chapter 1

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mafia (jimin ff)

today was the day. the day i go to my crush jimin. i waited for him at the lockers of school where i could finally talk to him. he was with his friends. the way his black boots stomped on the ground making him look like he empowered the place always gave me a feeling that i just wanted to be more attracted to him. he looked at me after a couple more steps and gently smiled while for some reason the boys split into there own ways like there not even recognizing each other. he walked up to me with his gentle cute smile and stopped in front of me. his eyes brown as chocolate, his lips plump as a lily's petals. but the only thing that caught my eye was his cheek. he had a darkish light bruise on his cheek. i couldn't help but look at it for abit trying to figure out how he got that bruise. i didn't notice he had been staring at me too. but with that smile abit changed into a sly smirk. "so princesses. what did you want to tell me?" i stood surprised he called me princesses. no one ever called me that. i could feel my butterfly's rise up from my stomach. "uhm i...." before i finished one of his friends came up to him interrupting me. "jimin we need you. its urgent." jimin sighed and ruffled his hair. he then looked at me. "could you wait to tell me?" he asked. i lightly smile and hum. he then smiled and bowed slowly before looking at me and then departing with his friend. i could feel my butterfly's calm down abit. i then let out a breath i didn't know i was holding in. come on kim young. why couldn't you just hurry up and spit it out before his friend came. i then sighed. "maybe next time." i mumble. i heard the bell and quickly rushed to my third class.

(5th period lunch)

i go sit in my usual seat at the table i usually sit at. there my friend min seo sat. she sat next to me and looked over my shoulder at what i was reading. "ohh i see you didn't confess you undying love for jimin yet." she said while then going back to her lunch. min seo. the girl who can read me like an open book. "i couldn't min seo. its just... i was nervous." she sighed and rubbed my back while turning her attention to me. "maybe next time. but for know lets enjoy this mochi that i bought for you at the store yesterday." i giggled and we both shared a piece of mochi she gave me.

(8th period class)

