They Ask You to be Their Girlfriend

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He asked you randomly one day while you guys were working, you were doing some stuff on your laptop in the living room, and he was downstairs working on God knows what. All of the sudden, a voice call from Tony popped up. "Y/N?" he asked. "Yeah?" You asked. "Will you come downstairs?" "Uhh..Sure?" You answered, setting your laptop to the side and getting up. The lights were off, and your motion turned the lights on in the basement. The room lit up to reveal the words, 'Will you be my girlfriend?' spelled out by some of Tony's suits. "Tony?" You called out. "Yeah?" his head popped up from behind a desk. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend," you answered. "Good, that would've been hella awkward if you said no," he said, walking to you and pulling you into a hug.

Steve took you out to a nice restaurant for dinner, and he asked you if you wanted to be his girlfriend when he dropped you off at your house after a motorcycle ride. "Goodnight Steve," you said, walking towards your door. "Y/N, wait," Steve said, grabbing your wrist, causing you to turn and look at him. "Um, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, his face turning pink. "Yes, I will Steve," you said, smiling. "I uh, got you a necklace," he said, taking a box out. Steve opened the box and inside was a simple silver chain with a heart shaped locket, with a drawing of you on your first date with him inside it. "Steve, it's beautiful!" You gasped. "I'm glad you like it," he said, taking it out and putting it on you. "Goodnight my princess," Steve said, after you kissed him on the cheek. "Goodnight soldier," you said, going inside.

You were working in the lab, trying to finish up some paperwork that was literally making you pull your hair out. There was a knock on the door, and you said, "Come in," "My Lady Y/N, I have brought the coffee and treats," Thor said, setting a mug of coffee and a platter of Pop-Tarts. "Thanks Thor," you said, looking up to smile at him. His hand went to your cheek and his thumb slowly stroked it. "Your eyes are so pretty Y/N," "Thank you," you answered staring back into his bright blue eyes. "Will you be mine Y/N?" he asked. "Of course I will," you answered, sliding your arms around his back, putting your head into his broad chest. He put his arms around you, and you guys stayed like that for a while.

You walked down to the lab, where you sat  watching him work, and his hands were running through his hair. His neck started to turn green as he got more and more stressed out. "Bruce, what's wrong?" you asked cautiously, taking his hands in yours. He shook his head and scribbled something down on a sheet of paper. "Will you be my girlfriend?" It read. "Yes, yes Bruce I'll be your girlfriend," you answered, a smile stretching across your face. He looked up and smiled back at you. (Sorry it's short and cringey I just couldn't think of anything else)

You and Bucky had a date night staying in the tower and you guys watched movies in the theater room. "Mr. Barnes your pizza is here," FRIDAY notified him. "Okay thanks FRIDAY," he answered, getting out of the seat, untangling his legs with yours. "I'll be right back Y/N," he said, when you tried pulling him back into his seat. "Okay fine," you grumbled, turning your attention to the movie. A few minutes later, Bucky came back with the pizza, and he sat back down in the reclining chair. He put the pizza in your lap, and you opened the pizza box. On the inside, the lid read, 'Will you be my girlfriend?' You looked over to Bucky, and he nodded. "Yes! I'll be your girlfriend," you said, cuddling back into Bucky's chest, his metal arm draped over your waist. I said, "You're so cheesy Bucky Barnes,".

Clint came over during the day, and you guys were just hanging out, when his hand brushed over one of your ticklish spots, and you twitched. You saw the grin on Clint's face as he started tickling you, and you were gasping for air after you fell off of the couch. You were giggling a lot, and Clint stopped tickling you so you could breathe. Once you calmed down, he put his arms on the sides of your head. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, getting really close to your face. You nodded, and maneuvered your way around Clint so you could pin him down under you. You sat on his stomach, and rested your head in the crook of his neck, falling asleep like that.

Peter P-
You and Peter were walking home from a restaurant at night. and you guys went into an alleyway. He changed into his Spiderman suit, and asked, "Would you like to go on a swing around the city?" "Of course Spiderman," you said, wrapping your arms around his neck as he shot a web onto the edge of a building. He continued shooting webs onto things, and you swooped through spaces in between buildings. You then landed on top of a building that was set up in typical tumblr fashion, with fairy lights and two white chairs. You guys sat down on the chairs, hands interlocked. "Will you be mine Y/N?" Peter asked you. "Yes I will Peter," you answered, your face turning pink.

Peter Q-
You guys just got done with a really dangerous mission, and he decided to ask before you could get hurt and go away forever. You were standing in the bathroom with your shirt off looking at your wounds. "Y/N?" "Yeah Peter?" you asked as you treated the cuts and bruises on your body. "Um..I don't want you to get hurt anymore, and I think I'm the only one that can protect you more than you already protect yourself. I just felt like I should ask, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, his face a bright red. You stood there in shock, not knowing what to do. "I-uh...I," you stuttered, "Yes, I will be your girlfriend Peter," He let out a sigh of relief at your answer. "Let me help you with that," Peter said, walking over and taking the medical supplies from you.

You had been staying over at Scott's new apartment more and more often, and you guys were cuddled together on the couch, watching a movie. You heard a door open down the hallway, and little footsteps went running to the bathroom. Gagging could be heard from the outside of the bathroom, and you immediately jumped up and ran to the bathroom to find Cassie throwing up in the toilet. You grabbed a hair tie and tied her hair out of the way, knelt down next to her, and rubbed her back gently with your hand. "Cassie what's the matter?" you asked the poor girl. "My stomach didn't feel good," she answered, crying. "Oh sweetie, it's okay. Good thing you made it to the bathroom in time otherwise your dad might've thrown up too," you joked. Cassie giggled, and latched herself onto you. You stood up, flushing the toilet with your free hand, and walked Cassie back to her room. Walking to the kitchen to wash your hands and get Cassie a Gatorade, you saw Scott looking at you with a smile on his face. "What?" you asked. "You act like she's your own daughter, and it makes me really happy," he answered. "Yeah, yeah," you said grabbing a yellow Gatorade and heading to Cassie's room to set it down on her nightstand. When you tucked her in and walked out of the room, Scott was waiting for you, and he pulled you into a hug, whispering, "Will you be my girlfriend? Officially?" "Yes, yes I will Scott," (This was really long but I liked writing it😂😂)

After Stephen's car accident, he all of the sudden disappeared, and then reappeared as a sorcerer with amazing facial hair. He loved to mess with you using his sorcery, and one day in particular, it was actually enjoyable. Stephen was leaving you little letters everywhere, and you had to put them together in order to spell out something. It was around 3 pm when you actually found all of the letters, and you put the letters out on the table. You couldn't seem to figure out the correct order of the letters, and then all of the letters magically rearranged themselves to spell, 'Will you be my sorceress?' "Stephen!" you yelled. "Yes?" his head popped through a portal. "My answer is yes," you said, and his grin spread from ear to ear.

A/N: I actually have free time this weekend so that's why there have been a few updates.

Edited: 3/26/19

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