the gym.

"Pay up, bitches." Sam said.

"Hey guys if you don't mind, I'd like to talk to Y/N, alone." Steve said, much to Y/N's surprise. The others filed out of the gym and went in the direction of the living room.

"Easy, huh?" I asked, smirking.

"Okay, you won fair and square, what do you want me to do?" Steve asked.

"Kiss me."


"You heard me." I said. And just like that, Steve's lips were on mine and we were making out.

"HEY! GET A ROOM!" Tony's voice bellowed over the speakers.

"Okay, okay. Yours or mine?" I asked.


Alright, it's pretty short but again, it's something. Anyways, I was thinking about changing the Fred x Reader into a Draco fanfic instead. Or should I just write it separately? Thoughts? Please let me know. As always, love you all and stay safe❤️

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