the class is boring as ever. but i bare though it. soon the last bell rung of the day and we all stood up gathering our stuff. jimin was in my class but so were a couple of his friends so i didn't even dare approach him. i got my stuff quite quickly and was gonna go but jimin stopped me. everyone already left the classroom including the teacher. he was Infront of me smiling again. "i have time now. you can tell me if you want now." i gulped nervously and nodded. i started to get nervous. "uh well.." i then sigh and looked at him straight in the eye with confidence striking in me. "i like you jimin." i said boldly. which soon died down to shyness. he kept his gentle smile on his face and gently grabbed my hand. "i guess this means were boyfriend and girlfriend. because i like you too." i then felt my cheeks heat up. he chuckled lightly and leaned in. he kissed my cheek slowly. he then backed away and smiled seeing me blush. "ill text you later okay?" i nodded. he chuckled seeing my state and ruffled my hair. he then walked out the classroom while humming to himself. i then stood frozen. i couldn't believe what just happened. i then danced happily around the classroom while giggling to myself. i stop and then sit on he ground while giggling from how happy i was. i then smiled remembering how he kissed my cheek. i then looked at my watch and saw it was almost 5. its time for me to go before my parents start freaking out on me for coming late. once again. i got up and went straight to my locket to grab my homework and replaced it with my last class stuff. i shut my locker and then went straight to my bike that i used too get from places. it took me awhile to bike but i loved the fresh air that came to my hair and just blew it away from my rugged shoulder. as i pedaled i saw something. in the corner of my eye. it was a person. but the person was just watching me. with this weird stare as i passed by. i ignored it and continued biking to my house. after about a minute more of biking i got this strange feeling that someone was following me. i stopped in my tracks and looked behind me too see it was the guy who was staring at me before. he was running towards me. i got a panic attack and pedaled into my legs would be tired out. i was breathing heavily but tried to steady my breath. i looked back once more carefully and saw he was gone. i then let a breathe out and then just got of my bike walking quickly to the house. i got inside putting my bike in the garage and then going inside my house. i closed the door and turned around too see my parents around the kitchen table. they were eating peacefully intill looking at me like i had a big fat spider on my face. "where in the world have you been girl." my father spat out while getting up. "i was biking and then lost track." i lied. my parents didn't like jimin. i brought him once over before but they completely shut him out until he left to uncomfortable and left home. they sighed. "go up to your room without supper." i sighed and nodded while going upstairs. i go into my room and shut myself inside while jumping on the bed. it was almost a schedule they had for eveytime i was late. they knew i would run late. they knew for the past almost two years of my high school. but they pretend that this is new to them eveytime i do come home not by the certain time they want me too. the thoughts cleared out of my head when i got a phone call. i reached for my phone and answered it. "hi jagi. i just wanted to know if you were free this afternoon." i blushed at the name jagi and his soft voice speaking. "yeah, i would love too." i felt hot in my clothes and was almost sweating like a pig. "meet me in the park by sunset. there's something i want to tell you before it's too late." i nodded blinded by the fact that i was going to meet jimin. "okay, i will." he then hummed. "well see you later babe." he then hanged up and i throwed myself on the bed while smiling. "i have a date with park jimin...park jimin." i repeated. everything bad that happened today was now erased from my memory. jimin was the only thing on my mind now. i got up and got dressed into a causal skirt and a cute white shirt to tuck into my skirt. i wear white converse and tie my hair into a high pony tail. i defiantly looked dressed to impress. i giggled when i saw how cute i looked in the mirror and smiled. i put a light layer of make up on and then start to slowly go outside my room to see if my parents were still downstairs. the only thing i saw was a magazine on the island table and a probably cold now cup of coffee. i then walked slowly and quietly down stairs. i managed not to make any noises and made it to the door. i opened it and slipped out into the warmish atmosphere. i started walking towards the park which was only a block away from my house. i had my phone in my hand just in case and looked around me as i walked. when i walked... i felt a presence. somewhere behind me. but when i turned around. there was no one. maybe I'm being paranoid from what happened earlier i thought. i then continued walking abit faster and made it to the park in time. i then let out a relief breath and saw someone sitting at the park bench. when i walked closer to see if it was jimin, it wasn't. it was a weird man. he had crooked teeth and a scar on his left cheek. he looked at me and smirked. "hello, princesses." warning sensors of danger approached in my lower abdomen. "w-who a-are y-you." i stuttered out. he gets up and walks close towards me. "why don't we find out at my place." he try's to grab my wrist but i pulled away almost imdiantly. he looked at me and then made his fist tight. "i don't like games princesses. come here." i then get upset. "don't call me princesses." i lunge at him and kneed him in the crouch while then kicking him continuously until he started bleeding. i then let out a couple breaths. i couldn't believe i did that. the mans eyes were down. and he stopped breathing. i then realize what i did. i killed him. i then felt my knees weaken and i fell knees first to the ground. i cried into my hands. i felt a hand on my shoulder. "its okay young. you did what you had to do." i then stopped crying and looked up at the person. it was jimin. i then moved away from him. i get up afraid. "what... who was that!" i asked while slowly seeming weak again. " that's what i wanted to talk to you about young." he sighed and sat down on the bench. i didn't join him. "I'm apart of the mafia." i stopped breathing. "that guy you just killed was one who's been trying to kill me for months now. never got the chance and i guess took you for a target." i then sit not feeling right to the stomach. "s-so your apart of the.. mafia?" i then looked at him in question. he nodded. i nodded and looked at the ground. he then ruffled his hair. "its weird. most people wouldn't know how to defend themselves like you did. most would coward and run or scream. but you stood up to him." he then looked at the dead person almost at the touch of his feet. "you murdered him." he then looked at me and smiled. "i knew i grew