chapter 4 (21+)

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   days passed and I've been locked in my room. my moms funeral was gonna be held at the memorial street avenue but i never went. i was too ashamed too show my face. i let my mother die. i let her get abused. jimin had left for the killing plan and left me with taehyung and hoseok for guarding. as well was the men protecting us.

      i was in my room making myself think more and more about my mothers death making me angry at myself. i get a phone call inturppteing my thoughts. i grabbed my phone and answered it. "hello?" i asked while slightly rubbing my eyes. "hey young. i just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the movies." i hummed abit and then tried being open minded.

      "yeah sure" i said trying to clear my mind from things. maybe this would help i thought. "okay, ill pick you up now if that's okay." i then hesitated. "umm its fine. ill drive there. but thank you." he hummed." okay. ill see you there then." i hanged up and then sighed while getting changed. i go to the door and open it going downstairs. i then remembered i needed to tell hoseok and taehyung where i was going. 

       i go to there room and opened. it was just hoseok who was shirtless and just on the bed on his phone. I've seen them more then once shirtless so it didn't really bother either of us. "oppa I'm leaving. I'm going to hang out with a friend." hoseok turns to me and shaked his head. "jimins not gonna like this young." i sighed and went to him while sitting on the side of the bed. "oppa please. don't tell him. i just want to get out of the house for awhile."

       he hummed and then sighed. "fine but if jimin shots me dead when he finds out i let you outside by yourself its not my fault its taehyungs." i giggled and nodded. "thank you!" i then get up but he stops me. "take the alerting watch to notify all the of us if your in danger." i sighed and nodded. i grabbed it slowly. the machine looked like a clock but had a red button on the side of it. i thanked him and bowed politely while then closing the door slowly.

                                                                     hoseoks Pov

   i sighed and put on my shoes and out on a shirt while secretly following young and calling jimin. he answered. "what the fuck do you need hoseok?" he asked while looking annoyed. i kept my eye on young as she walked into jimins car he uses by himself. "young is leaving right now. should i trust her to go by herself?"

      jimin widen his eyes and looked at the camera. "if i fucking find out one finger touch my baby girl hoseok, i will slaughter you. what the fuck do you mean, of course!" i nodded getting the signal. i  go to my car as she pulled out. jimin then whispered abit. "hyung i have to talk to you later. report to me if anything happens." i nodded and he ended the call. i then followed young behind her.

     soon after a long boring ride of following her. she stopped in front of the movie theaters. "what's she doing here?" i asked confused. when she got out of her car she just sighed. i watched her force her to move her feet up lifelessly. she walked inside the theater and i sneaked in through the back. i finally entered from a back entrance to see her sitting with that new kid jung woo. jimin is going to freak. 

      i need a closer look. i moved closer behind them. young sat a seat apart from him. i smiled and nodded making sure she was not getting touched. the movie started and i got distracted but quickly focused back to young and him. they were just eating popcorn and watching the movie. jung woo was acting weird though.

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