Your First Kiss- Pt. 2

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Peter Parker-
You guys were hanging out at his apartment, and baking cookies. He wanted to make chocolate chip cookies, so that's what you decided to make. He let you do most of the work, as he was afraid to mess it up. The tv was on in the background, playing The Little Mermaid. He let you pick the movie this time, because he always gets to pick the movie. "Peter, can you get the chocolate chips out of the cupboard? I can't reach them," "Sure Y/N," he said, standing up from his seat at the counter to get the chocolate chips from you. He set them down next to your mixing bowl, and then asked, "Do you need any help?" "You could pour the chocolate chips in if you want," you answered, putting the measuring cup in front of him. He carefully poured them in, and you took the dirty dishes over to the sink to be washed. The song "Kiss the Girl" came on, and Peter tensed up. You filled the sink with water and started to wash the dishes.

And you don't know why but you're dying to try, you wanna kiss the girl.
Yes, you want her, look at her you know you do
Possible she wants you too, there is one way to ask her.

He looked at you, but you continued to wash the dishes. He turned back to the cookie dough and started rolling the dough into balls.

Sha-la-la-la-la-la by o' by look like the boy's too shy ain't gonna kiss the girl.

That line hit Peter right in the heart. He wanted to kiss you so badly, but couldn't find the right time. You finished up with the dishes, and walked over to Peter's side, wrapping your arms around his waist. His left arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you in closer. You looked up at him, your e/c eyes meeting his chocolate brown ones. There was a look in both of your eyes, and you both came together, as the song faded out into the background. Your lips met his, and sent sparks flying everywhere. When you pulled away, you said, "We should probably put the cookies in the oven," "One more," he whispered, leaning down to kiss you again.

Peter Quill-
Long story short, a guy at a bar was hitting on you, so Peter kissed you to show that you are his. He didn't let you out of his sight for the rest of the night.

Scott Lang-
It was a the Fourth of July, and you and Scott didn't have Cassie. Tony decided it would be a good idea to have a cookout with the Avengers. He let you come along with Scott because what was he supposed to tell you? The two of you got a private jet sent to pick you up, so you flew out to New York for the weekend. You and Scott brought a salad with homemade ranch and Italian dressing to put on the salad, and an apple pie for later. When you showed up, Steve was cooking on the grill, and Tony greeted you guys. "Hey guys, thanks for coming!" Tony said. "Thanks for having us Tony. I hope what we brought is okay," you said, gesturing to the food. "It looks amazing," Tony said, taking the food and setting it on the table. "Hey Y/N," Natasha said, walking over to make conversation with you. "Hey Nat, how are you?" "Oh I'm good, how are you?" she asked. "Pretty good," I responded. "I'm gonna go over by Clint, okay Y/N?" Scott said, kissing your cheek before walking away. "You guys haven't kissed yet have you?" "W-what?" You asked. "Come on, any man would've kissed his partner on the lips before leaving. You totally haven't kissed yet," Natasha said, smirking at you. "I'm gonna go get a drink," you said, walking to go get a Mike's Hard Lemonade. When you turned, Natasha was already talking with Bruce, so you went over by Scott and Clint, who were also joined by Sam. "Hey fellas," I said, walking to Scott's side. "Hey Y/N," they both said. You were talking about normal things, there was no mention of any superhero related things and that made you feel like you fit in. "Food's ready guys!" Tony shouted. You all proceeded to the food and grabbed a plate. There were burgers, hot dogs, salads, potato salad(courtesy of T'Challa), veggies, and fruits. You all sat down at a huge picnic table and ate. "Oh my gosh Y/N this Italian dressing is so good!" Natasha exclaimed. "Thanks Nat, it's a family recipe," you replied, smiling. "Scott, you picked an amazing girl," you heard Bucky say. You blushed scooting closer to Scott. Once you had all finished eating, you guys played some games. "I choose Y/N to be on my team!" Natasha yelled as you were picking baggo partners. "Then I choose Scott," Clint smirked. You rolled your eyes at all the team choices. Steve and Bucky, Bruce and Tony, Wanda and Vision, Thor and Peter, Sam and T'Challa, you and Natasha, and Clint was with Scott. The first match you and Natasha played was against Steve and Bucky, which you guys won, as you were a master at making the beanbags in. Then it was on to Bruce and Tony, who won against Thor and Peter. Thor kept throwing it too far, and got upset about it. You guys beat Tony and Bruce easily, each of your opponents went down one by one, until the last round when you guys played against Clint and Scott. "Winners get to choose what the losers have to do!" Tony announced. Scott gave you a look, and smirked. You got to go first, and you sunk the bag right away. Towards the end of the game, Clint and Scott needed to make one in the hole in order to win, and it was Clint's turn. He focused and took a deep breath in, blocking out Nat's taunting. And he sunk it. "NOOOOOO!!!" Natasha screamed. Your shoulders fell, and your head hung low. "Damn..." you whispered. "Well I'm making Natasha watch my kids for a week, so that leaves Scott to pick your punishment," Clint said to you. "Oh I'll think of something," Scott said, wrapping his arms around you. "Aright let's cut into these desserts now," Steve announced. "Jesus Christ Y/N, you're a good cook!" Tony exclaimed. "Thanks Tony," you said, beaming. "The fireworks are going to start soon! Everyone find a spot to see them!" Scott pulled you over to a blanket on the ground, and you guys sat down. The fireworks started to go off, and everyone ooo'd and ahh'd. Scott turned his head to look at you, and pressed his lips to yours. You kissed back, and your arms slid around his neck. "Ooooo get some Y/N!" Natasha yelled, making your face go red.
Stephen Strange-
It was a rainy day, so you and Stephen were stuck inside the sanctum. He was in the library, and you were sitting on a windowsill, drawing. The drawing that you were focusing on was a portrait of Stephen. It was imaginary, as it was a drawing of him standing in the street, a serious look on his face while wearing a suit. The facial features were very accurate, and you were going to give the picture to Stephen just because. You were using pencils and charcoal to draw this picture, so your hands and legs got all black from the lead and charcoal. The setting of the picture was on Broadway street after you two saw Hamilton, so there were many signs in the background. Blending some of the details on his face out, you heard footsteps come up the stairs. "Y/N, are you up here?" Stephen asked. "Yes, I'm over here," you responded, flipping to a different page so he wouldn't see the drawing. "What are you working on?" he asked, coming over to you. "Oh nothing, just an old drawing of mine," "Can I see?" "Sure," you said, shakily handing him the sketchpad. "This is amazing!" he said, flipping through the pages. He stopped at one, and his eyes widened. "Is that me?" he asked, showing you what he was talking about. "Yes...," you trailed off. He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours, putting his left hand under your chin. When you pulled away, he said, "It's amazing," and kissed you again.

A/N: Hey guys, at the moment I am actually sick. Idk if I made myself sick from stress or if it's because my brother is sick. It's probably a mix of both lol. So if I'm updating slower than normal, I'm probably sick. Also I went a little nuts on everyone's except Peter Quill's😂😂So sorry😂😂

Edited: 6/19/19

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