feelings for the right girl." i then lightly wipe my eyes and mumble. "were you watching this happen?" he hummed and nodded. "i was behind you. you just never noticed." i then looked at him. "and you just let that guy follow me and almost attack me!" he then chuckled at seeing me mad. "princesses i was watching nothing would have happened to you. even if he had laid a finger on you i would have been there." i then let a sigh and looked down at my feet. i then looked at him when i needed to ask him about the man following me. "and whos that guy that was following me? why was he following me." he facial expression changed almost imminently to a serious one. "what man?" i looked at him confused. "the guy who was running behind me when i was on my bicycle coming home from school." he then muttered a curse underneath his breath. "what did this man look like?" he started to get unsettled. "well i think he had a cut on his lip and a scar on his chin. but that's all i could catch out before i got away from him." he then got up and grabbed my hand pulling me up quite quickly. i then stood confused. "what are you.." he then shushed me. "we need to get out of here now." before i could question why he started running with me in his hand. i catched up to his speed when i was falling behind but was confused on where we were going. he then stopped and i let a couple breaths out. "where the heck are we going." he looked around and ignored my question. he went in front of a car and broke its window. i widen my eyes. he then opened the door from that side opened my door. as a instinct i went in. he shut the door for me and started with the wires. i was breathing heavily. "jimin what the hell! this isnt your car!" he then looked at me which made me fall silent. his look changed. it was a serious mixed too a 'shut your mouth' look. "if you don't like it then why did you get into the car." i fell silent as his voice changed into a command more then a question. he then looked back to the road and sighed. "ill explain everything once i get you somewhere safe. but if he see's that you killed one of his men. were all dead." i stayed quiet but thought about the word 'he' who was 'he' i thought abit not noticing. the jimin had pieces of glass in his hand from breaking the window. i then looked at his hand and widen my eyes. " oh my god. jagi are you okay?" i asked looked at his hand. he changed his dark look into a slight blush. even i could tell. "i-I'm fine. l-let's just hurry and get you somewhere that no one can find us." i slightly sighed and nodded. he continued driving. the more he drove, the farther we got away from everything the less familer it was to me. soon he stopped at a shack. i was so confused at everything that shack was one of the less things i was worried about. he took of his seat belt and looked around the place. he then looked at me. "don't scream." he took out a knife and pointed it close to me. i widen my eyes. "trust me." the was the last thing i heard before he thrusted the knife into the seat cushion behind me. i was hyperventilating. "what the.." before i finished he took something out from the back of the cushion and gave it to me. i widen my eyes. it was a bag of weed. "w-where the hell did you get that! "he sighed and gave me that annoyed stare. "stop fucking asking questions and put this in your panties." i widen my eyes and holded onto them to my body. "what the hell, no!" he then got inpatient i could tell and opened my skirt and put it flat in the inside of my panties. he looks at them and smirks. "nice laced panties you got there." i push my skirt down and blush while looking out the window. he chuckled and then looked in front of him. "now were going inside that shack there. and if you see anything or any movement tell me imdiantly. understand?" i felt like i was in boot camp. i nodded slightly. he then smirked and looked at me. "good. now lets move." his expression changed back too serious. we both get out the car. my legs were shaking. i felt like i was gonna give up at any second now. jimin walked to me and grabbed my hand. not tight but enough to know he was putting pressure on my hand. we both walked to the shack. it was dirty and old. it looked very uncomfortable for two people to be in. as we walked i didn't notice someone was watching us. jimin was called by someone on his watch. " jimin sir we got two men at the watch of the entrance. be careful not to interrupt any bombs. you know they like to run fast while killing slowly." "got it yoongi." yoongi? that name sounded familiar. but from where? and what about the bombs? running fast but killing slowly? i thought it did the opposite? jimin then stopped and looked at me as i grew an even more confused look. "go on my back. we don't need you stepping on any bombs." we? i nod and go on his back. he carry's me with no sign of even like he lifted a pound. he walked slowly and carefully. i then see something in the woods. "umm..." before i could speak it ran towards us quickly. i couldn't see where it was going. i screamed and jimin noticed and almost out of instinct slaughtered the beast. i was almost out of breath when there was another one this one faster then before. but jimin got him again while me being on his back. i was shaking on his back. "what the hell is wrong with him." i lightly whispered so he couldn't hear. he stopped walking and cursed. "where the fuck is the last one." i was confused. last one? at that i heard fast movement and almost out of nowhere i kicked my foot out to the creature. it sent him flying back while being dead almost completely. his mouth was bleeding and his chest was now wide open. i then covered my eyes on jimins shoulder and see him smile. he patted my butt a little which made me blush. " you did good babygirl. you did good." he walked and we finally made it to the shack. i got of him trembling. he holded onto my hand while then talking into his watch with someone. "open the door. "all of a sudden the door opened. it was just a normal shack. he then went inside and pulled a hatchet down. there was an underground stairwell. he looked at me as i just stood surprised. "aren't you coming?" i nodded softly and walked with him down the stairwell. the hatchet closed behind us. as i looked i noticed it was a hidden place deep under the ground. i looked around as everything looked unusual. jimin came to me really close to my face. his hot breath was intertwined with my throat. he then put his hand down my skirt and grabed the weed. he then let his finger roam where i widen my eyes and pulled his hand out with the weed. he smirked and kissed my forehead. he then walked to a man at the computer. what the hell is wrong with him. he acts like an angel one minute and then a demon later. i looked around and kept my hands behind my back. i was still super confuddled about everything. i then felt a hand on my shoulder. my reflex's were abit to quick to judge which was bad since i kinda grabbed the person hand and twisted it behind his back. they yelped in pain. i then let go realizing who it