It Never Gets Easier| Sam Wilson x Reader

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"Chief! We have a missing child!" Your head turned immediately to Lieutenant Jones, who had just stated what was going on.

"Oh my..." you whispered under your breath.

"The boy's name is Daniel Smith. His mom, Carly, says he was riding his bike to summer camp but the camp directors say he never arrived. His bike was found a block away leaning up against the bushes. His parents are separated and seem to have a bad relationship, his dad's name is Jack." Sergeant Murray said, giving you a rundown of the case.

"Okay, get four black and whites out looking around a five block perimeter for the boy. Detective Williams, set up an air search, and I want you in one of the helicopters searching as well." you said, rubbing your forehead, trying to stay calm. "Sergeant Murray, come with me, we're gonna help look for the boy." She followed you to where you hastily parked your car, and you climbed in.

"Chief, are you okay?" Sergeant Murray asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." you said, putting your sunglasses on.

"Do you need me to call Sam?" she asked.

"No, he's probably busy, and I'll be fine." You started the car and followed the other cop cars until you spilt to your separate ways. About 20 minutes later, you heard Detective Williams' voice on the walkie talkie in your car.

"Chief we've got a boy in a pool at a house at 125 Green Avenue! I repeat, a boy in a pool!"

You were currently cruising down Green Avenue, and you quickly pulled up to the house and went to the backyard. "Oh no no no no!" you yelled upon seeing Daniel in the pool, and you quickly dove in to grab him out. You set him on the poolside, and pulled yourself out. You felt for a pulse, but there was none. You started to try CPR, before you realized the air wasn't going in. Tears started forming in your eyes. "Sergeant, please call the coroner." you said, wiping your eyes. It felt like an eternity before the rest of your squad arrived.m with the coroner. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you looked up to see Lieutenant Jones. He held his hand out to you and you took it. He pulled you up and handed you a towel.

"Thank you Lieutenant." you said, standing up and letting the coroner past.

"Chief, let's go back to the station." he said, leading you away from the scene. Sergeant Murray got in the drivers side of your car and you climbed in the passenger side. No words were exchanged the whole way back but when you got back to the station, you saw Sam standing in your office, waiting for you.

"Sergeant! You called Sam?" you whisper yelled.

"Chief I had to, I wasn't sure if you would need him so I just had him on standby. When you started crying at the crime scene, I told him to come in." she said, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Go talk to him, he can help you."

Everyone in your squad except Sergeant Murray and Lieutenant Jones think Sam is your therapist, but Sergeant Murray and Lieutenant Jones know that he's your boyfriend. You walked into your office and Sam turned around. You ran into his arms and just burst into tears.

"Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay." he said, smoothing your hair out.

"Sam-" you cried, "-It never gets easier Sam. Seeing these dead kids."

"I know Y/N, I know. Some people in this world are just sick." he said, tilting your head up to look at him.

"It's just, in almost every murdered child case, I see his face. Sam I know it's not my fault, but it always feels like it is." you said, wiping the tears from your face.

"Y/N, your little brother's death is not and never will be your fault. Two men broke into your house, drugged you and your mom, and took your little brother. There was nothing you could've done in that state of being." Sam said, wiping a stray tear from your face. "There are people that need you to lead them. They look up to you for answers. You need to be there for them, because I'll always be there for you." he said, kissing your lips lightly.

"What would I do without you?" you asked.

"You'd probably have a tremendous weight on your shoulders and we already have Tony with a 2000 pound weight on his shoulders." he laughed. You laughed with him and kissed him again.

"Chief-woah!" Detective Williams exclaimed, walking into your office.

"Oh! Hello Detective. Did you need something?" you asked, pulling away from Sam.

"Um, I just wanted to tell you that the parents are here in separate interview rooms." he said.

"Thank you Detective, please go to the interview room with the mother first. I'll meet you in there." you said. Detective Williams nodded and walked out.

"See you back at the Tower, Sam." you said, pressing your lips to his cheek.

"Yeah, see you later." he said, waving as you walked to the interview room.

Part 2? Yes, no? I'll probably end up making one anyways. Sorry for the sorta dark chapter, I just felt like writing something that I'm going to probably do when I'm older. I want to be a Forensic Scientist so this stuff interests me. Also this was based off of an episode of the tv show "The Closer" because I love that show and its spin off, "Major Crimes". Anywho, have an amazing day/night my lovelies!🥰

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