was. "j-jungkook?" he looked at me with anger in his eyes. he then came close to me. "if it weren't for the fact that you were the bosses girlfriend i would have killed you." a man behind pulled him back. "calm down jungkook. she's our friend. don't treat her like that." i was kinda intimidated. jungkook rolled his eyes while stretching his now twisted arm. i then looked at the guy which was namjoon. i widen my eyes and see him smile. "hello young. were glad to see you." i lightly bowed. "h-hello." he then rubbed my head and came closer to me. "don't be so nervous. we know each other so you act normal" i slightly clear my throat and nod. i then hear hard footsteps behind me. the person put there arm around me. "i see you met my girlfriend already." namjoon took a step back and nodded. "she must like you a lot to still be with you even after you told her about being in the mafia." he smiled and then looked at jungkook with a raised eyebrow. "and you. why do you threaten her?" he asked while taking a step foreword while slowly taking his arm away from my shoulder. jungkook looked at me with a scoff. "your girlfriend almost fucking twisted my arm off." jimin then grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him to a wall. i gasped abit. namjoon pulled me back while keeping an arm around me. "learn your manners when your fucking speaking to your boss. unless you want me too twist off your arm for her. understood!" he groaned abit as he was right against the wall. "yes i understand." he then lets go and jungkook falls to the ground. "okay then. get back to work." he got up and walked to down to a room. it was a dark one. he then closed it while glaring a peak at me. i looked at jimin scared he had done that to one of his friends from school. he came closer to me and namjoon took his arm off me. he looked at namjoon. "go tell the other men to get ready for our next plan. i need a lot of men for this one." he nodded and went to go tell them. he then looked at me. i was quaking of fear. i didn't know how fast i have lost every thing i knew about jimin. everything i thought i knew about him was wrong. everything. but the scariest part was he knew i did. he looked at me seriously. "and you control your self around my men. i don't need them fucking up this plan." i nodded and felt my heart pound loudly. he then sighed and moved close to me. "go up to our room. taehyung will show you." our room? all of a sudden taehyung popped out from behind him. "Hi young!!" he said while smiling. i lightly smile and bow. "hi taehyung." i said lightly. he then grabbed my hand. "lets go. ill show you too your new room." i hummed and nodded. he pulled me away upstairs to a room that was almost the size of a hotel. in fact IT WAS! the room had a kitchen on the side a bathroom a closet a room where you wash clothes, the living room, the bedroom and a freaking gaming room! i stood amazed at the whole entire state of it. taehyung chuckle lightly. "this is your new home." i then looked at him confused. "home? what no. I'm going back to my house. with my parents." taehyung sighed and closed the door behind him. "look young. we all know how weird it is for you to be moving into here without explanation. but we just need you here for safety measures. when were sure your safe and you still want to go home you can go if you want." i then sighed and looked at him still confused. "what about my parents? wouldn't they get worried? and my stuff." taehyung sighed and rubbed my head. "don't worry little one. we made your parents believe you were kidnapped and if they said one thing to the police we would kill you." i then moved back. he smiled gently and grabbed my hand. "its okay we only said that to distract them." i nodded unsure. "and your stuff... well i don't know. i think jimin might either have them transferred from the Segway station." i hummed and nodded not taking any sense of it but feeling too tired from today to question it. "well may i ask one more question?" he hummed and nodded while letting his arms fall to his side. "a-are y-you guys g-gonna h-hurt me?" he then let his smile down. he shaked his head in a polite way and holded my hand. "ill give you almost five reasons why we wouldn't and couldn't. one because jimin would fucking murder us and our family's. two because your our friend and we care about you. three because i saw what you did to jungkook the second best fighter in the group and i think a lot of us would be afraid to touch you now." i then looked down abit. "well could you tell him I'm sorry. i don't think he likes me." he then chuckles abit. "jungkook doesn't like anyone who's better then him. just let the dickhead be." i nodded slowly. "well anyways should i continue." i looked up at him and gently giggle. "no thank you oppa i think i got the message." he chuckled and nodded. "ill come up here around 8 for dinner. you just rest." i smiled and nodded. "thank you." he smiled and nodded. he opened the door and waved to me before closing it. i smiled and then turned back to the apartment sized room. "well... i guess this is my new temporary home." i whispered. i explore around the rooms. the apartment was better then i expected it to be. i thought it would be run down and dirty but of course since there in mafia, they get lots of money for drugs. what was i even expecting. wait what am i even thinking! there in the mafia for god sakes. what if they kill me! oh god what if i die in this beautiful place! no wait. calm down. taehyung said they wouldn't hurt you because jimin would kill them. WAIT what if he is saying that to them so then later he can... KILL ME. i then just sat on the kitchen stool overthinking everything like always. i then saw the door open and then close shut. i got startled at the bang. i looked to see jimin. he was holding a bag of cocaine. he looked at me and walked up to me. i started to pick out the bruises and marks on his face. everything was making sense now. the bruise on his cheek that day. it must of been something that had happened here. as i was just dozing off jimin snapped his fingers in front of my face. "pay attention when I'm speaking." i then bite my anger down. remember he's a mafia leader. he can kill you. i just nodded keeping the anger down. he then looked deep into my eyes. his gaze grew soft. he then grabbed my hands into his. his hand was still cut and bruised but for the most part the glass was at least gone. "young i know your probably so confused right now with a million of questions. but i need you to rest for abit. i promise you when we have dinner together ill answer all of your questions." i sighed and nodded. he then smiled and lightly planted a kiss on the top of my head. "Now go." he helped me get out my seat to the bedroom. i thanked him and see the room was big. it was a master bedroom. he then lets me lay on the bed. "have a good rest babygirl." i blushed lightly. "thank you jagi." he smiled gently and dimmed the lights and closed the door as he left. i fell into a good resting nap after that.

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